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    • So they got someone as bad as him but cheaper, masterstroke.
    • Chelsea were in negotiations for Hermansen, the prefered choice, but walked away over a £40m price tag. (@bolddk - Danish outlet)
    • How about Swaziland? Used to be called that.
    • First time I heard about country Eswatini. 
    • Opening ceremony was entertaining enough. Celine killed it in the end. What a voice!
    • Other FAs need to develop their own talent and stop running after kids born in other countries too.   Jamaica is full of talent they could cultivate, why are they running after a 30+ year old Antonio? He got them some nice wins, but never going to be enough to do much with that. You cant get to a world cup with that kind of mess, even in a weak confederation like ours. Which is nuts because if you visit Jamaica, every other block, is full of kids kicking a ball around. The potential is
    • For me, the pre Clearlake success ratio is frankly fairly normal at this level. After all this is supposed to be the Elite, and not everyone makes it -- even good players may not. Now, I honestly see a single disappointment of over 25 signing during the Clearlake regime: Sterling. The others were just over-the-hill, free, Loans. Disasi just a bad signing from the get-go -- nobody rated him and he does not even look the part (heavy). Goalies should not count given that you can count in one
    • Eh, from what I’ve watched on YT he looks like a very decent footballer and an absolute handful for defenders due to his huge size. He’s just raw still much like the other big #9 we were after earlier, Duran. These guys certainly look like they can eventually develop into beasts in a couple of years but we’ve already got Jackson and now Guiu who need to develop. We don’t need a 3rd striker like this.  
    • This has always been my argument its ridiculous to expect someone to be obligated to support their parent's country and not the one in which they were born and raised
    • Samu sucks and is a shit footballer, anyone who thinks he is a future superstar needs to be in jail.
    • 🚨Breaking News🚨 Chelsea are finalising Jorgensen deal tonight, total package of £21m. Petrovic, expected to leave. Jorgensen vs Sanchez fight for number one spot. (@FabrizioRomano)
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