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Robert Lewandowski


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Hmm not definite he's going Bayern...

I would love Robben back - he helped us to victory last season after all - and CAN. DO IT ON THE BIG STAGE - you watching Thierry 'Choker' Henry :)

Lewandoski would be nice up front too :)

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I honestly don't get why is Lewandowski so desperate to go to Bayern. He has won everything there is to win in Germany and how much really can he improve himself in an environment and a team that is gonna dominate Bundesliga. He would be gaining so much more by going elsewhere.

Agreed. Feel really bad for BVB, sad to see key players leave to a rival. Maybe the prospect of playing under Pep was too good to turn down for them.

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So Cavani to Madrid, Lewan to bayern, Falcao to Monaco..who else is there left for us to get? Rooney? -.-

inb4 Lukaku

and Rooney might just stay with Man Utd in the end.... We really should went for Cavani from the get go....

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Disappeared? I think the word you're looking for is no assistance.

Had Drogba not of scored in the CL final there would be comments on him dissappearing, because lets face it he did nothing else but score the goal off the corner.

Have you forgotten his domination against Madrid? Lewa is obviously a great player, just because he didn't score in this game means nothing. The only attacking player who was actually ever involved in anything for Dortmund was Reus.

Dude, what are you talking about? Didier scored that goal, period, your comparison does not make sense.

Lewandovsky is a good player, but his 4 goals against Real Madrid made him look bigger than he really is.

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Just disappeared in most important game of his life. We dont need this kind of player. Good but overrated.

One game. Service to him was not so brilliant. Messi disappeared against us. Does that mean he is awful? I swear some of your comments make me think you are deluded. Have you seen how much goals he has scored this season? You called him overrated because he "disappeared" in one final yet he has been a shining player for Dortmund in most big games. Christsake!

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People on here always complain about Falcao, and how he needs perfect service and can "only score goals". Well yesterday Lewandowski did nothing all game, why? simply because he could not get the ball in enough dangerous positions, except that quick 1v1 Neuer stopped.

This is the same case with almost every striker, what differentiates them though is people like Torres and Ba can get the ball in decent positions and blast over, while Lewy and Falcao will put the ball in the back of the net more times than none.

All in all, i laugh at people who say Lewy is "waaay better than El Tigre, and more suited to Chelsea" they're both great strikers and that is what this team needs.

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Why two of Dortmund's key players are so desperate to join Munich is beyond me. They've won the league twice in the last 3 years in Germany, the

Deutscher Pokal, they reached the UCL final so why? It'd make much more sense if they wanted to join Real Madrid, Barcelona or some top EPL team, but instead they are going to the rival team <_<

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