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Nemanja Matic


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You Guys can attack me all you want.

All I can say is, I am not a Troll and I certainly do not have a crush on Matic.

Big Part of the Problem is, that English is not my native Language and you Guys probably don't always understand ore get what I am saying ore what I mean exactly.

And that leads to Misunderstandings.


What is certain to me, is that Matic is a footballing Genius with Tons of Talent - That's why I like him so much.

The Passes he is able to produce, the Vision he posseses, the Dribblings he is able to put opon Opponents, the Goals he shoots out of nothing, the Tackles he makes, His nonchalant Style of Play ... All that is beyond reach fore us, because Conte misuses him.

As soon as Matic is put in a more offensive Playmaking Role, Things will change to the best .. I am sure about that.

It is unbelievable fore me, that People do adore a slow Square Passer like Zidane ... but wanna kick out a Title Winning Pillar of our Team, who had 77% Forward Passes this Season as a purely acting DM.

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I mean ... I must admit ... Being a Fan of one specific Player is equally as useless and dumb as being a Fan of a Football Club ...

We are here, talking about who "We" should sell ore buy .. Which Position "We" should play a specific Player on ... Ore which Player "We" should put on the Bench ...

Ore how much Money "We" should spend on new Squad Members ... As if it is an Institution that we own - Which is basically a few Guys coming together, to wear the same T-Shirt with a specific Logo on it (Which anybody could create) ... Ore as if we had something to say ore decide about.

As if "We" had to decide anything ... We cheer and root fore a Bunch of Multi-Millionaires who (if we are honest) earn more than they deserve for what they do, while they don't give a flying fugg about "Us" the Fans ... What in Consequence makes us buy Tickets fore Matches with ridiculous Price Tags ... Worth 500, 800 ore even 1000 Pounds ... in order to make them even richer.

Human Logic at it's best ... But no shame in being Human.

So I root fore Chelsea, and fore Matic specifically ...


Doesn't really fit into this Thread ... But kinda felt like writing it.

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1 hour ago, TheWiz said:

You Guys can attack me all you want.

All I can say is, I am not a Troll and I certainly do not have a crush on Matic.

Big Part of the Problem is, that English is not my native Language and you Guys probably don't always understand ore get what I am saying ore what I mean exactly.

And that leads to Misunderstandings.


What is certain to me, is that Matic is a footballing Genius with Tons of Talent - That's why I like him so much.

The Passes he is able to produce, the Vision he posseses, the Dribblings he is able to put opon Opponents, the Goals he shoots out of nothing, the Tackles he makes, His nonchalant Style of Play ... All that is beyond reach fore us, because Conte misuses him.

As soon as Matic is put in a more offensive Playmaking Role, Things will change to the best .. I am sure about that.

It is unbelievable fore me, that People do adore a slow Square Passer like Zidane ... but wanna kick out a Title Winning Pillar of our Team, who had 77% Forward Passes this Season as a purely acting DM.

You can't hide behind the "English isn't my first language" excuse. You get your points across very clearly despite broken English. Like for example claiming Matic to be the best midfielder in our history after "maybe" only Zola :lol: And not to mention other gross overestimations of Matic. You barely speak about other subjects if at all, which leads me to believe you aren't a fan of Chelsea, but of Matic. You are either a troll or a Matic fanboy, which is very unusual and would explain your skewed understanding of our club and its history.

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5 minutes ago, manpe said:

You can't hide behind the "English isn't my first language" excuse. You get your points across very clearly despite broken English. Like for example claiming Matic to be the best midfielder in our history after "maybe" only Zola :lol: And not to mention other gross overestimations of Matic. You barely speak about other subjects if at all, which leads me to believe you aren't a fan of Chelsea, but of Matic. You are either a troll or a Matic fanboy, which is very unusual and would explain your skewed understanding of our club and its history.

Don't even try to drag me into that kinda Conversation.

I know more about our History, than necessary really  .. Considering that I am not even a Citizen of England ore London in particular.

And of course I am a Fanboy ... We are all Fanboys here ... Club Fanboys ... Specific Player Fanboys ... Mixed Fanboys ... Fanboys all around.

You are also a Fanboy. News to you?

Welcome to the Club.

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12 minutes ago, TheWiz said:

Don't even try to drag me into that kinda Conversation.

I know more about our History, than necessary really  .. Considering that I am not even a Citizen of England ore London in particular.

And of course I am a Fanboy ... We are all Fanboys here ... Club Fanboys ... Specific Player Fanboys ... Mixed Fanboys ... Fanboys all around.

