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The Mourinho Thread


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Well he stopped fighting & people were complaining saying it was show boating that he walks aways from opponents after knocking them out. He does this with everyone. He knocks 'em out & stop fighting. It's MMA, you are supposed to stop fighting when the ref stops the fight. Hunt doesn't do this, but in most cases he is right. The fight is over & no reason to keep on fighting. In MMA people keep on fighting, even if their opponent is down. It's like they want their opponent to take a blow in the after life. Here is an example:


I am sure that fighter didn't feel those last 3 blows cause he was already KTFO. Jose just knows when it's over.

No disrespect but I think your analogy isn't comparable whatsoever.

Jose knows when it's over - who the hell doesn't? - but that doesn't mean he needs to leave early.

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OMG!!!!! Are you guys comparing someone that ISN'T playing, that leaves the dugout a couple of minutes before a match his team already won to a boxer abandoning a round? Sorry, but that's the most stupid thing I've ever read here.

Pep frigging Guardiola - who I despise - could make it and I wouldn't mind... I've seen MANY managers do it before. It has nothing to do with bias, with him being our manager. And please, say another fucking bullshit because saying 'Mourinho is God' towards others is also tiresome. If I had a pound every time I read this here, I'd be probably as rich as Mourinho....

So Lambert couldn't shake a hand otherwise he would miss something so important in the game that he would influence and Mourinho is in the wrong.

The more time I spend on this forum, the harder it becomes to come back... someday I just won't anymore.

I'll go to the Hazard thread now. I'll complain about the kind of underwear he wears... at least is something I think nobody moaned before.

When we win convincingly like we did this weekend the forum is very slow, until a new moaning reason comes around. When we draw (I'm wondering how this will look like the next time we lose a match) against a team that is arguably stronger than ours, people will moan saying we're coward (I even used this word, but I don't see much wrong with the approach we used). Moaning, moaning, moaning, moaning, moaning.

There are other ways/reasons way funnier to moan...

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OMG!!!!! Are you guys comparing someone that ISN'T playing, that leaves the dugout a couple of minutes before a match his team already won to a boxer abandoning a round? Sorry, but that's the most stupid thing I've ever read here.

Pep frigging Guardiola - who I despite - could make it and I wouldn't mind... I've seen MANY managers do it before. It has nothing to do with bias, with him being our manager.

So Lambert couldn't shake a hand otherwise he would miss something so important in the game that he would influence and Mourinho is in the wrong.

The more time I spend on this forum, the harder it becomes to come back... someday I just won't anymore.

You trivialise Lambert's reason for not shaking Mourinho's hand and the make excuses for Mourinho ("well other people do it too!" being the worst). Someday I won't bother with this forum as well. The cult of Mourinho makes this place unbearable at times.

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OMG!!!!! Are you guys comparing someone that ISN'T playing, that leaves the dugout a couple of minutes before a match his team already won to a boxer abandoning a round? Sorry, but that's the most stupid thing I've ever read here.

Pep frigging Guardiola - who I despise - could make it and I wouldn't mind... I've seen MANY managers do it before. It has nothing to do with bias, with him being our manager. And please, say another fucking bullshit because saying 'Mourinho is God' towards others is also tiresome. If I had a pound every time I read this here, I'd be probably as rich as Mourinho....

So Lambert couldn't shake a hand otherwise he would miss something so important in the game that he would influence and Mourinho is in the wrong.

The more time I spend on this forum, the harder it becomes to come back... someday I just won't anymore.

I'll go to the Hazard thread now. I'll complain about the kind of underwear he wears... at least is something I think nobody moaned before.

When we win convincingly like we did this weekend the forum is very slow, until a new moaning reason comes around. When we draw (I'm wondering how this will look like the next time we lose a match) against a team that is arguably stronger than ours, people will moan saying we're coward (I even used this word, but I don't see much wrong with the approach we used). Moaning, moaning, moaning, moaning, moaning.

There are other ways/reasons way funnier to moan...

