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48 minutes ago, Magic Lamps said:

But it still gets you a trophy so our aspiration should be to win it. 

It's a friendly the purpose of the match is to raise money for charity as seen by yesterday's minutes silence for Grenfell tower. Take the giving of a shield away and what have you got a 90 minute friendly simple as. When Vialli was sacked all opposition fans pissed themselves when it was said he won five trophies one was the charity shield one the super cup. These games have become more scrutinised rightly or wrongly because of the media's obsession with football.


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7 minutes ago, Iggy Doonican said:

It's a friendly the purpose of the match is to raise money for charity as seen by yesterday's minutes silence for Grenfell tower. Take the giving of a shield away and what have you got a 90 minute friendly simple as. When Vialli was sacked all opposition fans pissed themselves when it was said he won five trophies one was the charity shield one the super cup. These games have become more scrutinised rightly or wrongly because of the media's obsession with football.


But you have to look at the bigge rpicutre. We lost to one of our biggest rivals in a derby that kicks off the season in embarrassing fashion. we have lost in the shield 2010,2012,2015 and 2017. We lost the FA Cup final, the Super cup in 2012 and 2013 as well as the Worlc club in 2012. We hae been horrednous at these kind of mini trophies. Yeah they are unimportant but it would still be better to win them. A great way to kick off the season. It might only be a shield but it is handed by the FA and it is in wembley. It is a glorified freindly, but every trophy is just a piece of medal handed out after a number of glorified games. Also with very few exceptions a lost CS is a sign of a bad season to follow. The writing is on the wall and ahs been for months now. 

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5 minutes ago, Magic Lamps said:

, but every trophy is just a piece of medal handed out after a number of glorified games

Doesn't make a lot of sense are you comparing the champions league to the charity shield ?. It's not set in stone that if you don't win the charity shield you'll have a shit season. Are you saying that Arsenal are going to be brilliant and we are going to be terrible because we lost a friendly on penalties after losing a player to a dubious decision?. We didn't play well yesterday but to be fretting that we are going to have a piss poor season because of yesterday is stretching credibility. We need a few new players that's a given but after losing 3-0 to Arsenal did anyone expect us to win the league ?.

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17 minutes ago, Magic Lamps said:

But you have to look at the bigge rpicutre. We lost to one of our biggest rivals in a derby that kicks off the season in embarrassing fashion. we have lost in the shield 2010,2012,2015 and 2017. We lost the FA Cup final, the Super cup in 2012 and 2013 as well as the Worlc club in 2012. We hae been horrednous at these kind of mini trophies. Yeah they are unimportant but it would still be better to win them. A great way to kick off the season. It might only be a shield but it is handed by the FA and it is in wembley. It is a glorified freindly, but every trophy is just a piece of medal handed out after a number of glorified games. Also with very few exceptions a lost CS is a sign of a bad season to follow. The writing is on the wall and ahs been for months now. 

Arsenal have now won 3 of the last 4 Community Shields (or something like that) and putting yesterday's aside, have they really made that CS win count in previous seasons? No. Won 1-2 FA Cups but they continually get embarrassed in the Champions League and Premier League. If we go on to have a bad season, it won't be because we lost the Community Shield.

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1 hour ago, Magic Lamps said:

But you have to look at the bigge rpicutre. We lost to one of our biggest rivals in a derby that kicks off the season in embarrassing fashion. we have lost in the shield 2010,2012,2015 and 2017. We lost the FA Cup final, the Super cup in 2012 and 2013 as well as the Worlc club in 2012. We hae been horrednous at these kind of mini trophies. Yeah they are unimportant but it would still be better to win them. A great way to kick off the season. It might only be a shield but it is handed by the FA and it is in wembley. It is a glorified freindly, but every trophy is just a piece of medal handed out after a number of glorified games. Also with very few exceptions a lost CS is a sign of a bad season to follow. The writing is on the wall and ahs been for months now. 

I would argue that a CS win is a sign of a bad season to follow. A CS winner hasn't gone on to win the league since United in 2011 mate.

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1 hour ago, NiclasCFC said:

I would argue that a CS win is a sign of a bad season to follow. A CS winner hasn't gone on to win the league since United in 2011 mate.


Well, you could argue that a CS loss is an even worse sign, because in the last two seasons, Chelsea and Leicester finished around the 10th place in the league, in 2014, City lost the CS and their season ended up being trophyless, in 2013, Wigan played in the Championship, in 2012 Chelsea ended up playing in the EL...  :ph34r:

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45 minutes ago, Miki-Liki said:


Well, you could argue that a CS loss is an even worse sign, because in the last two seasons, Chelsea and Leicester finished around the 10th place in the league, in 2014, City lost the CS and their season ended up being trophyless, in 2013, Wigan played in the Championship, in 2012 Chelsea ended up playing in the EL...  :ph34r:

Weren't Wigan already relegated before they even played that CS game?

They won the FA Cup and got relegated in the same season if I recall and we ended up playing the EL in 2013 and won it... so not all bad eh?

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1 minute ago, zakhov said:

Weren't Wigan already relegated before they even played that CS game?

They won the FA Cup and got relegated in the same season if I recall and we ended up playing the EL in 2013 and won it... so not all bad eh?

They did, that's what I said. Yes, in 2012/13 we participated in 8 different competitions including the super cups, and won the one competition that no fan wanted the club to participate in, after finishing 3rd in the CL group stages and replacing a club legend with Benitez. :ph34r: Good times.

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On 07/08/2017 at 10:11 AM, Magic Lamps said:

Really disappointed with him in the CS. Paassenger in the game and an absolutely needless tackle that gave that con-ref a choice. I think it is safe to say he lost us that "trophy" and more importantly that we lost to one of our biggest rivals in a really embarrassing fashion. After the season he has had he should have done better. 

The entire teams shit performance lost us the game not pedro, can't cover the fact the team played like amateurs because Pedro got sent off.

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