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Frank Lampard


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Holy smokes, respect for this post

Frank's been good for Chelsea, Chelsea have been very good for Frank. All things end including his contract. I would like to see him get the record, I'd be just as glad to see Tambling keep hold of it and I would be delighted to see someone smash it. We should liek and respect our players and they us and the club.

This is the best club on the planet and players will inevitably come and go - the club is the most important part though. I think Frank has done his time and done it admirably but I fear next season would be a season too far and I would hate to see him fail in any way for his benefit but more importantly the club. He won't be forgotten and there might even be a job for him when he finishes his playing career elsewhere (hoped it might be Rangers but that won't happen) but he is just a small part of our lengthening and improving history

Are you Tambling in disguise!!! :D

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People may say he's past it, but it's not just what he does on the pitch. Lampard and John Terry are Chelsea through and through, they teach some of the overseas players about Chelsea, not forgetting they help out some younger members from the youth academy, they know all about the rivalries (Some players don't ) and they're basically fans themselves.. so why are we letting these players go?

Young Players like Mceachran, KDB, Bruma, Kalas etc would learn so much under the guidance of Lamps and Jt, not only in footballing terms but also help them settle in..

You can look at the small picture by saying Lampard' past it (which in my opinion is wrong) but why not try looking at the bigger picture? He's a leader, he's far from past it (this is not saying he's going to play week in week out, but he still has plenty to offer), and as i just said, he can help some of the younger players out, whether it's helping them settle in or just give them tips...

I honestly hope we give him a deal, do i think we will? No, but i guess we'll wait and see.

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It's not even about his age

Well when you do mention his (incorrect) age in the post then I think it's only fair to assume that it holds some significance to your reasoning, otherwise you surely wouldn't have have done so?

Our midfield is horrible.

I would have disagreed with that statement when we had to play a Mikel & Ramires partnership for the best part of the treacherous 2 months that led to the sacking of RDM & the instantaneous capitulation of our season that has followed - but when Lamps is in there, with an in form David Luiz - I would argue that it has the potential to be one of our most effective & fruitful partnerships in many years.

I don't think he's good enough to be starting material for Chelsea anymore
I don't think he's been Chelsea quality for two years now
but simply because that's what his quality warrants for a team like Chelsea
Like it or not, but if Lamps is still first choice next season in the pivot, that's not a good enough midfield
we'll need a top-class midfielder and that automatically relegates Lamps to a squad role

& yet he would walk into the starting line up of almost any other club in the world? Seems legit...

I mean mate, from the everything you are saying it seems overwhelmingly obvious that you must either really hate Lampard or severely lack in understanding of the game. Shit, is it both again?

Seriously though, the way you are speaking about him is rather astonishing for a supposed Chelsea fan. Simply put, your sole reasoning seems to be based off of the assumption that he is nothing more than a squad player which is based on your belief that he is not good enough.

Oh wait, no, that can't possibly be right...

People have to realize that the reason he's not getting offered a new contract is not because anyone thinks he's not good enough

So tell me something. Would you call Gerrard a 'top-class midfielder'? I certainly would, & Lamps more than matches him in that sense - somehow despite being 2 years older, he's maintained form & fitness far better. Would you call Modric a 'top-class midfielder'? Again, I would - but Lampard is 6 years his senior & yet there is no genuine case you can possibly put forward to propose that Modric is a better player based on current performance. So I guess two of the other best central midfielders in the world aren't good enough for you either then eh?

we can def find better footballers for Chelsea than current Lamps for the money we'll be paying him

This is probably one of the more ridiculous things contained within that post. But okay feel free to enlighten me - where exactly are we going to find a player that is better than Lampard at this current moment in time, let alone for less than 7.5 mil a year?

