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Frank Lampard


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Everton away, end of discussion.

That's a valid point, but if you look at that game as a whole we didn't play particularly well. Everton were nowhere near their strongest side yet they overran us in the first 30 minutes.

Now if you're saying that's a good example of what we could do with Lampard going forward, then I don't know if it's such a good point. We lost the midfield and struggled for a lot of the match and it wasn't until Mata started playing well that we started to assert ourselves. That isn't totally down to Frank, but I think the goals masked a lot of things that weren't so good about his performance.

Let's also not forget that the game after was QPR and he had about as bad a game as I can remember for Chelsea. That to me came down to one player missing - Mata. He's our most important player now and he's taken the role that Frank fulfilled for us.

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That's a valid point, but if you look at that game as a whole we didn't play particularly well. Everton were nowhere near their strongest side yet they overran us in the first 30 minutes.

Now if you're saying that's a good example of what we could do with Lampard going forward, then I don't know if it's such a good point. We lost the midfield and struggled for a lot of the match and it wasn't until Mata started playing well that we started to assert ourselves. That isn't totally down to Frank, but I think the goals masked a lot of things that weren't so good about his performance.

Let's also not forget that the game after was QPR and he had about as bad a game as I can remember for Chelsea. That to me came down to one player missing - Mata. He's our most important player now and he's taken the role that Frank fulfilled for us.

So basically what you're saying is that Mata won us the game, not Frank. We did not play well, true but we won. Goals mask things, they always do. And ? Didier Drogba was nowhere near the ball, let alone scoring in the Champions League final. He was voted MOTM in the end. Goals are everything in football.

Against QPR I thought he had one of the best performances compared to other players on the pitch. Certainly better than Luiz, Torres, Marin, Moses... The fact is he now plays a different role, more disciplined, doing more work in defence and he adapted to the role fantastic. Now I'm not saying he should start every game (because I'm still convinced Robbie found our perfect starting 11 with Mikel and Rami in the pivot) but he can be instrumental and very useful against a lot of teams.

I haven't found a single valid argument of why Lamps should not be here next year, but I have found shocking posts about this man. Frankly, I can see why there are people claiming this club has many plastic fans supporting it. It's amazing how quickly people forget things, first the whole FSW thing and now this. Money can buy almost everything, even the soul of Chelsea.

PS. not gonna bother replying anymore, rant over

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Yeah lets get rid of him -I am sure Fergie will want him on a free with 20 goals a season, joining 38 year old Scholes and 39 year old Giggs. Let them have Cole as well while we're at it.

Well done the Chelsea board, I am sure when he scores against us it'll be a subdued celebration

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Everton away, end of discussion.

My point wasn't that Frank isn't capable of winning games. What I meant was that it is not smart to be so dependent on an aging player who in his best mind can't perform on the same level week in week out. That's why im saying if he accepts a smaller role and a proportional wage he'd still be very vital for us. Like Scholes and Giggs. Giggs still makes things happen for United, when he does come on, but he has accepted that his role is more to be a super sub when he comes on and mentoring and being an example to younger players.

The board seems to be moving to a direction where they want to clear Chelsea out from the old-guard. They have too much say and power - a factor that keeps any manager away on permanent basis.

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That's a valid point, but if you look at that game as a whole we didn't play particularly well. Everton were nowhere near their strongest side yet they overran us in the first 30 minutes.

Now if you're saying that's a good example of what we could do with Lampard going forward, then I don't know if it's such a good point. We lost the midfield and struggled for a lot of the match and it wasn't until Mata started playing well that we started to assert ourselves. That isn't totally down to Frank, but I think the goals masked a lot of things that weren't so good about his performance.

Let's also not forget that the game after was QPR and he had about as bad a game as I can remember for Chelsea. That to me came down to one player missing - Mata. He's our most important player now and he's taken the role that Frank fulfilled for us.

What the fuck dude?

When someone posts something positive on Lamps, you always reply and try to turn it on a negative side.

Does someone pay you to speak that way? Cause I honestly doubt that there would be a true Chelsea fan speaking like that about Frank all the time.

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He goes to United, Chelsea board will lose my full support. I will hunt them down, and I will tear pubic hair from their testicles, hair by hair, stroke by stroke. (If they shave it, I will think of some other creative way to torture their sorry idiotic arses!)

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He goes to United, Chelsea board will lose my full support. I will hunt them down, and I will tear pubic hair from their testicles, hair by hair, stroke by stroke. (If they shave it, I will think of some other creative way to torture their sorry idiotic arses!)

Why would the Chelsea board lose your support? If Lampard went to United, the only part the board would play is not giving him a new contract and would have no control over what he does when his contract is up.

If Lampard isn't given a contract this summer and then moves to United, it should be Lampard himself that loses your full support, not the board.

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Why would the Chelsea board lose your support? If Lampard went to United, the only part the board would play is not giving him a new contract and would have no control over what he does when his contract is up.

If Lampard isn't given a contract this summer and then moves to United, it should be Lampard himself that loses your full support, not the board.

It was written in an emotional rush since you gotta put the blame on someone, but if I was in the motherfucking board I wouldn't let him sign for Untied PERIOD! Whether that takes big bulky angry Russians or some money I don't care. There are some things in football that are simply not done.

