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The Mourinho Thread


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Money is key to our success. I wish it wasn't like that, but it is.

We need quality players in key positions and we're probably going to need to buy them. There's a reason there's a whole section dedicated to transfers on every single football forum.

So we shouldn't use young players and we shouldn't talk so much about money. Where are we getting these new players from then?

Is there a part of Stamford Bridge they we've all collectively forgotten about which contains world-class footballers. Would you like me to check in the toilet stalls next time I go, or maybe put up a few posters to raise awareness or this careless mistake?

Because you'll never win anything with kids (despite us having plenty of experience throughout the squad).

So from moaning about us talking about money and not relying on inexperienced youths, you actually concede that keeping a 19 year old striker who could cost up to £18 million 'is a plan'?

We should have gotten someone else....so in this case money was the key and we should've bought a new one?

You didn't understand me. I think there's always overreaction. It's one thing to say we need a couple of key players - whether they come from the youth or we sign new - it's other thing to say Cole, Lamps, Iva, Cahill, Luiz, Mikel, Essien, Etoo, Cech, Torres, Ba are all trash. Some of them are needed. I think we have a chronic problem with strikers, but wanting to offload all those players? Check previous posts here and in the match thread and you'll see all those names mentioned there. Some added Mata and KdB too. All of which we should get rid of... I'm like :blink: Do people actually believe we can simply replace 7-8 players and it'll work? hence why I said it seems like a videogame thing...

I also said there were a lot of relevant points in both 'sides' when it comes to Mourinho and the board. I'll mention a few to make it clear. We need an additional CM, if they want to loan a guy, promote someone from you or just sign someone, I don't care. The plan was to have van Ginkel to start taking responsibilities. It failed. our attack force is laughable. We need a reliable striker to pay off the amazing AMs we have. That's about it imo. We could use another squad member in defense, but it's not that alarming imo... Other relevant points: Mourinho seems to have lost control over some things. The team regresses and he says we played well, the players had the right attitude when it didn't happen. I don't know if he's in denial, if he's lost it or if he's telling a different story to the players. The players need to put their heart in the matches, otherwise it won't happen.

I never meant it that we shouldn't get new players (from youth or market), but it's one thing to suggest a couple of players and it's another to think half of our squad is done, trash and should be showed the exit door.

My comment about the youth isn't that it shouldn't be done, but how the poor kids will be exposed to this demanding behavior from Chelsea fans (on internet, the support that actually goes to the stadium seems much more patient). So thinking about the kids being called names when mistakes come, I think they better stay there to grow a thicker skin, not that they shouldn't be promoted.

Sorry for the ambiguity, I guess now it's clarified?

Totally agree that patience and support is important.

But if we are being patience and support the current manager then it begs to ask the question whey didn't we do it with the others?

This whole season so far has mask the truth that Mourinho ain't way above a AVB, Benitez, RDM, Carlo and such.

In fact AVB said it good when he was at Porto. They thought he was a good coach for the run he had but he said it was because he had good players. Which was true as that Porto had amazing player.

And that one day he would have not so great players and he would be the "Shit One"

I've never trusted any of the previous managers since he's left except Carlo to some extent. Everyone else doesn't seem that good imo.

It seems like Roman approached Mourinho with a different idea. It seems based on Mourinho's first interview that Roman is willing to build some legacy and he knows it comes with time. So I guess it's a new philosophy in the club?

Anyway, I suppose he's one of the few I'd give chances. I like few managers to be honest, so maybe I'm not the best person to answer that question anyway :P

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I hink we need to break the bank and get a good striker I just would hope they would continue to be good. RVP transcended well to UTd but we don't want to spend alot and they get the striker jinx and suddenly be pish. I remember how good Torres was at Liverpool.

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If Jose thinks we've been playing "amazing" football this season than he needs to watch City, Liverpool, Arsenal, Everton and Southampton play.

Last few years we've bought god knows how many attacking players, spending 100 million+, and Jose thinks we may need to go more defensive... give me a break.

I'm calling it here first, Schurrle as a false number nine against Arsenal. The bus is coming back lads.

