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Frank Lampard


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Jesus, did Lampard sleep with your girlfriend or something? You post about him like you really genuinely loathe him. Not giving the penalty to Ba is so selfish it makes Lampard's entire contribution to the club meaningless and you'd be happy to see him go and now Lampard wanting to stay at Chelsea is emotional blackmail?

Look son, there is no need for that here. Theirs a line, and you crossed it, how do you know about his girlfriend ,how do you know he has one?, exactly so keep your insults to yourself.

Good luck lads and i hope you all do well.

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I feel like crying...It pisses me off so much how our board are just going to let him walk on a free like that.

You've spent so much on pointless manager's down the line, Surely a one-year contract to one of if not our greatest players ever won't be too much to ask?

I'm just dreading the day he leaves us, Because as it stands its certainly looking that way! :cry:

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I can't imagine anyone else would give a shit to be honest.
Well yeah, supporters of other clubs won't, but the media would have a field day with it.

I can see it now: "Chelsea are the most classless club in football. Shameful how they treat club legends."

That kind of stuff has already started and he isn't even gone yet.

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Well yeah, supporters of other clubs won't, but the media would have a field day with it.

I can see it now: "Chelsea are the most classless club in football. Shameful how they treat club legends."

That kind of stuff has already started and he isn't even gone yet.

Yeah the media twists stuff, and there are some people who even believe in the crap they put out.

That's why there are still quite a few who think Chelsea LET Drogba leave, when it was the player himself who opted out of a contract renewal.

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Let me play devil's advocate a bit here

But I think Frank kind of deserves this, this is the same way he treated AVB and if we all remember Roman said everyone who did not respect AVB will be dealt with, I for one do acknowledge AVB s flaws but Lampard and crew made the job a bit hard for him now the tables hv been turned and karma has kind of come to haunt Lamps

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Yeah the media twists stuff, and there are some people who even believe in the crap they put out.

That's why there are still quite a few who think Chelsea LET Drogba leave, when it was the player himself who opted out of a contract renewal.

I agree with you but I also think frank kind of deserves this for the disrespect he showed towards AVB last season remember Roman said he would personally deal with pple who refused to back AVB who needed all the backin of senior players last year

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One minute they say he's leaving, the next they say he's going to be offered a new contract and now, back to saying he's leaving. This contract situation is just exasperating!

FGS, can the club at least come out and say something like he's definitely leaving or we'll sit down with Lampard and evaluate the situation at a later date or something?! Right now, we're just having to speculate based on stories, some rubbish too, that are being published in the media!! :doh:

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