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14 hours ago, kellzfresh said:

Trump and his "make America great again" could actually win the Republican nomination. He's has Teflon protection from any controversy he starts lol.

We'll see how he holds out now most of the conservatives will back Marco Rubio. The gap in his wins should start shrinking. 

I want a Republican to win but I'm not sure I want Trump. But I'll choose Trump over any Democrat anytime, anywhere. 

 I heard the mayor of London wants England to leave the EU. That's a game changer if he's giving it his all,  it'll be interesting to see the commotion caused by this lol ? 


11 hours ago, Blue-in-me-Veins said:

The powers that be will make sure Rubio wins the Republican nomination. 

Been saying this since October. Watch and see. 


I think Trump will win the Republican nomination, however to win the presidential is another feat. 

If I was Trump I would appoint Marco Rubio as my vice president. This will help with the Latino vote, since Trump has done a awful job about this since he started. 

To win the presidential nominee he needs some support of the Latino vote, and I see Rubio as Vice President getting him there. 

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10 minutes ago, Fernando said:



I think Trump will win the Republican nomination, however to win the presidential is another feat. 

If I was Trump I would appoint Marco Rubio as my vice president. This will help with the Latino vote, since Trump has done a awful job about this since he started. 

To win the presidential nominee he needs some support of the Latino vote, and I see Rubio as Vice President getting him there. 

Very good point. That will give him full conservative support too. 

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On 2/29/2016 at 5:12 PM, CHOULO19 said:


This guy is spot on with everything he says about Bernie Sanders and perfectly explains why he won't win the minorities vote, and hence has no real chance for the nomination. 

I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. He's not pandering to black people so they won't vote for him? He's not winning the southern states cause they are conservative and always vote red. 



This is the truth behind Hiliary Clinton and black people. I don't know why that guy didn't bring up any of these points. Also, Bernie's territory is in the northern states. Not the South. He has a chance to win the nomination and the minority vote. Bernie has supported minorities since the civil rights movement. He marched with MLK ffs. That guy is a Hiliary supporter through and through. 

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3 hours ago, iseah100 said:

I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. He's not pandering to black people so they won't vote for him? He's not winning the southern states cause they are conservative and always vote red. 



This is the truth behind Hiliary Clinton and black people. I don't know why that guy didn't bring up any of these points. Also, Bernie's territory is in the northern states. Not the South. He has a chance to win the nomination and the minority vote. Bernie has supported minorities since the civil rights movement. He marched with MLK ffs. That guy is a Hiliary supporter through and through. 


He's not winning black democratic votes in the south. That is what Choulo posted about, and he's right. Sanders, living in a white area, never had to court minorities so he's failing.

I think progressives are doing their own cause a disservice trying to convince a segment of the population that a woman who has fought for, and been involved with, the black community for decades is an enemy for making a statement a bunch of people agreed with during a time where black leadership supported tough on crime measures.  

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6 hours ago, iseah100 said:

I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. He's not pandering to black people so they won't vote for him? He's not winning the southern states cause they are conservative and always vote red. 



This is the truth behind Hiliary Clinton and black people. I don't know why that guy didn't bring up any of these points. Also, Bernie's territory is in the northern states. Not the South. He has a chance to win the nomination and the minority vote. Bernie has supported minorities since the civil rights movement. He marched with MLK ffs. That guy is a Hiliary supporter through and through. 

Of course Hillary cares nothing about minorities and black communities, her husband created mass incarceration ffs! Hillary only cares about her big money donors. But she's a traditional establishment politician, you can go door to door to every black voter in the US and show them that video and it won't affect her.

Bernie VERY clearly has a black vote problem and it's not about those who voted for Hillary but more about those who didn't vote at all. That's where he failed more than anywhere else. He is supposed to be a candidate for the disenfranchised and those who feel voiceless; that is what the idea and rhetoric of Bernie Sanders is all about, but he has not run a campaign to match that.

Call it pandering if you want, but if Bernie is saying he's running a 'movement campaign' for a political revolution then he needs to come down and actually penetrate communities and particularly black communities, not just universities. And he's done nothing of the sorts because he's insistent on running a traditional political campaign.

And the reason Bernie hasn't called her out on that video is the same why he has pulled sooooo many punches since the start of his nomination. I read an article a month or so ago (which I can't seem to find now) about the most used phrase/sentence by each candidate in debates. You know what Bernie's was? "I agree with the Madame Secretary"! 

Wall street aside, he's been weak and did not attack Hillary on many of the major issues. Particularly on foreign policy where he could have murdered Hillary on Libya and Iraq but instead has tried to play on two ropes and ended up not saying much at all. He sounds sooo weak on foreign policy.

