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You shouldn't have any in the first place. It always surprises me when people are of the opinion that humans are somehow superior enough to live without war. We're animals. Animals fight. Other primates certainly do. As do ants, wasps, and other hive mind insects. And that's just off the top of my head, these are animals that specifically fight what we would recognise as 'wars' (in that the entire society piles in and contributes to the war effort, not unlike the total war that was World War I) - not including animals that fight as a herd/community against others of their own kind over territory and resources. The only difference between us and them is that we have a far, far larger range of resources which are precious enough to Babylon that going to war is a necessity; while for animals I imagine they'd only fight over . Also Babylon profits massively every time there's a war, which is another nice incentive.

Talking of the First World War, can I state how utterly disgusting I find the outpourings of right wing vaginal discharge that have come out disguised as 'commemorating' the anniversary. Fuck off. It was your great-grandparents that were to blame for 9 million, largely forced soldiers (either forced into the army by a powerful propaganda campaign and the associated peer and social pressure that placed on young men to enlist, or forced to join up outright via conscription) dying over essentially no good reason. Now you're distorting the truth to serve your own twisted agenda, which is to drive up patriotism and nationalism amongst the sheep that elect you. No mention is ever made of how horribly the soldiers suffered, how poorly equipped and how shockingly led they were - instead all the focus is on their 'brave sacrifice' and 'courageous answer to our country's call in its hour of need'. It's as though the vast governmental incompetence that led to the war in the first place and then made every little aspect of it a billion times worse never existed.

Disagree with the first part. I do not believe we are animals, we have the ability to rationalise and evaluate way beyond any type of animal.-though I agree sometimes it makes you wonder. That particular anomaly comes down to the human resource of education and how it is rationed to some on this ball spinning in space. people find religion or money and think that is the answer, whereas the reality of the human condition , we know is a lot more complex. Lack of education means people wamt easy answers. Take any conflict domestic or global and it is nearly always down to poverty -be it poverty of education or resources. This suits capitalism it suits the 1-10% who have immense wealth. if you can get people divided over religion, resources, colour of their skin, football team -theyre soooooo much easier to rule over. Capitalism in times of crisis I agree will always go to war.

Which brings me on to your second paragraph -I wholeheartedly agree with.This 'commemoration' is all about reinforcing nationalism, for when the next war or immigration debate comes along. Its dangerous not to downplay the parts and lives played by millions of working class people who fought and died for some misguided colonial empire driven rich cunts though. Theres a saying they keep saying in the UK about WW 2, a quote from Churchill -''Never has so much been owed by so many to so few'' I would argue the opposite is more true ''Never has so much been owed by so few to so many''

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Rumors that the Israeli side has agreed to 4 of the conditions of the Palestinian representatives including lifting the siege on Gaza. That's great news if true. It was expected that the Israelis will have to give a few things. Politically, they have lost a lot in this assault.

She is one of those corrupt, in it for me politicians. Quite happy to shit on the poor and fiddle expenses.
Ok shes resigned over Camerons israeli friendly stance, but that wouldnt have been her decision, believe me. She would have been under immense pressure from other muslims, her family etc.

First time I've heard of her to be honest, but her resignation AFTER a ceasefire has been reached hardly changes anything. Would have been more helpful when the bombs were raining down on the civilians.

You shouldn't have any in the first place. It always surprises me when people are of the opinion that humans are somehow superior enough to live without war. We're animals. Animals fight. Other primates certainly do. As do ants, wasps, and other hive mind insects. And that's just off the top of my head, these are animals that specifically fight what we would recognise as 'wars' (in that the entire society piles in and contributes to the war effort, not unlike the total war that was World War I) - not including animals that fight as a herd/community against others of their own kind over territory and resources. The only difference between us and them is that we have a far, far larger range of resources which are precious enough to Babylon that going to war is a necessity; while for animals I imagine they'd only fight over . Also Babylon profits massively every time there's a war, which is another nice incentive.