Lamps is one of the best players in our history, in the history of MIDFIELD, and we can't have him going to our direct rival to finish his career there.

That all said, I do doubt this transfer a lot.

What it does really really really piss me of is that we are fed up with idiotic speculation regarding the future of someone like Lamps instead of someone respectable coming out there and making it known for what will happen.

Lamps to Juve, Lamps to Manu, Lamps to take a pay cut, Lamps to accept 1 year extension, Lamps to leave for sure.....bla bla bla bla

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It was written in an emotional rush since you gotta put the blame on someone, but if I was in the motherfucking board I wouldn't let him sign for Untied PERIOD! Whether that takes big bulky angry Russians or some money I don't care. There are some things in football that are simply not done.

Lamps is one of the best players in our history, in the history of MIDFIELD, and we can't have him going to our direct rival to finish his career there.

That all said, I do doubt this transfer a lot.

What it does really really really piss me of is that we are fed up with idiotic speculation regarding the future of someone like Lamps instead of someone respectable coming out there and making it known for what will happen.

Lamps to Juve, Lamps to Manu, Lamps to take a pay cut, Lamps to accept 1 year extension, Lamps to leave for sure.....bla bla bla bla

There isn't one single fan who wants Lampard to go to Chelsea. And on top of that, I seriously doubt that Lampard would want to play for United. The media is basically using the same old trick to make Chelsea look evil by saying we would rather let a club legend go to United than give him a contract.

Lampard is probably my favourite player of all time but I can understand why the board might not want to give him a new contract. Whether the majority of people thinks it right or wrong of the board, I can understand.

However, if we don't give Lampard a new contract then it is up to him what he wants to do. If he signs for United, I will lose a lot of respect for him (but I seriously doubt this would be the case).

Blaming the board for not giving him a new contract is justifiable but blaming them for Lampard going to United makes no sense. That would be completely Lampard's decision, not the board's.

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There isn't one single fan who wants Lampard to go to Chelsea. And on top of that, I seriously doubt that Lampard would want to play for United. The media is basically using the same old trick to make Chelsea look evil by saying we would rather let a club legend go to United than give him a contract.

Lampard is probably my favourite player of all time but I can understand why the board might not want to give him a new contract. Whether the majority of people thinks it right or wrong of the board, I can understand.

However, if we don't give Lampard a new contract then it is up to him what he wants to do. If he signs for United, I will lose a lot of respect for him (but I seriously doubt this would be the case).

Blaming the board for not giving him a new contract is justifiable but blaming them for Lampard going to United makes no sense. That would be completely Lampard's decision, not the board's.

No shit Sherlock :D And here I was thinking we wanted Lampard out :ph34r: I did say Lampard's transfer to United is highly unlikely and I labeled most of the stuff as speculation.

But it bothers me mate that they can't sort out Frank's future for this long and that they remain silent so much...

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No shit Sherlock :D And here I was thinking we wanted Lampard out :ph34r: I did say Lampard's transfer to United is highly unlikely and I labeled most of the stuff as speculation.

But it bothers me mate that they can't sort out Frank's future for this long and that they remain silent so much...

It does not make sense for manu and lamps so I really don't see it's happening. If he doesn't sign with us he probably will play for galaxy or China/qatar
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If we {Roman } decides Lampard isn't wanted then I wont criticise Frank wherever he goes even Manure or Scumpool

Agreed. If Chelsea doesn't require Lampard's services then he is free to go where ever he wants.

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Not gana be pissed of if he does go to another club.Doubt he will but if he wants to stay in England...

Just know end up being annoyed at the board as no doubt he'll do really well,play how he does,goals etc and end up being pissed off how the whole thing has been handled

Rays view:

Former Manchester United and Chelsea midfielder Ray Wilkins has been talking to BBC Radio Manchester's Red Wednesday about the possibility of Frank Lampard leaving Chelsea for Manchester United in the summer.

Wilkins said: "Frank will want to continue to play, he'll want to continue to win and play at a high level, and there's no higher level than Old Trafford and you have the master of utilising the older player in Sir Alex Ferguson. So I think it would be a tremendous move for Frank and a good one for Manchester United as well."

"His fitness levels belies his age, his fitness levels are incredible. If you play him in 30 games he'll score you close to 20 goals and there's no reason why he shouldn't continue. Yes he's getting older but you only have to see the performances Giggs and Scholes themselves have put in over the last few years, and they are four years older than Frank, some outstanding performances, so there's no reason why Frank still doesn't have that in his locker."

Does Ray Wilkins think Frank Lampard would struggle to win over the Manchester United fans if he were to move?

"No not at all - he'll win them over because of his footballing ability. If you look at Old Trafford, if anything they lack goals from the middle of the pitch. They've got goals coming from everywhere else, full-back, centre-half, but from the middle they are not scoring as regular as when Scholes was a tad younger, but Frank will guarantee you goals because he has that knack of arriving at the right situation and the right time to put the ball in the back of the net, and he finishes like a forward and not a midfield player.

"Frank has been an unbelievable servant to Chelsea and I honestly felt they would have given him maybe a year or two more, but they have obviously decided to take a different look at the way things are going at Stamford Bridge and alter their philosophy."

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