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Frank Lampard


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What do you guys think the chances of Lamps going to United are?

sweet FA (hopefully)... Lamps may be pissed off at the board, but he loves chelsea and the fans and we all love him with many people rating him as the greatest ever. So i find it incredibly unlikely he would jeapordise that to go to united and be a bit part player like scholes and giggs. If he leaves, i reckon it will be with grace and somewhere like the MLS. If he leaves and i hope he doesn't i hope he goes to somewhere like the LA Galaxy, and regurarly comes back to visit the bridge.

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You talk about us moving on, but are we?

Sacking a club legend for a guy who couldn't win the Premier League with arguably one of the strongest sides in the last 10 years

Sacking Robbie for Rafa is not exactly "moving forward". On the contrary, it's trying to get a quick fix, like we have for the last 4 years. Which means we are spending more money, having more debt and leaving absolutely no hope of building a consistent squad, hence the dips in form and dropping 20 points in a month.

Persisting with the worst striker the club has ever seen

Sending Drogba, Kalou, Anelka and Sturridge all packing so we can keep giving our $50,000,000 cancer a go at fucking up our club. Does that sound like "moving forward"? No wait, the same idiots at the club who made this decision are the ones handling the Lampard affair. I feel so much better that the club is in such competent hands.

Selling a player like Sturridge to a rival club

Remember this space. Sturridge will be one of the best strikers in Europe one day. Those idiots fucked up big time.. Wait and see

The club is being run by fuck wits. You may think we are in good hands with decisions like this, but you are wrong. Letting Lampard go is setting a very bad example for future players. They are pretty much telling them "No matter how good you are, or how much you have done for the club, once you hit a certain age, cya later" It just goes to show why we are the second most hated club in England.

Robbie was a temporary manager in reality, so is Rafa. We all know who the real target is so I'm not too bothered what happens in the meantime so long as we finish Top Four. We were already out of the Champions League under Robbie so one of the main targets for this season was already gone.

I have no problem with us losing Drogba (perfect ending), Anelka (simply wasn't performing), Kalou (hated him playing for us, hated him coming off the bench, glad he's gone) or Sturridge (most selfish player I've ever seen, better in theory than reality).

But if you want to criticise the board, I'd suggest you also credit them for astute signings like Azpi, Moses, Cahill and also investing in some of the best youth players on Earth (Courtois, De Bruyne, Hazard, Oscar, Mata, Lukaku), as well as developing the youth academy so that we have some really exciting youngsters on the cusp of breaking through.

Letting Lampard go when his contract expires at the age of 35 and his position in the team doesn't really exist anymore (he's not a deep lying midfielder nor is he good enough to oust Mata behind the striker) and we have a host of youngsters fighting for his space is not the worst thing in the world. Calling for a boycott of games when you have absolutely nothing invested in such an action is fucking ridiculous in all honesty.

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Every time I open this thread I see the same bullshit over and over again...

I know how you feel mate.

Everytime I turn on SkySports News or even turn on the fucking laptop I see the same bullshit over and over again.

I think it would be best for all of us if we just shut up and wait to see what happens.

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Stop opening it then - you only do it so you can moan about the same thing over and over again. :doh:

Nah, I only do it to see you contradicting yourself every other post.

It is a good way to laugh!

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You know what's more annoying than people posting the same bullshit over and over again? People moaning over and over again about people posting the same bullshit over and over again! :P

I know, that is kind of the intention. Annoy the ones who irritate me! :P

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You talk about us moving on, but are we?

Sacking a club legend for a guy who couldn't win the Premier League with arguably one of the strongest sides in the last 10 years

Sacking Robbie for Rafa is not exactly "moving forward". On the contrary, it's trying to get a quick fix, like we have for the last 4 years. Which means we are spending more money, having more debt and leaving absolutely no hope of building a consistent squad, hence the dips in form and dropping 20 points in a month.

Persisting with the worst striker the club has ever seen

Sending Drogba, Kalou, Anelka and Sturridge all packing so we can keep giving our $50,000,000 cancer a go at fucking up our club. Does that sound like "moving forward"? No wait, the same idiots at the club who made this decision are the ones handling the Lampard affair. I feel so much better that the club is in such competent hands.

Selling a player like Sturridge to a rival club

Remember this space. Sturridge will be one of the best strikers in Europe one day. Those idiots fucked up big time.. Wait and see

The club is being run by fuck wits. You may think we are in good hands with decisions like this, but you are wrong. Letting Lampard go is setting a very bad example for future players. They are pretty much telling them "No matter how good you are, or how much you have done for the club, once you hit a certain age, cya later" It just goes to show why we are the second most hated club in England.

Club legend status shouldn't sway the decision to fire a coach who simply wasn't good enough. Keeping him would be nothing more than romanticism.

The club has turned a profit for this first time ever, so the debt bit is hardly worth talking about.

The same people who let Drogba go and persist with Torres just signed Ba and are touted to be targeting Falcao. Let's see how that pans out.

Sturridge going on to be one of the best is purely conjecture. And I'd argue not likely, but that's another topic for another time.

And you can't whine about this new policy of not keeping players over a certain age because it's only been implemented and we have no idea how it's going to turn out. In 5 years time we could be singing the boards praises for it.

Everybody loves Lampard and most would have him stay, but if he goes he goes. Also, this notion that he is responsible for 1/3 of Chelsea's success is interesting. I'd sure like to run my eye over those numbers.

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The United talk is probably just a way to put pressure on our board imo..

Exactly what I was thinking when reading posts in the topic. Maybe the thought of Frank playing for such a club might change some opinion in the board.

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