That's the kind of overreaction that makes me believe that for some people Mourinho is God. Someone just said that, from his point of view, it's disrespectful to leave before the end of the game and you start complaining about how it's harder to come back on this forum and threating that you won't do it anymore one day.

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Imagine if it was Manchester United / City / Arsenal / Liverpool / West Ham / You name it's manager doing that. It's disrespectful. Stop being so biased. Some of you seem to believe that Mourinho is God. Well, he is not and he does wrong things sometimes. Wanting to shake hands before the end of the game (only when he's winning) is wrong and disprespectful, in my opinion, because when you're losing it's annoying to see the other manager coming to you like that. At the end of the game, it's something else. You know that it's over and you are over it.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

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You trivialise Lambert's reason for not shaking Mourinho's hand and the make excuses for Mourinho ("well other people do it too!" being the worst). Someday I won't bother with this forum as well. The cult of Mourinho makes this place unbearable at times.

It works both ways, I have seen Liverpool fans show Hodgson more respect than a few select members (not you mate) here show the club's best ever manager.

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(1) I personally think it's pretty disrespectful myself because Jose doesn't do the same when we lose or draw, if he was consistent then I don't think it will be an issue. I've also heard commentators criticizing him for doing that. I can see how it might be deemed disrespectful from a neutral perspective when your team is getting trashed and the opposition manager wants to shake hands early and leave. It's unnecessary.

(2) Yes, the media is also going to have a massive moan about something that wasn't even picked up by the camera because it's Mourinho. They sensationalize much less, so it's to be expected. In a different country with a different culture, this wouldn't even be a big deal, as Barbara rightly said.

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I wonder why he never leaves early when we are losing or drawing a game. I totally agree with you. It's disrespectful and unnecessary.

Actually, I remember seeing Jose leave 1 or 2 games early at Real Madrid during extra time when he was losing for more than 1 goal. It's just that that almost never happens so it's a rare sight. I actually remember seeing that more than once when he was losing to Barcelona.

The game is over. There is nothing left to see. At the end of the game, you can either be a sensitive little bitch about it or take it like a man, go home and do a better job next time.

In this video of the Euro final where Spain beat Italy 4-0, Casillas asks the referee to have respect for Italy and end the game during extra time because the result was 4-0. According to your logic, this was disrespectful to Italy because the game was not over yet.

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It works both ways, I have seen Liverpool fans show Hodgson more respect than a few select members (not you mate) here show the club's best ever manager.

I think those guys are nothing but trolls who shouldn't be taken seriously. I may or may not have said some pretty harsh stuff about Mourinho before (tactics mainly, I think :Goober: ), but on the whole I'd say I'm balanced; I give him and every Chelsea player/manager etc both praise and criticism when I think it's due.

I will, however, never understand the 'Mourinho is always right and can do no wrong' camp. Get a grip, man. It's as if anything that even resembles a slight difference in opinion gets shouted down.

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That's the kind of overreaction that makes me believe that for some people Mourinho is God. Someone just said that, from his point of view, it's disrespectful to leave before the end of the game and you start complaining about how it's harder to come back on this forum and threating that you won't do it anymore one day.

Mourinho isn't a God, you think I consider him that. Some people may not be fools, but I consider them just that. See the similarity? You're making an assumption, I'm making another.

He isn't a God, he's doing nothing wrong. In Brazil many managers don't even greet each other. I can't be arsed or bothered by something so small. But you can.

Have fun moaning ... I'll have mine watching the team play or analyzing it.

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Mourinho isn't a God, you think I consider him that. Some people may not be fools, but I consider them just that. See the similarity? You're making an assumption, I'm making another.

He isn't a God, he's doing nothing wrong. In Brazil many managers don't even greet each other. I can't be arsed or bothered by something so small. But you can.

Have fun moaning ... I'll have mine watching the team play or analyzing it.

In Brazil, a referee got murdered on the field one year ago, so I don't think that bringing the Brazilian example is a smart thing to do in this situation (no disrespect to the Brazilians).

I'm not the one who threatened to leave the forum because there are people with a different opinion than mine, so I don't know who's the one 'arsed or bothered'.