And that's what the guy in the video (who most definitely is NOT a Clinton supporter, btw) was saying. That a progressive campaign, unlike traditional political campaigns, needs to be built on principles and to strongly hold progressive views on all the issues from Wall Street to civil rights, to surveillance to trade agreements to environmental concerns to foreign policies regarding Gitmo, the drone campaign, Palestine/Israel to human rights....etc. 

In short, from the start Bernie has been afraid of running a truly progressive campaign and calling out Hilary for her neoliberal politics and that has clearly hurt him with a lot of people on the actual left and particularly in black communities.

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Can we just agree, all these candidates are shit? 

I've stopped subscribing to party politics, but Jesus, none of these candidates have any redeeming qualities that would make me vote for them. Really wish Michael Bloomberg jumped into the race, would have given him the nod i think. 

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On 3/3/2016 at 8:27 PM, Blue-in-me-Veins said:

Can we just agree, all these candidates are shit? 

I've stopped subscribing to party politics, but Jesus, none of these candidates have any redeeming qualities that would make me vote for them. Really wish Michael Bloomberg jumped into the race, would have given him the nod i think. 

Bloomberg? Really dude? Michael fucking Bloomberg? :lol:

I think I'm going to move out of the States when Trump wins tbh.

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3 hours ago, Kieran. said:

Bloomberg? Really dude? Michael fucking Bloomberg? :lol:

I think I'm going to move out of the States when Trump wins tbh.


I think he's better than Trump and Hillary who look to be a lock for the nomination. :dunno:

And yeah, I've become very disillusioned at the current state of United States. Trump has tapped into that xenophobic sensation around the country, and it is only adding more hate and bigotry to an already straining race relations situation in this country. It's become clear to me this is what America was, is and will be. It's crazy because I do want to see change, I'm tired too of the same neo-liberal policies, supply side economics, Patriot Acts 1 AND 2, and prevalent corruption in the form of "lobbying". And I'd love to see that change come about, but Bernie's socialist ideals won't get passed by either party, and it's already quite clear he won't win.But I'm not THAT desperate for change that i'm willing to vote for that Trump, neither am I willing to vote for Hillary Clinton and her pandering ass. She doesn't deserve the AA vote at. all. Yet stubborn democrats believe she really has their best interests at heart because she hit the Nae Nae :doh:Fuck. Off. 

Here's a brilliant article on the Clinton's and the AA vote: http://www.thenation.com/article/hillary-clinton-does-not-deserve-black-peoples-votes/

Just gotta finish college, then plan on GTFO of here. 

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On 2/14/2016 at 11:02 AM, Fernando said:

Yeah that Trump vs Hilary going to be comedy gold. 

And you know what? A lot of people are truly wanting Trump because they believe this guy will do what he said. 

I personally like Cruz because he's Christian but he ain't winning against Trump. Trump got everything going for him. 

Ted Cruz? see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihilism#Existential_nihilism

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I know I'm 'foreign' to US politics, but I just can't understand how Trump is unanimously viewed as worse than Hillary. Even if you want to take his rhetoric at face value, he's still come out on the left of Hillary on several issues particularly foreign policy. I mean the woman is a war criminal even before she sets foot in office which makes for a change from the usual procedure. As someone who lives in the middle east, I'm wishing for ANYONE except Hillary Clinton, Trump included! 

As for Cruz, the obvious issue is that if he somehow does get elected and then even more unlikely actually does very well, would anyone really want to see that wax face of his on money everywhere?! Would probably complete devalue the dollar and send the world into a financial crisis.... 

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1 hour ago, CHOULO19 said:

I know I'm 'foreign' to US politics, but I just can't understand how Drumpf is unanimously viewed as worse than Hillary. Even if you want to take his rhetoric at face value, he's still come out on the left of Hillary on several issues particularly foreign policy. I mean the woman is a war criminal even before she sets foot in office which makes for a change from the usual procedure. As someone who lives in the middle east, I'm wishing for ANYONE except Hillary Clinton, Drumpf included! 

As for Cruz, the obvious issue is that if he somehow does get elected and then even more unlikely actually does very well, would anyone really want to see that wax face of his on money everywhere?! Would probably complete devalue the dollar and send the world into a financial crisis.... 


How exactly is she a war criminal, (unless you're talking about US foreign policies in general which would make every modern President technically a war criminal)? Not that I'm a fan, but she's obviously better than any of the current republican candidates running. That party has been on the wrong side of history since the Reagan days...

Hillary is plastic, but any of those guys except maybe Kasich are very very scary, whether it's a ruthless but dangerously insecure business man like Trump who will say literally anything, or a ultraconservative Christian lunatic like Ted Cruz.

Don't forget which party was in power when they lied to the UN about the reasons to invade Iraq, one of the main reasons for the current unsolvable fuck-up we've got with ISIS and the likes. If GW Bush ran today, he'd actually be one of the more progressive Republican candidates...

