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The Mourinho Thread


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The TV pundits point is a little overplayed. Football exploded on TV in the mid-90s so the big-name recently retired stars were obviously going to come from successful clubs like Liverpool and United. We do okay with the likes of Butch, Hod and Nevin getting regular screen time, and then intermittently the likes of Ballack, Ruud and even Wisey get a look-in.

Can't include Burley cause the guy is an utter cunt.

Funnily enough one of the kindest voices to us recently has been Souness who has been talking up a resurgence in our fortunes. Neville talks a lot of sense too, although Carragher's dolphin squeals haven't quite hit the mark.

I think if you actually look at the people who were around in our growth during the 90s and 00s then you'll see a fair few went into management (Gullit, Wisey, Zola, Vialli) whilst a few others have got gigs on other shows (Ferrer and Minto do the Spanish footy, LeBouef works for ESPN, Desailly does stuff in France). Give it a couple of years and I think JT and Lamps could pop up on Sky, although I think they could be in the Beckham/Scholes camp of really not needing/wanting to.

Having said all that, how Owen, McManaman and Redknapp (I get he's somewhat good looking but he talks unbelievable amounts of shit) get consistent screen time is beyond me.

Regular and repeated voices was the point I think Jose was making with a view to getting balanced media opinions.

Hoddle, Butch, Uncle Albert all are bit part players, as is Gullit who is as pro-Chelsea as they come. We must have made an impression on him, despite what dear Ken did to him! Minto rarely has any opportunity on his Spanish football show to make any comment on us. Cundy lost his gig on Sky as soon as he started to display any inkling of a pro-Chelsea bias that the masses would find unpopular.

I'd agree that Neville is pretty fair as regards us. Squeaky boy Carragher just pisses me off looking at him never mind having to listen to his tripe. Redknapp is full of soundbytes, clichés and un-original thoughts.

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Regular and repeated voices was the point I think Jose was making with a view to getting balanced media opinions.

Hoddle, Butch, Uncle Albert all are bit part players, as is Gullit who is as pro-Chelsea as they come. We must have made an impression on him, despite what dear Ken did to him! Minto rarely has any opportunity on his Spanish football show to make any comment on us. Cundy lost his gig on Sky as soon as he started to display any inkling of a pro-Chelsea bias that the masses would find unpopular.

I'd agree that Neville is pretty fair as regards us. Squeaky boy Carragher just pisses me off looking at him never mind having to listen to his tripe. Redknapp is full of soundbytes, clichés and un-original thoughts.

TVs a funny old thing. You see how dire some of the analysts are when there are major tournaments and they bring in the likes of Klinnsmann, Seedorf, Ballack etc. How Shearer has made a career as a tv personality of all things is beyond me, and why Sky use people like Niall Quinn is equally perplexing.

Hansen is very much on his way out, Lawrenson seems to be marginalised and then you get some really random ones like Dion Dublin and Kevin Kilbane. Then there's the shit-stirrers like Savage and Keane. The only bright spot is that Garth Crooks is rarely on our screens anymore. But Jamie Redknapp....he can wear a suit well but beyond that I can't think of anything he brings to football matches.

In theory we should have more faces on the screen because that late-90s team was full of fashionable, tv-friendly, cosmopolitan guys but a lot are involved in other areas of the game (Gus was getting a lot of tv time but is obviously now tied-up in Sunderland). I think we'll see a few more Chelsea faces on screen in the next 5 years.

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Regular and repeated voices was the point I think Jose was making with a view to getting balanced media opinions.

Hoddle, Butch, Uncle Albert all are bit part players, as is Gullit who is as pro-Chelsea as they come. We must have made an impression on him, despite what dear Ken did to him! Minto rarely has any opportunity on his Spanish football show to make any comment on us. Cundy lost his gig on Sky as soon as he started to display any inkling of a pro-Chelsea bias that the masses would find unpopular.

I'd agree that Neville is pretty fair as regards us. Squeaky boy Carragher just pisses me off looking at him never mind having to listen to his tripe. Redknapp is full of soundbytes, clichés and un-original thoughts.

Here in the States we have Graeme Le Saux, but he doesn't want to talk about CFC. He wants to come off as a Neutral. Burley still talks about his time on CFC on ESPN FC, but he also like to joke about the Blues back in the day.

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Only two pundits get my respect ,Hoddle and Souness,both understand the game and speak without bias and whose views are worth listening to.

Shearer is perfect for the BBC and highlights,Mary Poppins is the perfect nickname for him off the pitch ,hard b@stard on it .

A lot of them are fearful of Mourinho and what he will achieve at Chelsea ,the good thing is Mourinho will not let any of them take the p1ss out of Chelsea and he will always be one step ahead of them,yesterday was a great example of that . Yellow card Suarez and Penalty Hazard clear ,next.

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To be fair to Neville he aint too bad and is usually always fair. It's townsend and bias idiots who do the most of the commentary that annoys me. If we aren't playing like Barca, Chelsea is always shit and under performing according to them.

Man U etc win 1-0 on a dodgy performance its a sign of champions.We do it then its the start of a crisis blah blah

Neville impressed me when he first started when he was saying about how Man U couldn't moan about not getting penalty decisions when they played so poorly that they couldn't win by doing it themselves..something like that.Bit oooo lalala

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Jose is like a hawk ,he misses nothing and all these little things add up . All these so called pundits like to have their little digs at Chelsea and some of them will even praise players that they know are not good enough for Chelsea who play for us ,none of it escapes Mourinho ,he is wise to it all and nothing gets past him . He does not win trophies everywhere he manages by luck .

Now he has planted the thought in every referees mind that these pundits are biased and their comments are not without prejudice against Chelsea,it is all part of his management method . Yellow card Suarez (diving) and Penalty Hazard ,now whose opinion counts for more a pundit or the multiple trophy winning manager who tamed Fergie?

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All these parking the buss and counter attacking Posts make me sick!

We are Chelsea and we are playing at home against a mid-table team that accidently have bought a worldclass striker.

We gonne destroy them!

Suarez?gonne be in Terry's pocket whole game long and we have superior players in any other positions on the field.

Have some faith, we got this!!

Sunday night we Will be the winners!

Well i didnt change my tone! ;)

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It's so funny reading this thread from before the match till after it. It's like you suddenly moved to a completely different thread. The change in tone is hilarious :lol:

The tone will change if we drop points Weds?Whatever day of the week we play or the next time we do,Up down etc

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