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Actually, I remember seeing Jose leave 1 or 2 games early at Real Madrid during extra time when he was losing for more than 1 goal. It's just that that almost never happens so it's a rare sight. I actually remember seeing that more than once when he was losing to Barcelona.

The game is over. There is nothing left to see. At the end of the game, you can either be a sensitive little bitch about it or take it like a man, go home and do a better job next time.

In this video of the Euro final where Spain beat Italy 4-0, Casillas asks the referee to have respect for Italy and end the game during extra time because the result was 4-0. According to your logic, this was disrespectful to Italy because the game was not over yet.

Let me ask you this, would it kill him or hurt him to wait just a few seconds longer until the game is officially over like majority of managers do?. What's the point of leaving early. . . . it must be to ensure his bubble bath doesn't get cold :rolleyes:

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In Brazil, a referee got murdered on the field one year ago, so I don't think that bringing the Brazilian example is a smart thing to do in this situation (no disrespect to the Brazilians).

I'm not the one who threatened to leave the forum because there are people with a different opinion than mine, so I don't know who's the one 'arsed or bothered'.

Was he? Didn't know about it. Just because something bad happened here, it doesn't mean I couldn't use this as an example. Please, grow up. Something bad happen every day in every frigging country in the world, but only children would use that to stop an argument.

I'm not getting tired of the forum because of disagreements, but because the moaning is unbearable. I'm a positive person, I like to read intelligent, insightful or at least funny things. Sorry if I'm bothered by negativism, by spoiled children and Debbie Downers. Not to say the stupid posts.

The same comparison between Hazard and every single soul to have played football is tiresome. Dissecting Mourino's every move to moan about him is tiresome. Labeling people Mourinho's worshipers is tiresome. Hating on Frank Lampard is tiresome. Being hateful/impacient towards our young players is tiresome. Wanting to replace our team as if this was Fantasy Football or FIFA is tiresome. Wanting every player rated 85+ on FIFA is tiresome.

Everyone is entitled to have their opinion, doesn't mean I have to be bothered to read the same repetitive moaning bullshit over and over and over and over and over and over again. Got it now?

Last year Mourinho ignored a manager - don't remember who - I've criticized him hard for that because he's an ambassador for this club. He represents us and disregarding someone that came to greet you is disrespectful and something a manager shouldn't do. There's no mistake on my part about how human he is. It doesn't mean I have no nitpick everything he does and put it under the microscope so I can moan when there's nothing else except a 10-day old match to complain.

We won convincingly against Villa, we're still 5 points clear our biggest rival in the title's race, but people are still regurgitating about his 'coward' tactics that could win us the title. Now we're onto how disrespectful he is for doing something he's been doing for years. He's said it many times: when the players do their job and win a title or just have a great match he leaves them to receive the praise from the support. If he's arrogant doing that, it's our opinion, but that's the reason he gave in the past.

Like the other member said above, it's true, he's left matches he was hopelessly losing too. One of those TERRIBLE first halves we had last season he went off to the dressing room a few minutes early, looking very pissed and later on players said he was harsh in the conversation he had with them.

But hey, we're top of the league, he didn't play defensively this week, we actually were able to break a solid defense, he didn't pick up fights with any managers, our team won convincingly. Great time to pick whatever little detail and talk shit about it for hours. Why spend time praising our manager for changing our identity, for making us win easily matches even against complicated opponents. Why praise our players for the flawless presentation. Why talk about our defense finally having a clean sheet again.

No, it's time to moan about something he's done 10892398439578 times before. why no one chose to moan each of those times is a mystery... or not. They probably had something 'better' to moan back then.

So to avoid becoming a moaner myself - even if I moan about the moaning, it's better to avoid the forum. I actually enjoy having mature, insightful, intelligent, coherent and reasonable conversations - even when I'm in the disagreement. To keep coming here to read the stuff I mentioned about is tiresome FOR ME. Do I still have a right to be bothered by it? Or I should just open my mouth and continued to be fed the same old shit over and over again?

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