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8 hours ago, johnnythefirst said:

How exactly is she a war criminal, (unless you're talking about US foreign policies in general which would make every modern President technically a war criminal)? Not that I'm a fan, but she's obviously better than any of the current republican candidates running. That party has been on the wrong side of history since the Reagan days...
Hillary is plastic, but any of those guys except maybe Kasich are very very scary, whether it's a ruthless but dangerously insecure business man like Trump who will say literally anything, or a ultraconservative Christian lunatic like Ted Cruz.
Don't forget which party was in power when they lied to the UN about the reasons to invade Iraq, one of the main reasons for the current unsolvable fuck-up we've got with ISIS and the likes. If GW Bush ran today, he'd actually be one of the more progressive Republican candidates...

Yeah, obviously I mean foreign policies when she was secretary of state. 'Masterminding' the Libya catastrophe, cosigning on the global drone assassinations, helping to fund and arm neonazis in Ukraine and groups on the US' own terror list in Syria...etc. and that's just getting started though it suffices to just mention Libya for why she should be jail. So it makes for a change, if/when she gets elected, that the president of the USA is a war criminal even BEFORE taking office...

When it comes to foreign policy in the US, parties matter little. As you rightly pointed out, every single US president since WW2, democrat or republican, is a war criminal. And that's not even an exaggeration:


Take Obama, for example. There hasn't been as much attention to Libya as was for Iraq, but the results are arguably as devastating if on a smaller scale (Libya only has about 6 million citizens). As country and as a state, Libya is now in a much worse shape than Iraq. The state is just completely gone and there is no possible way for it to get better in the near future that the US is now talking about another war there this time to fight those they put in power with their first war! 

And in the whole region, apart from fueling the islamization and militarization of the uprisings in neighboring countries, the weapons thrown into Libya are now being use all over Africa by groups like Boko Haram and Al Shaba that have grown immensely due to the Libyan war and are now terrorizing half of Africa.

And you mentioned the lies about Iraq, I was just reading this article last week and it points out that contrary to what was being reported in Western (as well as Arabic) media about tens of thousands (even reached hundreds of thousands by some 'estimates) being murdered by Gaddafi, Human Rights Watch now estimates that a total of about 350 protesters were killed. Obviously still an awful tragedy, but it exposes the shameless propaganda that was used to justify the war. So democrats lie and wage horrendous wars just as much as republicans do.

That's because US wars are not done for any principle (you can argue that for the vast majority of wars in history) but for the benefit of corporations like weapons manufacturers, defensive contractors, oil companies...etc. On that basis, Hillary is by far the most likely to cause the most damage as president because her position as part of the establishment and her ties to those corporations and willingness to do their bidding by far surpasses any of the other running candidates (with Rubio probably in second place).

So it's not that I by any means think that Trump would do good or not kill a whole lot of people, I just can't see him being as destructive on foreign policy as Hillary. 

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I'm no expert on Libya, but the question is what you should do when a president starts to shoot his own people and a major part of the country rises up against him. I don't believe the whole Arab spring was orchestrated by the US. Ghadaffi for example had been in power unchallenged for decades, and was minding his own business. Let's pick a more clear example: Assad is obviously a mass murderer. The largest number of civilian casualties are still made by the Syrian army, not by ISIS. What should be done about him? Nothing? Invasion? The half-hearted stuff we are doing now? It's not an easy decision. The country is going to be in ruins whatever option you choose. 

The difference with Iraq is that it was a dictatorship too, but a stable one, posing no threat at all to its neighbors and certainly not to the US or any NATO Members. Bush and his cronies decided to pull a massive invasion anyway. Costing thousands of American lives, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives and essentially creating a breeding ground for terrorists. It's proving to be one of the absolute worst decisions of the century and it was made because no one in the republican party seems to understand foreign politics.

Trump is an insecure buffoon who puts his golden lettered name on penis shaped skyscrapers just to make himself feel better. Hillary might be establishment and working for "wall street in stead of main street" but Trump IS Wall Street. He's a billionaire who probably washes his hands after touching any of his blue collared fans. He doesn't want to make America great, he wants to make himself great and earn himself a statue. He doesn't know a flying fuck about the world outside of the US, doesn't have any political experience whatsoever, inherited all of his wealth and get endorsed by the KKK and doesn't mind.

If I take a look at these candidates I'll gladly pick or Sanders or four more years of Obama. With all his faults, he's still a more qualified and more gracious leader than the lot of them. You're always going to have blood on your hands as the US president, the question is how much. 

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Looking the Republican primaries more and more and to me it seems like this will go down to Convention. 

Once it goes to Convention more then likely Trump will lose out. 

See that possibility higher and more higher. 

And Cruz at the convention will get the nod. 

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