Talking of the First World War, can I state how utterly disgusting I find the outpourings of right wing vaginal discharge that have come out disguised as 'commemorating' the anniversary. Fuck off. It was your great-grandparents that were to blame for 9 million, largely forced soldiers (either forced into the army by a powerful propaganda campaign and the associated peer and social pressure that placed on young men to enlist, or forced to join up outright via conscription) dying over essentially no good reason. Now you're distorting the truth to serve your own twisted agenda, which is to drive up patriotism and nationalism amongst the sheep that elect you. No mention is ever made of how horribly the soldiers suffered, how poorly equipped and how shockingly led they were - instead all the focus is on their 'brave sacrifice' and 'courageous answer to our country's call in its hour of need'. It's as though the vast governmental incompetence that led to the war in the first place and then made every little aspect of it a billion times worse never existed.

Of course we can't live without war, that's not what I meant. But we have managed to develop certain codes and norms of ethics to govern our actions. That is a huge difference we have over other animals. And that is what I meant by losing my faith in humanity when I saw those norms being destroyed.

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First time I've heard of her to be honest, but her resignation AFTER a ceasefire has been reached hardly changes anything. Would have been more helpful when the bombs were raining down on the civilians.

She has been talking to insiders about resigning for weeks now, not over Gaza though, all the while she has been in politics building up lucrative outside business interests. Its just a convenient time to go and save islamic face

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No mention is ever made of how horribly the soldiers suffered, how poorly equipped and how shockingly led they were - instead all the focus is on their 'brave sacrifice' and 'courageous answer to our country's call in its hour of need'. It's as though the vast governmental incompetence that led to the war in the first place and then made every little aspect of it a billion times worse never existed.

That's certainly not the case in the UK.

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My people, my religion is under threat and is murdured in Iraq by ISIS and nobody cares. Women are abducted with theyre family and they slaughter the men before they force women to merry them. They do masskillings and nearlo 100 000 ppl (definitly more then 50 000) hav flewn into the hills of Shinjar which is a holy place to my religion. And nobody seem to care, I don't understand it.


of course no one cares, you can't blame the jews on that one! nevermind the fact people are dying elsewhere at a rate of 100X or in certain cases 1000X more than palestinians... if you take the proportion of deaths in iraq and how much it's talked about and then compare to that of gaza and how much it's talked about, it's a joke really... yet all these people in this thread obsessed with demonizing israel don't see the hypocrisy

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of course no one cares, you can't blame the jews on that one! nevermind the fact people are dying elsewhere at a rate of 100X or in certain cases 1000X more than palestinians... if you take the proportion of deaths in iraq and how much it's talked about and then compare to that of gaza and how much it's talked about, it's a joke really... yet all these people in this thread obsessed with demonizing israel don't see the hypocrisy

Mate I would NEVER blame the jews, but mass execution of more then 500 Men and CHILD in 48 hr is a joke and just right now the western media starts of writing, they can all fuck off and the iraki kurds can fuck off too (at least the government not the ppl, they stand with us)

I must say I'm with israel that hamas should be fought, but what they do isn't right they shouldn't bomb childrin, send your mossad you're strong enough to kill all without one little child dying mate. Its shocking how such a small group like isis gets so much attention, there are so many ppl, if everybody takes one gun, they're nothing.

All ppl doing such crewl thing are no humans to me. Israel or Yezid, or Muslima... you can't do things right with doing things wrong... I'm kurd my jewish frineds are like us, and we yezidi kurds differ from many of the muslim kurds, we stand our ground we fight till death with honour and pride, no western will ever understand us, I'm fully integrated, tollerant, every human being liking chelsea FC supporting HUMAN yezidi Kurd but i differ from western ppl... its our mentality and how we are raisd.

