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That's from The Guardian I believe.

Found it, some independent columnist Yasmin Alijai-Brown.

The arrogance of the South Yorkshire Police Commissioner Shaun Wright, in hanging on to his job is breathtaking. Theres enough negligence of duty to refer him to the CPS.

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If you want a top job in Britain, you can more or less forget it unless you went to a posh school and Oxford or Cambridge universities

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Today, police have been running around the central railstation in Copenhagen armed with submachine guns and kevlar vests, searching for what was described as a 'mysterious character'. A woman called the police, saying that she had observed strange behaviour from a passenger on one of the trains. He carried a large bag, looked very nervous and was reading a book of globalisation and the war against terror. When they both left the train a device fell out of his bag, and he looked even more nervous than before.

It turned out to be an English student, who was about to attend an exam, where he needed to bring his own printing device, and he was only nervous because of the exam and because he thought his printer had been damaged. LOL. :lol:

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TODAY is Friday 29 August 2014



Historical Events for August 1756

29th - England & France meet in war
29th - Prussian Libya occupies Saxson: beginning 7 years War


Historical Events for Year 1756

Jan 16th - England & Prussia sign Treaty of Westminster
Mar 17th - St Patrick's Day 1st celebrated in NYC at Crown & Thistle Tavern
Apr 14th - Gov Glen of SC protests against 900 Acadia indians
May 1st - France & Austria sign alliance
May 17th - Britain declares war on France (7 Years' or French & Indian War)
May 18th - England declares war on France
Jun 4th - Quakers leave assembly of Pennsylvania
Jun 20th - 146 Brit soldiers imprisoned in India-Black Hole of Calcutta-most die
Jun 20th - Siraj ud-Daulah Nawab of Bengal takes Calcutta from the British
Jun 27th - French fleet conquer St Philips Castle of Minorca
Jul 30th - Bartolomeo Rastrelli presents the newly-built Catherine Palace to Empress Elizabeth and her courtiers.
Aug 14th - French capture Fort Oswego, NY
Aug 29th - England & France meet in war
Aug 29th - Prussian Libya occupies Saxson: beginning 7 years War
Sep 8th - French and Indian War: Kittanning Expedition.
Sep 22nd - Nassau Hall opens at Princeton University
Oct 15th - Saxon army surrenders to Prussia
Dec 6th - British troops under Robert Clive occupy Fulta India
Dec 31st - Russia joins the Alliance of Versailles

On This Day on August 29th


1756- THE SEVEN YEARS WAR began. This could arguably be called the true first World War. Britain, France, Prussia and Russia, Austria, Poland, Sweden and Turkey fought each other all over the globe. Armies battled from Prague to Pennsylvania, Belgium to Gibraltar, to Madras, Quebec and Sri Lanka. In America it is called The French & Indian War. If you are a film buff consider this: Barry Lyndon and the Last of the Mohicans are happening at the same time as part of the same war.

1776- The Battle of Long Island ended. George Washington's army was badly beaten in battle by the British, and pinned against the East River. All night the fishermen of Marblehead Massachusetts ferried the remainder of his troops across to Manhattan while the British Navy sat strangely inactive around Staten Island. If the warships had moved up to block the retreat, the Revolution would be over. Even the weather helped with a thick fog that shrouded all activity until 8:00AM in the morning.

A Brooklyn Loyalist named Mrs. Rapalie sent her slave to warn the British that the rebels were getting away. The man was stopped by some German Hessians who couldn’t understand anything he said in his thick Brooklyn-Colonial accent. So they arrested him as a spy.

1897- The FIRST WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS opened in Basel, Switzerland. Jews from all around the world met to agree on a strategy of returning to Palestine to build a Jewish homeland and getting a major world power to sanction their efforts. They also agreed to adopt the revived Hebrew language as the common mother tongue. Russian Socialist Theodore Herzel, called the Father of Zionism , at one point almost split the movement with a scheme for all Jews to move to Uganda,. There was also another group who wanted Argentina to be the Jewish Homeland, but Palestine finally won out over all.

1929- New York City was having competitions between builders for who could build the tallest office building. The Chrysler Building had recently surpassed the Bank of Manhattan Building. On this day William Ratzengauer and former Presidential candidate Al Smith announced they would build a monster building, much higher than any other. It would be on the site of the old Waldorf Astoria Hotel and they would call it the Empire State Building.

1949- Soviet Russia detonated it's first atomic bomb "First Lightning". The scientists won medals, automobiles and dachas. They knew that if it had not worked they all would have been shot. Yet Stalin made no public announcement until he could fill his larder with nukes. A CIA sniffer plane picked up the evidence of the bomb and dubbed it "Joe-1" after Joe Stalin. It was announced on Sept 23rd. The U.S. reacted to this news and the news of Mao's taking over China with shock. It fueled the great Red-scare of the 1950's.