You are also a Fanboy. News to you?

Welcome to the Club.

Okay. If those opinions on Matic are your sincere views and you aren't taking the piss out of him and us, then I apologize for calling you a troll.

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1 minute ago, manpe said:

Okay. If those opinions on Matic are your sincere views and you aren't taking the piss out of him and us, then I apologize for calling you a troll.

All good, mate.

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1 hour ago, OhForAGreavsie said:

I love TheWiz's posts. They are just brilliant.

His one about Nemanja being better than Glen Hoddle in every aspect of the game bar heading, because Glen, he argues, was a master in the air, is an all time classic. I challenge any fan forum anywhere to come up with anything better. People who think you can just throw this stuff together don't know what they're talking about. Producing output like that takes skill and diligence. People should stop picking holes and just admire the genius we have in our ranks.

I like you too, Greavsie.

But I never said that Matic is better than Glen Hoddle in avery aspect of the game ... I said they are similar, but they have differences as well ... Hoddle might have been the better Header, while Matic is certainly the better Dribbler.

And there Similarities being ... Passing Technique, Vision, Touch ...

There is nothing Genius or Brilliant about my Statement, everybody can see the Similarities.

I would, however, choose Matic over Hoddle  ... Because Hoddle played in different Times, when Professional Football was easier.

Who knows, wether ore not Hoddle would even play in a Top Club nowadays.

After all, Matic marshalled the Midfield of a Top Club the last 3 Years, leading it to 2 EPL Titles.

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26 minutes ago, TheWiz said:

I like you too, Greavsie.

But I never said that Matic is better than Glen Hoddle in avery aspect of the game ... I said they are similar, but they have differences as well ... Hoddle might have been the better Header, while Matic is certainly the better Dribbler.

And there Similarities being ... Passing Technique, Vision, Touch ...

There is nothing Genius or Brilliant about my Statement, everybody can see the Similarities.

I would, however, choose Matic over Hoddle  ... Because Hoddle played in different Times, when Professional Football was easier.

Who knows, wether ore not Hoddle would even play in a Top Club nowadays.

After all, Matic marshalled the Midfield of a Top Club the last 3 Years, leading it to 2 EPL Titles.

Keep up the good work TW.

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6 hours ago, TheWiz said:

I mean ... I must admit ... Being a Fan of one specific Player is equally as useless and dumb as being a Fan of a Football Club ...

We are here, talking about who "We" should sell ore buy .. Which Position "We" should play a specific Player on ... Ore which Player "We" should put on the Bench ...

Ore how much Money "We" should spend on new Squad Members ... As if it is an Institution that we own - Which is basically a few Guys coming together, to wear the same T-Shirt with a specific Logo on it (Which anybody could create) ... Ore as if we had something to say ore decide about.

As if "We" had to decide anything ... We cheer and root fore a Bunch of Multi-Millionaires who (if we are honest) earn more than they deserve for what they do, while they don't give a flying fugg about "Us" the Fans ... What in Consequence makes us buy Tickets fore Matches with ridiculous Price Tags ... Worth 500, 800 ore even 1000 Pounds ... in order to make them even richer.

Human Logic at it's best ... But no shame in being Human.

So I root fore Chelsea, and fore Matic specifically ...


Doesn't really fit into this Thread ... But kinda felt like writing it.

Don't be so obscene. A club is nothing without its fans.

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14 hours ago, The Skipper said:

Don't be so obscene. A club is nothing without its fans.


I don't wanna be the Guy who says Things in this Forum, that noone wants to hear.

But, your are right. Football Clubs are nothing without it's Fans. Because without it's Fans, Football Clubs have noone they could bleed dry.

It would be better, we would get together .. Form our own Club .. Call it whatever we like ... And start to build a Club History by Choosing a Color, Creating a Logo .. With a Dragon on it, Or a Horse with Wings, Or a Ball with a Firetail .. And then we could go ahead making Statements like ... "We" need to do this ore that, in order to improve, win Titles and make some Money.

We could bring in Matic .. Or Bakayoko .. or Nayngollan or whoever we like .. Because the more we invest, the better Players we will have ... and the better Players we have, the more Fans we will have, who throw Tons of Money in our Pockets fore Jerseys, Tickets and Pennants in order to identify themselves with us emotionally (Because we also need them to call the Ref a Wanker ore a Cunt, when a Decision goes against us or to whistle against an opposing Millionair Player, who commited a Foul against one of our Millionaire Players).