Men drive they're childrens away and come back to fight WITHOUT guns against ISIS, thats what yezidis are about. They are so proud they even kill theyr OWN children they're own hands when the isis catch them, so they cant be slaughtered and killed... think about how much bravery to kill your child only so it isn't killed by this animals.

This world is sickening me right now and the western World too, israelis and yezidis should stick together and fight for brave and hounour...

Freedom to palastina I will say I'm with them and I have NOTHING against them and AGAIN I hope this killing of palestinians will end and not EVERYTHING you say against israil is against all jews, the politics and the religion must been kept apart mate...

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sorry if I'm talkint many things but my adrenaline is high up, still 50k and more ppl in the sinjar hills without food:


for all of you to understand how proud we Ezdis are:

Êzîdîsche Frau auf den Bergen Shingals: "Ich stürze mich lieber von den Klippen, als von den IS-Terroristen vergewaltigt zu werden."

(Ezidi woman from the mountains of Sinjar : "I will rater jump from the cliffs, then let my self getting raped by IS-Terrorists"...

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One question to my Islamic friends.

Why is there so much radical Islamic in this day and age?

Countries like Iran that are heavily control by radical Islamic in which give no freedom but to follow their religion.

I actually been hearing reports that Christians in countries like Iran are persecuted and such.

Is this true?

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everytime I see this picture my heart dies a bit with every teardrop

Warning NSFW


#Freedom4Ezdi #Freedom4Shinjar #Freedom4Kurdistan #Peacock4Kurdistan

This sort of thing should never be....... Period. Nowhere.

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everytime I see this picture my heart dies a bit with every teardrop

Warning NSFW


#Freedom4Ezdi #Freedom4Shinjar #Freedom4Kurdistan #Peacock4Kurdistan

Question, since this seems to be pertaining to Iraq.

Was Iraq better before USA came and invade the country?

How you felt that state was during the USA occupation?

And how you feel like it is today?

So 3 different scenario, that I would like your opinion on them.


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One question to my Islamic friends.

Why is there so much radical Islamic in this day and age?

Countries like Iran that are heavily control by radical Islamic in which give no freedom but to follow their religion.

I actually been hearing reports that Christians in countries like Iran are persecuted and such.

Is this true?

Very true. Religion is very complicated. I don't know why pple try to force it down other pples throats. A lot of radical islamics that live like we're in the 19th century, instead of embracing peace try to take advantage of people loyal to Islam and achieve their goals (money, power, oil)

Crazy world

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Question, since this seems to be pertaining to Iraq.

Was Iraq better before USA came and invade the country?

How you felt that state was during the USA occupation?

And how you feel like it is today?

So 3 different scenario, that I would like your opinion on them.


firstly I will tell you I can't answer this questions. We are kurdish Ezidis from the turkish part of kurdistan we cam originally from iraq part of kurdistan Sinjar. But I can tell u, there has never been any sort of freedom to us, we are an old ancient and to most ppl mysterios relgion, because we hide from the world. Why do we hide? We've ben 72 Times the target for mass murdering from MOSSLEMS, 72 Times. We are probably (not 100% veryfied because the religion is 4000 years befor christ) the root of kurdish ppl. Why do we and the kurds , whom are not thinking like that say, that we were the root of the kurds you may ask. Because all our prayers and songs are written in KURDISCH language, we've always talked kurdish in every part of our religion. The moslem came over and forced many Ezidis (in 72 Times) like in these last 3 days to convert or to be killed. Islam is in arabic and so it is not the ancient culture of kurds.

This is why we are so strong in our belive and we are so strong standing, because you will here about very very small minoritys who convert, we die before we convert to islam (even today, wehn our teens (I'm 28) start to merry with christians in europe our ppl don't accept them any more as ezdis, and if some girl or men merrys a Moslem, its like she killed her whole famly, because we left so much blood for this religion and belief and left our countrys to be safe. This religion, that is a PURE nature religion. We belive in Fire, Water, Air and Earth, never has in any prayer the order to convert anybody to his way of thinking, no prayer nowhere, closed the possibility to merry with other religions because of the massacres of the moslems. We belive God doesn't intervent the happenings on the earth, its all down to you, you have a head, a brain, hands, a mouth a tongue and you have to try to be perfectly blanced with yourself and the ppl around you and don't harm anybody, it is even not allowed to us to kill animal, only if we really need them, because they're a gift of god.