Seriously, do you even put any thought into the shit that you're saying? If he does end up leaving Chelsea this season, then United/Arsenal/Juve/Inter or whoever happens to sign him will be getting the absolute bargain of the century. & of the few players in the world who are actually within the realm of Lampard's capabilities - almost all of them are going to cost £20-30 mil+ in transfer fees alone, to go along with their 130-170K a week. Yer bro, that's definitely a way more economical option...

When logic seems to elude you entirely - that's what I call stupidity.

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In the end of the day when all is said a done... I will have Lampard 8 printed on my shirt for many seasons to come weather he stays or leaves simply because he is an absolute Legend in the eyes of every Chelsea fan.. and he has always given us 1000% and come up with the goods when it has mata'd. For all the amazing memories he has given me I will never forget, we will never forget..

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This is Stamford Bridge in 1998, three years before Frank Lampard signed.

Just trying to show some people that the club did exist before he came along, and it will exist after he's gone. We'll win titles after he's gone and will sign amazing new players and we'll even probably move from this stadium one day. But Lamps will go down as one of our greats and we'll tell stories of his exploits like our dads told us stories of Chopper Harris and Peter Osgood and Peter Bonetti.

But as time passes, things change. It's painful sometimes, but it's necessary for us to move on. The team that we were and what we are going to be are two different things and that means personnel will change. But the club will stay the same. The amount of tedious shit being written about us falling apart is absurd.

Now you're the one who's trying a little too hard mate... :rolleyes:

He is not just one of the greats - he is the greatest - & I will think myself extremely lucky to ever witness a player better than himself don a Chelsea shirt in my lifetime.

Maybe because you're an older sort of dude you think that the Lampard era is just like any other of those you've mentioned - but it's not, because at least a third of the most successful decade in our history can be directly attributed to his performance alone.

In fact, no one has made history at this club in the manner that he has done - as even wikipedia is able to display -

'A three-time Chelsea Player of the Year,Lampard is the club's second highest all-time goalscorer with 194 goals in all competitions. Lampard is one of five players, and the only midfielder, to have scored 150 or more goals in the Premier League. He is second in the Premier League's all-time assists table with 91 assists. He has had over 1400 successful passes and 10 or more assists every season. In 2005, Lampard was voted FWA Footballer of the Year and was runner-up in both the FIFA World Player of the Year and the Ballon d'Or. In 2010 he received the FWA Tribute Award. On 23 December 2009, he was named the Premier League's player of the decade by official statistics.'

Which is why I find it utterly perplexing that you don't seem to be able to grasp what an insurmountable loss it will be for this club when we are no longer able to call upon our trusty talisman when we need him most - it's not just for the unbeatable stats, it's for everything in between that the numbers don't show as well.

For me, I mean I'm a modern day fan - I've grown up with Lampard as my unequivocal footballing icon & hero. Having watched him week in week out since his humble early days at the club right up until this very moment, there is no way that you can possibly convince me that he isn't still one of the best midfielders in the world in 2013 at the age of 34. Certainly not after the way he played today.

The real flaw in your argument however is that you are constantly campaigning for a change in personnel, purely for the sake of change rather than for the actual necessity of an upgrade. It is just a ridiculous notion of yours to want a player of lesser ability & consistency to take the place of a player with indisputable ability & proven consistency - purely due to age.

Moving on prematurely from a player who clearly is not in mass decline as you have claimed in the past, one who remains undeniably world class when he is on his game; that's arbitrary madness & nothing more. In terms of current as well as future success, such a proposition is nonsensical & illogical at best.

I understand the need to develop & build the new team, but why you are willing to sacrifice trophies for our future team 2-5 years from now is beyond me. I mean you say we will win more titles, & I have no doubt we will - but there is no way we are going to do that in the immediate future by throwing in youngsters next season before they've even begun to reach their prime.

So ultimately that is going to mean we either suffer through this unnecessary 'transition period' where we will have a convenient excuse for the lack of trophies - or we have to sign someone else - which knowing Roman's spending habits & discerning taste, is never going to be cheap; & it will certainly cost more than the 7.5 million a year that Lamps is on. & that is why your financial fair play argument is also equally contrived.