2005- HURRICANE KATRINA destroyed the cities of New Orleans, Gulfport Louisiana, and Biloxi, Mississippi. Tidal surges up to 30 feet collapsed levees, sending walls of water across the Big Easy. Thousands died, 800,000 homeless and billions of dollars in damage. The tragedy proved that for all the fuss about government preparedness after 9-11, America was still woefully confused in a real crisis.

While people drowned in their attics and critical care patients were left on the sidewalks to die, the government fumbled for almost a week. Long lines of relief trucks and ambulances were kept waiting outside the city with no permission to move in.

Meanwhile President Bush played air guitar at a Navy base in San Diego and compared himself to Franklin Roosevelt, then partied with John McCain on a golf course for his birthday. Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff attended a Bird Flu seminar and FEMA head David Brown was sending e-mails to friends like “Did you see me on camera with my new tie? -Fabulous!”

2008- CARIBOU BARBIE- Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain surprised the political world when he named Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as his choice for running mate. It is still argued today whether this unconventional choice was good or bad. She energized the far right wing base of her party, but her obvious unpreparedness for high office offended Republican intelligentsia and scared off their few remaining independent voters.

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Clearly these are two separate issues we have in this country when it comes to the issue of child rape.

Up in Bradford a few years back, I met Muslim pimps, some wearing mini Koran pendants on heavy, gold chains. "Not our girls," they reassured me, "just them white girls from the estates, cheap girls. They love it man, all the money they make! What else will they do with their lives? We're helping them make a career."

Much laughter, until I asked them what they would do if a white pimp groomed their daughters. They would kill the pimp and the girls too, they said. They would too."

That makes me physically sick to my stomach. It sounds just like that Oxford Grooming gang a while back. Had me in tears thinking the very same people who welcomed them in their communities, were in turn having their daughters turned into whores by groups who think the children of those people are less than simply by virtue of being old English girls in English cities. Sickening, and it is happening in every city.

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George Galloway assaulted in London?



I don't particularly like the guy, but that is beyond disgraceful. Just imagine for a second the outrage if it was a conservative right-wing MP who was assaulted by a Muslim lunatic and not a left-wing MP who was assaulted by a conservative lunatic.

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George Galloway assaulted in London?



I don't particularly like the guy, but that is beyond disgraceful. Just imagine for a second the outrage if it was a conservative right-wing MP who was assaulted by a Muslim lunatic and not a left-wing MP who was assaulted by a conservative lunatic.

A broken jaw "actual bodily harm" ? If it was a tory mp or a copper the assailant would be up for gbh or attempted murder.

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A broken jaw "actual bodily harm" ? If it was a tory mp or a copper the assailant would be up for gbh or attempted murder.

"Suspicion of actual body harm", key word being suspicion. The man had to spend a day in the hospital!

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"Suspicion of actual body harm", key word being suspicion. The man had to spend a day in the hospital!

Its just that GBH is more serious than ABH, and his injuries if reported correctly consttute GBH.

Galloway is not to everyones taste, but can normally look after himself, having been a boxer. Will always be a legend for that performance in front of the US Senate.

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Its just that GBH is more serious than ABH, and his injuries if reported correctly consttute GBH.

Galloway is not to everyones taste, but can normally look after himself, having been a boxer. Will always be a legend for that performance in front of the US Senate.

Yeah, he certainly has his epic moments and some admirable brave stances, but he's a bit too much of the religious self-righteous type for my liking. He spends a lot of time here in Lebanon. He even used to live here at one point in the 80s IIRC. He currently has a weekly TV show here called "Kalima Horra" or Free Word on Al Mayadeen TV.

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Yeah, he certainly has his epic moments and some admirable brave stances, but he's a bit too much of the religious self-righteous type for my liking. He spends a lot of time here in Lebanon. He even used to live here at one point in the 80s IIRC. He currently has a weekly TV show here called "Kalima Horra" or Free Word on Al Mayadeen TV.

Didnt know that, I know he was married to a palestinian for a while.

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Meanwhile Israel takes more land from the Palestinians, with the excuse it was for the death of 3 israelis . This will result in palestinians firing a few of their pathetic firework like rockets, and then israel will slaughter some more women and children, and so the Genocide goes on.

So how much of Israel should the Palestinians have back for the deaths of 80 000 Palestinians ??



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How the hell do we fight an ideology with millions, maybe hundreds of millions of followers? Conventional warfare won't work against people who are comfortable hiding amongst women and children.

The barbarism is simply incomprehensible and belongs in the middle-ages.

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