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i doubt they actually care. just an excuse to be thugs

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There are still people and probably whole families under the rubble in some parts of Eastern Gaza. Israel prohibiting the red cross and red crescent from entering. Any medical staff or rescue workers trying to get into the area are being fired at. Any civilians still alive in the area trying to evacuate their houses are killed on sight.
On a different note, a UN worker has just been killed along with 4 women in an air strike. I wonder if the UN worker was being a human shield for Hamas...

Horrible footage tonight on ch4 of an unarmed young palestinian civilian searching for his dead family among the ruins. Suddenly an israeli sniper shoots him and he falls among the bricks. Hes moving, and then another shot rings out and hes hit again. But hes still alive! Then 10 seconds later hes shot again, finished off.

Its like when that blacķ soldier is picked off by a sniper in Full Metal Jacket - except this is no movie, just sheer cowardly slow execution.

His body has been there for two days, all rescue workers and paramedics are shot at.

The bigger picture doesnt get mentioned by the corporate media either. The fact that so much of 'israeli land' is an illegal occupation according to the UN, and that before the current slaughter, a palestinian child is killed every three days on average.

All you can surmise from this is that israel, and the western govt parties that israeli billionaires donate to, value palestinian lives as worthless.

I posted that video a couple of pages back. And this was actually during the 3 hour 'ceasefire'.

Shake my head at the ignorance. Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots who can't differentiate between Zionism and Judaism.

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This is one of the longest ongoing tragedies .. I have seen Germany Unified ,, Apartheid ended .. The Communist Empire broken down

Peace in Ireland yet this conflict continues . Sadly my country is at least partly responsible for a decision made almost 70 years ago

Those ones didn't involved certain religious elements. Unfortunately that is the real problem here.

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And it's pretty much unreported in the UK. Awful.

Even more awful that a lot are just bleeding to death. No ambulance has been allowed in the heavily targeted Khaz'a area for two days now. Several ambulances destroyed, and today 12 paramedics were detained by the IOF for 3 hours. The civilians aren't able to evacuate either. Anyone trying to evacuate is being targeted.

And now, this:


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Now dozens killed and injured in an airstrike on an UNRWA school that is being used as shelter for hundreds of refugees who had fled the more heated areas of had their homes destroyed. Another massacre. Where do the war crimes end?!

Anyway, an attempt to re-humanize the kids that have turned into numbers and faceless statistics:

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Really shocked by the coverage some of the British and American news channels have been giving. It's pretty clear that Palestinian lives have little or no value in comparison to Israeli lives for most of these media outlets. Losing my faith in humanity every time someone tries to justifies the massacre Israel is causing.

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I just wanted to translate this account by an eyewitness of the Khaz'a massacre on his twitter account: https://twitter.com/Ibn3arbi

.الكثير من شهداء خزاعة كانوا أصيبوا ونزفوا حتى الموت في انتظار اسعافهم. راقبت من شباك غرفتي ولساعات كل مراحل موت فتى في العشرين من عمره

طبيب واحد في البلدة، كمال أبو رجيلة، بذل جهد جبار مع الاصابات التي كانت تصل عيادته بإعجاز حتى بعد أن تم قصف عيادته وإصابته واستشهاد والده.

تم قصف البيت الذي كنت أحتمي فيه مع 50 رجل وطفل وامرأة. نجوت وعائلتي بمعجزة ولا أملك أدنى فكرة عما حل بالآحرين لكن حذائي ابتل تماما بدمائهم.

استطعنا استغلال دخان وغبار القصف للوصول إلى بيتنا. دقائق قليلة وتم استهداف البيت بثلاث قذائف أشعلت فيه الحريق وتسببت باصابتي اصابة طفيفة.

خرجنا للشارع بدون وعي وكان مشهد الدمار مرعب والقصف في كل مكام. حاولنا المشي باتجاه مخرج البلدة لكن الطيران المروحي فتح نيران رشاشاته علينا.

أمام عيني سقط طفل صغير كانت تحمله أمه بيد وباليد الثانية ترفع راية بيضاء. ابنها مات. استخدمت الراية ككفن وأكملت طريقها مع باقي أطفالها. رعب.

في الطريق الذي سلكناه وجدت جثة عمي وابنه ملقاة في الشارع بجانب بيتهم. كان القناصة يستهدفون الناس في أقدامهم في محاولة لمنعهم عن الهروب.

ابن عمّتي استشهد أثناء محاولته إنقاذه أخيه المصاب والملقى في الشارع. الاثنين استشهدوا فوق بعضهم.

الوضع كان مرعب ومأساوي وأي محاولة لوضعه بكلمات ستكون مبتذلة ولن تعطي المجزرة حقها. أنا وأهلي خرجنا أحياء لكنني لا أملك أدنى تفسير كيف وليش.