But come on mate, did you not watch him at his masterful best today? Where the fuck are you going to find a midfielder better than him at the moment, seriously?

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Now you're the one who's trying a little too hard mate... :rolleyes:

He is not just one of the greats - he is the greatest - & I will think myself extremely lucky to ever witness a player better than himself don a Chelsea shirt in my lifetime.

Maybe because you're an older sort of dude you think that the Lampard era is just like any other of those you've mentioned - but it's not, because at least a third of the most successful decade in our history can be directly attributed to his performance alone.

In fact, no one has made history at this club in the manner that he has done - as even wikipedia is able to display -

'A three-time http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_Player_of_the_Year]Chelsea Player of the Year,Lampard is the club's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chelsea_F.C._records_and_statistics#All-time_top_goalscorers]second highest all-time goalscorer with 194 goals in all competitions. Lampard is one of five players, and the only midfielder, to have scored http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Premier_League_players_with_100_or_more_goals]150 or more goals in the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premier_League]Premier League. He is second in the Premier League's all-time assists table with 91 assists. He has had over 1400 successful passes and 10 or more assists every season. In 2005, Lampard was voted http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FWA_Footballer_of_the_Year]FWA Footballer of the Year and was runner-up in both the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_FIFA_World_Player_of_the_Year]FIFA World Player of the Year and the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballon_d'Or_2005]Ballon d'Or. In 2010 he received the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FWA_Tribute_Award]FWA Tribute Award. On 23 December 2009, he was named the Premier League's player of the decade by official statistics.'

Which is why I find it utterly perplexing that you don't seem to be able to grasp what an insurmountable loss it will be for this club when we are no longer able to call upon our trusty talisman when we need him most - it's not just for the unbeatable stats, it's for everything in between that the numbers don't show as well.

For me, I mean I'm a modern day fan - I've grown up with Lampard as my unequivocal footballing icon & hero. There is no way that you can possibly convince me that he isn't still one of the best midfielders in the world in 2013 at the age of 34. Certainly not after the way he played today.

The real flaw in your argument however is that you are constantly campaigning for a change in personnel, purely for the sake of change rather than for the actual necessity of an upgrade. It is just a ridiculous notion of yours to want a player of lesser ability & consistency to take the place of a player with indisputable ability & proven consistency - purely due to age.

Moving on prematurely from a player who clearly is not in mass decline as you have claimed in the past, one who remains undeniably world class when he is on his game; that's arbitrary madness & nothing more. In terms of current as well as future success, such a proposition is nonsensical & illogical at best.

I understand the need to develop & build the new team, but why you are willing to sacrifice trophies for our future team 2-5 years from now is beyond me. I mean you say we will win more titles, & I have no doubt we will - but there is no way we are going to do that in the immediate future by throwing in youngsters next season before they've even begun to reach their prime.

So ultimately that is going to mean is we either suffer through this unnecessary 'transition period' where we have an excuse for the lack of trophies - or we have to sign someone else - which knowing Roman's spending habits & discerning taste, is never going to be cheap; & it will certainly cost more than the 7.5 million a year that Lamps is on. & that is why your financial fair play argument is also equally contrived.

But come on mate, did you not watch him at his masterful best today? Where the fuck are you going to find a midfielder better than him at the moment, seriously?

Sir, you talk a lot of sense. You have an impeccable use of the English language when cultivating your posts that I find most highly impressive.

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Well when you do mention his (incorrect) age in the post then I think it's only fair to assume that it holds some significance to your reasoning, otherwise you surely wouldn't have have done so?

I would have disagreed with that statement when we had to play a Mikel & Ramires partnership for the best part of the treacherous 2 months that led to the sacking of RDM & the instantaneous capitulation of our season that has followed - but when Lamps is in there, with an in form David Luiz - I would argue that it has the potential to be one of our most effective & fruitful partnerships in many years.