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Jose don't know how to play pressing football. While he is a master at defensive football, which is not necessary a bad thing but really not enough at a club like Chelsea. The only time his team play pressing football is when he had Ronaldo, Ozil and all those attacking players at Madrid, playing against crappy BBVA sides weekly. Or he only play attacking football against top teams when his team MUST SCORE like the 2nd leg of Semi final each year. Argue all you like but you know this is the truth, keeping the ball for the majority of the game DOES NOT EQUAL PRESSING JOSE. Maybe he believes those 2 things are the same which is why he believed our performance last night was 'amazing'.

Master mind at pressing football atm? Ancelotti, Klopp, Guardiola, Wenger, Rodger, Pellegrini, Martino(well he got Barca but still) and it is not a coincidence that all of these sides are among top 10 goal scoring teams in Europe atm. See the amazing magic of pressing?

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Yes, i think because he is making the three AM's do to much defensive work , that it's effecting them going forward! they were banging in the goals last season.

Can't imagine the bloodshed we would have endured if that wasn't the case.

Our AM still creates a hell of a lot of chances but we certainly lack finesse and killer instinct from our strikers which would have made all the difference.

We usually win when our strikers have a good game but it doesn't happen with the midfielders. Willian was really positive yesterday and we still lost.

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I'm calling it here first, Schurrle as a false number nine against Arsenal. The bus is coming back lads.

Parking the bus with the state of this defence at the moment is an absolute deathwish.

Arsenal even decided to park the bus at Old Trafford and they were well beaten in all honesty. I hope José realises being negative won't help.

The only way we're getting anything out of the game is by attacking them. Their defence isn't great once you get at them e.g. City. Schurrle, Willian, Hazard can do serious damage on the counter. Hopefully that's what José goes for instead.

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Jose don't know how to play pressing football. While he is a master at defensive football, which is not necessary a bad thing but really not enough at a club like Chelsea. The only time his team play pressing football is when he had Ronaldo, Ozil and all those attacking players at Madrid, playing against crappy BBVA sides weekly. Or he only play attacking football against top teams when his team MUST SCORE like the 2nd leg of Semi final each year. Argue all you like but you know this is the truth, keeping the ball for the majority of the game DOES NOT EQUAL PRESSING JOSE. Maybe he believes those 2 things are the same which is why he believed our performance last night was 'amazing'.

Master mind at pressing football atm? Ancelotti, Klopp, Guardiola, Wenger, Rodger, Pellegrini, Martino(well he got Barca but still) and it is not a coincidence that all of these sides are among top 10 goal scoring teams in Europe atm. See the amazing magic of pressing?

Yea, we're difinitely great at defending :rolleyes:

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Ouuuu give me a break,what you guys think that we will play amazing football immediately after Jose takes us? Chelsea had many problems since he left us,he doesn't have magic wand to clear all of our problems in less than 5 months.Team builds for months,seasons...Just look at Bayern,Borrusia,Liverpool.

For God sake I need 3 months to correct all my math grades.Ok that's because I'm a little silly for math but still,just think about it.I'm sure that we will be just better and better.

And when you questioning Jose just think about MAN.UTD and their fans

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Jose don't know how to play pressing football. While he is a master at defensive football, which is not necessary a bad thing but really not enough at a club like Chelsea. The only time his team play pressing football is when he had Ronaldo, Ozil and all those attacking players at Madrid, playing against crappy BBVA sides weekly. Or he only play attacking football against top teams when his team MUST SCORE like the 2nd leg of Semi final each year. Argue all you like but you know this is the truth, keeping the ball for the majority of the game DOES NOT EQUAL PRESSING JOSE. Maybe he believes those 2 things are the same which is why he believed our performance last night was 'amazing'.

Master mind at pressing football atm? Ancelotti, Klopp, Guardiola, Wenger, Rodger, Pellegrini, Martino(well he got Barca but still) and it is not a coincidence that all of these sides are among top 10 goal scoring teams in Europe atm. See the amazing magic of pressing?