القصف المدفعي كان يتم بشكل عشوائي ولا أي شيء في العالم يمكنه أن يقنعني بعكس ذلك.

ولسّا في جثث في الشوارع. ولسّا في مصابين بيستنوا يصيروا جثث. ولسّا في ناس عالقة مش قادرة تطلع.

"A lot of the Khaz'a martyrs were injured and bled to death. I watched from the window in my room all the stages of the slow death of young man in his 20s.

The only doctor in the town, Kamal Abu Rjaili, did an immense job for all the injuries that arrived at his clinic even after the clinic was bombed and his father had died.

The house I was sheltering in with 50 other men, women and children was shelled. I escaped with my family by a miracle. I don't know what happened to the others, buy my shoe was wet with their blood.

We took advantage of the smoke to escape to our house. Minutes later the house was hit by 3 shells. I was very lightly injured.

Without thinking about it, we ran to the streets. The scene was that of complete destruction and bombing everywhere. We tried heading for the town exit but the helicopters fired at us from their machine guns.

In front of us, a child was shot while his mother was carrying him in one arm and a white flag in the other. She dropped him to the floor, dead. She used the flag to wrap up his little body and continued to run with her other children. Horror.

In the road we took, I found the corpses of my uncle and his son on the street. The snipers were targeting people to prevent them from escaping.

My cousin died trying to save his injured brother who was laying on the street. They died one on top of the other.

The situation was horrible and tragic and no vocabulary in the world can even begin to describe this massacre. My family and I made it out safely but I still don't understand how and why.

The bombing was completely random. Nothing in the world can convince me otherwise.

And still, there are corpse on the streets, injured people waiting to be corpses and people stuck in the area unable to leave."

I know I can't even begin to understand what this man and the others in the neighborhood have gone through, but I still cried reading this.

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I just wanted to translate this account by an eyewitness of the Khaz'a massacre on his twitter account: https://twitter.com/Ibn3arbi

.الكثير من شهداء خزاعة كانوا أصيبوا ونزفوا حتى الموت في انتظار اسعافهم. راقبت من شباك غرفتي ولساعات كل مراحل موت فتى في العشرين من عمره

طبيب واحد في البلدة، كمال أبو رجيلة، بذل جهد جبار مع الاصابات التي كانت تصل عيادته بإعجاز حتى بعد أن تم قصف عيادته وإصابته واستشهاد والده.

تم قصف البيت الذي كنت أحتمي فيه مع 50 رجل وطفل وامرأة. نجوت وعائلتي بمعجزة ولا أملك أدنى فكرة عما حل بالآحرين لكن حذائي ابتل تماما بدمائهم.

استطعنا استغلال دخان وغبار القصف للوصول إلى بيتنا. دقائق قليلة وتم استهداف البيت بثلاث قذائف أشعلت فيه الحريق وتسببت باصابتي اصابة طفيفة.

خرجنا للشارع بدون وعي وكان مشهد الدمار مرعب والقصف في كل مكام. حاولنا المشي باتجاه مخرج البلدة لكن الطيران المروحي فتح نيران رشاشاته علينا.

أمام عيني سقط طفل صغير كانت تحمله أمه بيد وباليد الثانية ترفع راية بيضاء. ابنها مات. استخدمت الراية ككفن وأكملت طريقها مع باقي أطفالها. رعب.

في الطريق الذي سلكناه وجدت جثة عمي وابنه ملقاة في الشارع بجانب بيتهم. كان القناصة يستهدفون الناس في أقدامهم في محاولة لمنعهم عن الهروب.

ابن عمّتي استشهد أثناء محاولته إنقاذه أخيه المصاب والملقى في الشارع. الاثنين استشهدوا فوق بعضهم.

الوضع كان مرعب ومأساوي وأي محاولة لوضعه بكلمات ستكون مبتذلة ولن تعطي المجزرة حقها. أنا وأهلي خرجنا أحياء لكنني لا أملك أدنى تفسير كيف وليش.

القصف المدفعي كان يتم بشكل عشوائي ولا أي شيء في العالم يمكنه أن يقنعني بعكس ذلك.

ولسّا في جثث في الشوارع. ولسّا في مصابين بيستنوا يصيروا جثث. ولسّا في ناس عالقة مش قادرة تطلع.

"A lot of the Khaz'a martyrs were injured and bled to death. I watched from the window in my room all the stages of the slow death of young man in his 20s.

The only doctor in the town, Kamal Abu Rjaili, did an immense job for all the injuries that arrived at his clinic even after the clinic was bombed and his father had died.

The house I was sheltering in with 50 other men, women and children was shelled. I escaped with my family by a miracle. I don't know what happened to the others, buy my shoe was wet with their blood.

We took advantage of the smoke to escape to our house. Minutes later the house was hit by 3 shells. I was very lightly injured.