& yet he would walk into the starting line up of almost any other club in the world? Seems legit...

I mean mate, from the everything you are saying it seems overwhelmingly obvious that you must either really hate Lampard or severely lack in understanding of the game. Shit, is it both again?

Seriously though, the way you are speaking about him is rather astonishing for a supposed Chelsea fan. Simply put, your sole reasoning seems to be based off of the assumption that he is nothing more than a squad player which is based on your belief that he is not good enough.

Oh wait, no, that can't possibly be right...

So tell me something. Would you call Gerrard a 'top-class midfielder'? I certainly would, & Lamps more than matches him in that sense - somehow despite being 2 years older, he's maintained form & fitness far better. Would you call Modric a 'top-class midfielder'? Again, I would - but Lampard is 6 years his senior & yet there is no genuine case you can possibly put forward to propose that Modric is a better player based on current performance. So I guess two of the other best central midfielders in the world aren't good enough for you either then eh?

This is probably one of the more ridiculous things contained within that post. But okay feel free to enlighten me - where exactly are we going to find a player that is better than Lampard at this current moment in time, let alone for less than 7.5 mil a year?

Seriously, do you even put any thought into the shit that you're saying? If he does end up leaving Chelsea this season, then United/Arsenal/Juve/Inter or whoever happens to sign him will be getting the absolute bargain of the century. & of the few players in the world who are actually within the realm of Lampard's capabilities - almost all of them are going to cost £20-30 mil+ in transfer fees alone, to go along with their 130-170K a week. Yer bro, that's definitely a way more economical option...

When logic seems to elude you entirely - that's what I call stupidity.

Whatever you're going to say isn't going to change my opinion and I'm not trying to change yours. It's an opinion, do you know what that means? I love Lampard, I love him to death. I was crying cause of the goals he missed today because I can't wait to rub one out when he becomes our top scorer. But I'm also a realist and the simple fact to me is that financially it doesn't make sense to offer him a contract at his current wages. If anything a Chelsea fan should know what finances can really do for you. If it was upto me Drogba would still be here. And saying I'm not a Chelsea fan because I don't agree with you is down-right pathetic. That's how you take a high ground in an argument? lol

I will guarantee you that Lamps won't be going to United or any of the teams you listed because I am 100% confident (have to be) that he's only holding out for wages, otherwise the board would have already signed him up if he was happy taking lower wages and a squad role next season.

I don't think Lamps is good enough to be Chelsea first team next season. I'd love him to take a squad role but he'll have to take a squad player wages. Simple.

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Cause you couldn't find porn? And, this is the next best thing?

Couldn't find porn??? You would have to be pretty retarded to not find porn on the internet, even google images can search hard enough material for a shuffle.

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Yes I can. I am positive that the decision not to renew Lampard's contract has nothing to do with money or skill. It's about simply wanting to move on. That's not the decision I would make, but I am not a Russian billionaire who owns Chelsea. (just checked my bank balance to make sure. No, definitely not a billionaire.). And as for Lampard's decline, yes it's obvious he's not that player he was a few years ago, but he is still one of Chelsea's better players. Last season, despite playing much of the year in the pivot, Lampard created a scoring chance every 41 minutes. Fellaini who played the same positions as Frank (central midfield and in the pivot) created a chance once every 114 minutes. Ramires, once every 93 minutes. He still scored more goals than any other midfielder, even from open play. I think Opta Stats ranked him as the 21st best player in the Premier League last season. In his last 4 starts for us, he's been a legitimate MOTM contender in three of them. For the last few years now many people want to see Lampard go (mostly because of "shiny new toy syndrome" which is a fetishization of the new and of theoretical potential, permeates fandom) and have exaggerated his decline (and ignore his quality) but he still keeps on producing.

