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How Are You Feeling?


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I'm feeling like an utter idiot cuz I managed to burn my bloody hand while boiling eggs for my breakfast...after the eggs were boiled I lifted the stew pan and accidentally spilled the hot water on my right hand...damned eggs, I'm gonna enjoy eating them!

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I'm just back from the best workout ever! I joined booty camp for the week which is a 2 hour dance workout every evening and its the best craic ever! We even got to dance to some hairspray songs and nobody can understand how much I love the musical hairspray, I was in my element! Then there was aggressive Italian hip hop pow pow pow and then yoga type shit! Can't wait for tomorrow!

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Heart broken... Met a girl from Canada and am back in London and she is home... I fly back to Melbourne tomorrow...

Hugs, if it right it will work out!!

I am so sad, I had to say good bye to my parents today :( GOODBYES SUCK!

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Hugs, if it right it will work out!!

I am so sad, I had to say good bye to my parents today :( GOODBYES SUCK!

*Glompehs* Goodbyes indeed are pretty heart wrenching but hey for your future and all *should stop repeating* itll be a happyness they would like you and their gran children to have ^^

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Hugs, if it right it will work out!!

I am so sad, I had to say good bye to my parents today :( GOODBYES SUCK!

Worst feeling in the world and I don't know what to do. I want to make it work but don't know how..

I hope the moving is going well!

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Worst feeling in the world and I don't know what to do. I want to make it work but don't know how..

I hope the moving is going well!

keep in contact and hope one or the other of you can visit... Communication is key :)

or you could risk it all and move to Canada (not necessarily recommending this!) My brother-in-law followed his girl to Australia (sold everything and bought a one way ticket!). Well his girl is now his wife and he is an Australian citizen! Dan is a very free spirit tho and not very attached to his parents or siblings. So his decision wasn't hard for him.

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bit sad but happy too :). remembering years past before i went though shit on how good it was back around 2000 odds. but now i got me you guys and all thats better. better look to the future than try revive the past. so im pretty happy

and besides what i thought i never would have....i have now :D. god i have mood swings like a hormonal teenage girl

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