Defensive football is the way to go.

I know it's pretty obvious that if we are sold at the back and not concede, we can't lose. With the sort of attacking talent in the side, we are bound to nick one in on the counter. Defense is not always about parking the bus and no one knows it better than Mour.

Easier said than done, though.

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Ouuuu give me a break,what you guys think that we will play amazing football immediately after Jose takes us? Chelsea had many problems since he left us,he doesn't have magic wand to clear all of our problems in less than 5 months.Team builds for months,seasons...Just look at Bayern,Borrusia,Liverpool.

For God sake I need 3 months to correct all my math grades.Ok that's because I'm a little silly for math but still,just think about it.I'm sure that we will be just better and better.

And when you questioning Jose just think about MAN.UTD and their fans

I agree.

Still we can criticise him, his selections, his style of play etc. ...

We cant just say nothing because he's building a team around here.

Just shouldn't say shit like "Jose should be sucked", thats just stupid ..

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Yea, we're difinitely great at defending :rolleyes:

That is the point, he is TRYING TO MOVE TO ATTACKING STYLE as he even admitted himself, but he just doesn't know how to do it so now he is threatening to go back to his famous old style as he said yesterday

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Defensive football is the way to go.

I know it's pretty obvious that if we are sold at the back and not concede, we can't lose. With the sort of attacking talent in the side, we are bound to nick one in on the counter. Defense is not always about parking the bus and no one knows it better than Mour.

Easier said than done, though.

The problem is we can let in 3 goals every match for all I care as long as we score 6 like City did. But here we score 1-2 at best and let in around the same, sometime more like against Stoke and end up drawing/losing. So Jose only have 1 choice imo, either make us play all out attack like City or at least find a right balance enough for us to win around 2-0, 3-1...etc most of the game but not just 1-0 then just park it around for the rest of the time like we often did during his 1st spell.

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Defensive football is the way to go.

I know it's pretty obvious that if we are sold at the back and not concede, we can't lose. With the sort of attacking talent in the side, we are bound to nick one in on the counter. Defense is not always about parking the bus and no one knows it better than Mour.

Easier said than done, though.

Nail, head.

I would love the sort of defensive consistency of 04-10 to return eventually. Consistent defense means consistent results, it's as simple as that.

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I agree.

Still we can criticise him, his selections, his style of play etc. ...

We cant just say nothing because he's building a team around here.

Just shouldn't say shit like "Jose should be sucked", thats just stupid ..

Of course we can criticise him and his selections but we need to know that this is all new for him.He was in Italy and Spain last 5 years I think,ever since we have new squad with so much new players,stuff,many things changed...Obviously he is trying to find first team and trying to change some things.I'm sure every manager,every person from this forum would made the same thing.But it takes time.So give the man some time,don't judge him so easy,we're still in the running for the most important trophies and and through the race the game will be just better ;)

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Come on guys, we have gone past the point where we defend to death to win trophies, we have won everything there is to win from CL, BPL to Capital One cup. What we want to do now IS WATCHING BEAUTIFUL FOOTBALL THAT GET US MORE TROPHIES. You guys want us to 1-0 our way to another CL win? Don't you feel ashamed that our team got DOMINATED? and in football term, undeservedly winning the trophy.

That is not the reason we sign all these young attacking players, that is not the reason Roman wants Jose back alone, that is not what we want. If we want to be seen as the best team in the world THEN START PLAYING BEST FOOTBALL IN THE WORLD. If Jose is one of the greatest manager in football history(which based on his record he is) then WHY CAN'T HE DO IT? WHY? WHY CAN PEP DO IT?

You can't even complain about the players anymore, it is not like we got Malouda walking around the wing or Kalouless starting on the right. We got Eden Hazard, we got Mata, we got Oscar. Top 10 players in their positions in the world.

The standard here is high, the players and whoever the manager is know it. You get pay the best wages in football at Chelsea, then why can't you perform like the best players?

THE WIN AT ALL COST TIME IS OVER. We needed that to make our claim in world football, now we have done that we need to consolidate it.

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