So yes. You're right. We need them Fans for all of that, although they don't have any Relation or Connection to our private and closed Group of People. That's why we won't let them on the Pitch, to celebrate with the Players after winning a Trophy. That's why we won't invite Fans to Club Parties, because only Club Related Millionaires will be welcomed.

We need them Fans. We need them as our driving and financing Force behind that invisible Wall called Exclusiveness, because a Club is nothing without its Fans.




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30 minutes ago, TheWiz said:


I don't wanna be the Guy who says Things in this Forum, that noone wants to hear.

But, your are right. Football Clubs are nothing without it's Fans. Because without it's Fans, Football Clubs have noone they could bleed dry.

It would be better, we would get together .. Form our own Club .. Call it whatever we like ... And start to build a Club History by Choosing a Color, Creating a Logo .. With a Dragon on it, Or a Horse with Wings, Or a Ball with a Firetail .. And then we could go ahead making Statements like ... "We" need to do this ore that, in order to improve, win Titles and make some Money.

We could bring in Matic .. Or Bakayoko .. or Nayngollan or whoever we like .. Because the more we invest, the better Players we will have ... and the better Players we have, the more Fans we will have, who throw Tons of Money in our Pockets fore Jerseys, Tickets and Pennants in order to identify themselves with us emotionally (Because we also need them to call the Ref a Wanker ore a Cunt, when a Decision goes against us or to whistle against an opposing Millionair Player, who commited a Foul against one of our Millionaire Players).

So yes. You're right. We need them Fans for all of that, although they don't have any Relation or Connection to our private and closed Group of People. That's why we won't let them on the Pitch, to celebrate with the Players after winning a Trophy. That's why we won't invite Fans to Club Parties, because only Club Related Millionaires will be welcomed.

We need them Fans. We need them as our driving and financing Force behind that invisible Wall called Exclusiveness, because a Club is nothing without its Fans.




You know nothing about Chelsea or it's fans mate you're talking out of your brown eye. Going back to the 70's Chelsea fans are at the player of the year presentation the audience is a mixture of members, season ticket holders and fans from various supporters groups. This is a fans forum but you seem to object to fans it's such a weird juxtaposition. Fans getting fleeced is not just unique to football it happens in music especially where the band are aimed at a young audience.

I've been to Stamford Bridge when the crowds have been 6,000 back in the early 80's. To put that into context that's what the shed holds now so yes the club needs it's fans just like Nemanja Matic needs his.

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I dont mind IF theres any truth in the possibilities of a Bonucci/Matic deal of some sort tho Bonucci said in a interview that Conte had not taked to him since last summer when he turned him down.

Tho I would be much happier if we sorted out our CM before losing Matic.

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7 hours ago, TheWiz said:


I don't wanna be the Guy who says Things in this Forum, that noone wants to hear.

But, your are right. Football Clubs are nothing without it's Fans. Because without it's Fans, Football Clubs have noone they could bleed dry.

It would be better, we would get together .. Form our own Club .. Call it whatever we like ... And start to build a Club History by Choosing a Color, Creating a Logo .. With a Dragon on it, Or a Horse with Wings, Or a Ball with a Firetail .. And then we could go ahead making Statements like ... "We" need to do this ore that, in order to improve, win Titles and make some Money.

We could bring in Matic .. Or Bakayoko .. or Nayngollan or whoever we like .. Because the more we invest, the better Players we will have ... and the better Players we have, the more Fans we will have, who throw Tons of Money in our Pockets fore Jerseys, Tickets and Pennants in order to identify themselves with us emotionally (Because we also need them to call the Ref a Wanker ore a Cunt, when a Decision goes against us or to whistle against an opposing Millionair Player, who commited a Foul against one of our Millionaire Players).

So yes. You're right. We need them Fans for all of that, although they don't have any Relation or Connection to our private and closed Group of People. That's why we won't let them on the Pitch, to celebrate with the Players after winning a Trophy. That's why we won't invite Fans to Club Parties, because only Club Related Millionaires will be welcomed.

We need them Fans. We need them as our driving and financing Force behind that invisible Wall called Exclusiveness, because a Club is nothing without its Fans.




If this is truly your view, I don't think you truly grasp or understand football, it's meaning to people or it's history. 

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7 hours ago, The Skipper said:

If this is truly your view, I don't think you truly grasp or understand football, it's meaning to people or it's history. 

Maybe I don't. Explain it, please.

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