Without thinking about it, we ran to the streets. The scene was that of complete destruction and bombing everywhere. We tried heading for the town exit but the helicopters fired at us from their machine guns.

In front of us, a child was shot while his mother was carrying him in one arm and a white flag in the other. She dropped him to the floor, dead. She used the flag to wrap up his little body and continued to run with her other children. Horror.

In the road we took, I found the corpses of my uncle and his son on the street. The snipers were targeting people to prevent them from escaping.

My cousin died trying to save his injured brother who was laying on the street. They died one on top of the other.

The situation was horrible and tragic and no vocabulary in the world can even begin to describe this massacre. My family and I made it out safely but I still don't understand how and why.

The bombing was completely random. Nothing in the world can convince me otherwise.

And still, there are corpse on the streets, injured people waiting to be corpses and people stuck in the area unable to leave."

I know I can't even begin to understand what this man and the others in the neighborhood have gone through, but I still cried reading this.

IDF accusing Hamas of firing rockets on the U.N. shelter. Lol
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Really shocked by the coverage some of the British and American news channels have been giving. It's pretty clear that Palestinian lives have little or no value in comparison to Israeli lives for most of these media outlets. Losing my faith in humanity every time someone tries to justifies the massacre Israel is causing.

I'm not going to justify it, but it's predominantly because of the way we view certain religions in the Western world. Unfortunately certain religions have a real PR problem.

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Really shocked by the coverage some of the British and American news channels have been giving. It's pretty clear that Palestinian lives have little or no value in comparison to Israeli lives for most of these media outlets. Losing my faith in humanity every time someone tries to justifies the massacre Israel is causing.

It's a cultural difference. Here, if you start a fight, (we're not talking about historical root causes) you reap the consequences, whatever they may be. Don't start a fight you can't win. Don't shoot junk rockets homemade rockets at a first world military power and then [redacted] that they're hitting you back with first world military equipment and it's not fair. People seem to not understand that they are responsible for the actions of their leaders. If your leaders are leading you to ruination then the fight starts with them.

I think a lot of the posters here are young, and only have experiance of the modern attempt at limiting warfare with "smart weapons" against military targets and infrastructure while attempting to spare civilians and think this is the norm, and the way it has always been. The US has a huge older population that grew up in the wake of the Second World War when Total War was the way war was fought, and everyone under the flag of the enemy was the enemy when bombs were used. (Dresden, the Blitz on London, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki come to mind.) Seeing the comments here about how Israel is only making Hamas stronger makes me wonder if Israel will decide to take the Total War approach someday to end it once and for all.

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It's a cultural difference. Here, if you start a fight, (we're not talking about historical root causes) you reap the consequences, whatever they may be. Don't start a fight you can't win. Don't shoot junk rockets homemade rockets at a first world military power and then [redacted] that they're hitting you back with first world military equipment and it's not fair. People seem to not understand that they are responsible for the actions of their leaders. If your leaders are leading you to ruination then the fight starts with them.

I think a lot of the posters here are young, and only have experiance of the modern attempt at limiting warfare with "smart weapons" against military targets and infrastructure while attempting to spare civilians and think this is the norm, and the way it has always been. The US has a huge older population that grew up in the wake of the Second World War when Total War was the way war was fought, and everyone under the flag of the enemy was the enemy when bombs were used. (Dresden, the Blitz on London, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki come to mind.) Seeing the comments here about how Israel is only making Hamas stronger makes me wonder if Israel will decide to take the Total War approach someday to end it once and for all.

So what would have the Palestinians do if not shoot rockets? Just sit their in their open-air prison suffering everyday with a racist "first world army" as you put it siege around them controlling their water, electricity and everything that comes into the sector with absolutely no way of ever leading a remotely decent life while that army slowly and methodically continues destroying their houses and imprisoning them for no reason until they no longer exists?! Do you have any idea what hardships and racist harassment a Palestinian goes through on daily basis?

If you, or any other man on earth, were a Gazaz, you'd fire rockets at Israel.

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And where is Hamas in all of this? Hamas is the main conspirator pulling the strings behind the scenes. I've already posted their charter which says their goal is to obliterate Israel from existence. This is why they continually shoot rockets into Israel to kill civilians and in hope of a retaliation from the IDF. This is how this new conflict as well as the others began. Hamas is a very radical and evil organisation and they are the problem and not the solution. The fact that they were "democratically" elected is proven by history to be irrelevant. Even Hitler and the Nazi's were democratically elected and the rest is history. Fatah at least recognizes Isreal's right to exist. I think at least this is a much better alternative to Hamas whose ideology is fueled by Jew hatred. They will never be at peace with the Jews because they don't want to. The Palestinian's are just collateral damage the same way the German citizens were under the Nazi regime.

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