You look at the game today and Chelsea had about 3 or 4 very good scoring chance and 4 goals and Lampard was key to all of them except the Hazard goal. He had two fantastic over the top passes to put players in on goal. One to set up Ba's chance and a sumptuous one to Mata that led to the penalty. He got himself into great positions for the two scoring chances. He was 7 for 9 in long balls and did his work defensively as well-only Ramires had more tackles than Lampard. He is clearly good enough for Chelsea and would very likely still be good enough to play a role on the team for a couple of years. I think it's silly that we're going to let him go, but I don't make the decisions and he can't stay around forever. I started supporting Chelsea before Lampard and I will support them after.

I agree with you completely. I think he def has more than enough in him to play a role for Chelsea. But I have to think it's cause of wages, no way our board would be that stupid to say no to Frank if he agreed to lower wages and a squad role. It would make no sense at all. I am sure Frank will re-assess his situation at the end of the year and if a team is willing to pay same wages as he's getting right now then he'll prolly go there otherwise I'm sure Chelsea has a deal on the table for him at lower wages for next year.

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Whatever you're going to say isn't going to change my opinion and I'm not trying to change yours. It's an opinion, do you know what that means? I love Lampard, I love him to death. I was crying cause of the goals he missed today because I can't wait to rub one out when he becomes our top scorer. But I'm also a realist and the simple fact to me is that financially it doesn't make sense to offer him a contract at his current wages. If anything a Chelsea fan should know what finances can really do for you. If it was upto me Drogba would still be here. And saying I'm not a Chelsea fan because I don't agree with you is down-right pathetic. That's how you take a high ground in an argument? lol

I will guarantee you that Lamps won't be going to United or any of the teams you listed because I am 100% confident (have to be) that he's only holding out for wages, otherwise the board would have already signed him up if he was happy taking lower wages and a squad role next season.

I don't think Lamps is good enough to be Chelsea first team next season. I'd love him to take a squad role but he'll have to take a squad player wages. Simple.

Well judging from everything mentioned in your last post, I hate to imagine the way you speak about the players that you don't love to death...

Anyway, I don't believe I actually mentioned anything about you not being a Chelsea fan? I've merely insinuated that you're not particularly knowledgable in purely footballing terms - which could be wrong if you really just have a personal vendetta against Frank since that would make far more sense some of these points that you are attempting to validate.

& you're going to GUARANTEE me with 100% CONFIDENCE that this whole fiasco is just about wages? Are you that delusional mate? I'm pretty sure Lamps would be more than happy to take a slight pay cut when push comes to shove - but the fact of the matter is that based on the player that he is, he really shouldn't have to in any case. & what makes you think he won't go to United or Juve when they would be more than willing to pay him similar wages to what he's getting since Fergie (along with I would imagine the majority of managers in Europe) has the brains to recognise how daft the club is being & will not even have to spend a penny on a transfer fee?

But yer so your opinion is in fact that he is just not good enough & is nothing more than a squad player? I mean don't get me wrong, you're entitled to your opinion & all, but I am just unable to fathom how anyone who actually claims to love him can actually truly believe that as the genuine truth - not when every rival & neutral supporter is both equally perplexed & enticed by the prospect of one of the best midfielders around being available for absolutely nothing in the summer. I would have to imagine such a unique situation suggests that it's more than just my opinion talking...

I mean saying that Lamps is a 'squad player' & deserves 'squad player wages' - that has to be among the most outlandish & outrageous statements I have ever heard. So forgive me if I have come to a rather hasty conclusion in similar fashion, but from that alone I can only conclude that you are not a particularly great judge of footballing ability.

Releasing a world class player like Frank on a free transfer? Isn't it enough that we're already the laughing stock of Europe at the moment for reasons irrelevant to this contract saga?

He is a first team player & once he is no longer able to earn his place on the teamsheet, then that is when we should consider moving on - not when he clearly still possesses the ability & fitness to control games & score goals against top teams in a way that few others in the game can.

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