Now the reason why I told you so much about us. So we've been the root of kurdish ppl. nontheless the most kurdish ppl who now are Moslems, though there are christian and alewî and zarathustrian Kurds, hate us and call us devil-whorshippers, because the islamic religion says so. In general I've done a sin with writing the word with D, we belive ther is one god and one god only whom has 7 Angels (the 7 planets, like the 7 Days) with one Angel the biggest of them, Tawis Î Melek (Angel Peacock). Because God ist the only source of all mighty power (Light to us is the biggest Power on earth, think about physics my friend), we are not allowed to say that there is anything nearly or even as powerfull as God. We accept that tis with the consequenze that god gives power and life but although he and only him is allowed to say when your time to die has come. So, our countrymen call us devil-whorshippers. For more then 500 years we are killed and have had 72 genozides done to us, now 73, we always flew into the hills of shinjar where our only holy place is (where we belive Life begun to blossom). We've never been free, not under America, not under Saddam husseyn and not now.

For moslemic kurds it is better, they have theyre autonomous region and are puppets to America and fight against they're follow countrymen in Syria and Turkey, just to gain there indipendency. It is said, "you will go to paradise if you convert a Ezdi to islam"...

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One question to my Islamic friends.

Why is there so much radical Islamic in this day and age?

Countries like Iran that are heavily control by radical Islamic in which give no freedom but to follow their religion.

I actually been hearing reports that Christians in countries like Iran are persecuted and such.

Is this true?

I remember making a post about this some time ago. There are several reasons that I see and of course other random factors because eventually the "movement" of societies has an unpredictable random factor to it.

First, I think the 'Muslim world' feels that it is under attack by the west. The people of this part of the world have been taken advantage of and been the subject of a large part of the new-colonialism since the end of WW1. First by France and Britain, then Israel and the US. Pick any country in the middle east and the west have played a direct destructive role in it. Naturally, this creates a defensive reaction in these countries. This defensive reaction has unfortunately been recently towards radical Islam.

A big reason, in my opinion, is also the failure of the secular groups. In the 70s and 80s, left wing secular groups were the most prominent in most Arab countries. But these parties proved very corrupt and drove the people of the region into the arms of the right wing groups.

As for the jihadist nature of these radical groups, that has a lot to do with the southern part of the Soviet Union in the 70s and 80s. The US and the UK thought it would be a good idea to create Muslim extremists in that region to fight the soviet union. They paid Sheikhs to work starting from inside mosques to recruit men that are susceptible to these extremists idea. They funded and armed them and even provided five star medical care for the injured in the UK (do a back ground check on all of the Al Qaeda ledaers like Ben Ladin, Al Zarkawi, even all of those in Guantanamo, the vast majority of them have lived in the UK at one point or another in their lives.)

Then you have the fact that a lot of people seem 'culturally ready' to endorse such movement. That is mainly due to the fact these countries mainly have a a conservative eastern culture. Add to that the low levels of education and the state of war or edge of war that these countries have been in creates an extremist mind-set for people in which they react instinctively instead of logically to any threat.

Finally you have the Islamic revolution in Iran (which wasn't "Islamic" at all until after it was over) because nothing promotes an idea more than success. But to answer your other question, no, the Christians in Iran are not oppressed. Iran is one of the most religiously diverse countries in the world with Zoroastrians, Buddhists...etc. They are treated equally like everyone else, but they do have to follow certain Islamic culture standards regarding stuff like wardrobe in public.

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