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Frank Lampard


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You think because you live in England that makes you a greater Chelsea fan then somebody else? You can go fuck yourself right there.. I've bled blue since 98 and i can tell you something, your attitude towards a club legend is making me start to question your longevity as a Chelsea supporter. You will start spouting off about history? Anybody can use wikipedia. You will probably want to show us your old Chelsea jersey and memorabilia? Anybody can use eBay.

I couldn't give a fuck if you agree with the club in letting a player who's tears have hit the turf at Stamford Bridge leave. Lampard is 1/3 the reason why the club has been successful over the last 10 years.

I'm not getting into a debate about fandom, I'm simply saying that it's easy to call for a boycott when you don't actually have to do anything about it. If people don't want to go to a game because we're letting a player's contract run down then that's their choice but an organised protest is a little bit silly in my opinion.

My attitude towards him is simple - he's been a great player for us, one of the best ever, but we're moving on. If that makes you want to 'question my longevity as a Chelsea supporter' then that's fine, but you know it won't mean much coming from you - no offence.

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i Might be the only one here who wanted Drogba and Lampard to leave, not JT though. Them along with the Malouda Ferreira gang as well.....

Felt that we needed drogba to move on in order for our natural game to change..... But we didnt sign a replacement, ...still, he left a legend and at the right time.

Lampard too needs to move on, for his last few years as a pro to remain happy ones, where he is central to the team.... while he doesnt show it like that, i think he as a player needs to be a focal point of any team..... And yes, sometimes, Lampard is such a big player that it causes more harm than good, he will never truly be happy sitting on the bench IMO, and will be taking up a spot that players with different skills and younger legs can take over.

Not that him coming off the bench is bad, but why not Have a 25 year old Lampard come off the bench. ( i.e. 25 year old with legs and qualities as good or better at that age)

We are a forward looking club, and since we do not have a stable manager, i feel it is important to let players go at some age , as familiarity breeds power/ego etc, and as seen last season, it can end in disaster.

Lampard staying on as an ambassador or coach sounds good, but he can go to america and come back and do that later too.

I think all those media stories of taking a big pay cut are false.... He is off to america with a big contract bekham esque.

Regardless, i think every coin has 2 sides, but for me, It will be best if Lamps moves at the end of the season, and we can finally start a new philosophy with a new spine.

He is a legend. We are not Utd and just because they have done something does not necessarily make it right.

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I'm not getting into a debate about fandom, I'm simply saying that it's easy to call for a boycott when you don't actually have to do anything about it. If people don't want to go to a game because we're letting a player's contract run down then that's their choice but an organised protest is a little bit silly in my opinion.

My attitude towards him is simple - he's been a great player for us, one of the best ever, but we're moving on. If that makes you want to 'question my longevity as a Chelsea supporter' then that's fine, but you know it won't mean much coming from you - no offence.

You talk about us moving on, but are we?

Sacking a club legend for a guy who couldn't win the Premier League with arguably one of the strongest sides in the last 10 years

Sacking Robbie for Rafa is not exactly "moving forward". On the contrary, it's trying to get a quick fix, like we have for the last 4 years. Which means we are spending more money, having more debt and leaving absolutely no hope of building a consistent squad, hence the dips in form and dropping 20 points in a month.

Persisting with the worst striker the club has ever seen

Sending Drogba, Kalou, Anelka and Sturridge all packing so we can keep giving our $50,000,000 cancer a go at fucking up our club. Does that sound like "moving forward"? No wait, the same idiots at the club who made this decision are the ones handling the Lampard affair. I feel so much better that the club is in such competent hands.

Selling a player like Sturridge to a rival club

Remember this space. Sturridge will be one of the best strikers in Europe one day. Those idiots fucked up big time.. Wait and see

The club is being run by fuck wits. You may think we are in good hands with decisions like this, but you are wrong. Letting Lampard go is setting a very bad example for future players. They are pretty much telling them "No matter how good you are, or how much you have done for the club, once you hit a certain age, cya later" It just goes to show why we are the second most hated club in England.

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Agreeing 100% with Zolayes. He isn't as influential on the pitch as he is off it, at least now at his age. He is a great player to have around in the dressing room with all of his experience and knowledge of the game that he can pass onto younger players. When he does come on from time to time, he is rested, feels like giving his all. The fact is, his mind might tell him that he is still that midfield maestro that was so crucial to Chelsea seasons ago but the fact is, he isn't getting any younger and he has lost some of his skill and touch - but he still has his experience and that's the main reason why the club should let him stay. That's of course if he accepts a substitute role and wont make the team chemistry bad with sulking etc. That's for one.

Secondly, if he is offered a contract extension for a year (which seems to be the policy for 30+) , then aren't we just putting off the inevitable? He will eventually leave the club, the club has to spot the difference if he will be useful to us anymore or not. We would be faced with the same drama next year.

Third point I'd like to make. Getting rid of our so called old guard would pave way to a new manager that would like a fresh start. Having the Lampards and Drogbas and Terrys around will in a way challange the authority of the manager and will put down certain boundaries for him. So in that sense the club is doing all the dirty work atm to allow a new manager to stamp his own print to this club. One example of EXCESSIVE player power is the sacking of AVB where the old guard were all against him. It did get ugly at one point and Abramovich has since then promised to deal with the rebels, regardless of their status in the club. Rightly so.

To sum it up,I love him as a player and keep him if he still has something to offer. Whether it be on the pitch or off it, but I don't expect him to stay just for the sake of it that he is a Chelsea legend. I feel that if he knows that he can't challenge for spots in the midfield and can't contribute anymore, he should step aside. As I've said it before - noone is bigger than the club. KTBFFH

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It's not impossible. Pirlo, anyone?

It's different in Italy.

You can create a list of nearly a hundred players that have either played for Juve, Inter or AC.

off the top of my head:



Pirlo (he played for all three)

Vieri (so has this guy)








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It's different in Italy.

You can create a list of nearly a hundred players that have either played for Juve, Inter or AC.

off the top of my head:



Pirlo (he played for all three)

Vieri (so has this guy)








You do have a point there, but Pirlo, unlike all the others was a Milan legend when he moved to Juve. And he was the difference between Juve and Milan last season. We must not make the same mistake.

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What do you guys think the chances of Lamps going to United are?

I think and hope it is bullshit. But if this will happened, it will be for me the worst moment in my "football life"... I love Frank a hate the fuckers from Manchester United more than anyone else...

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"Fellaini to Chelsea with Lampard going to Manchester United."

I seriously doubt that will happen like some of the media are reporting, but if anyone would actually be ok with that they need their genitals set on fire.

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"Fellaini to Chelsea with Lampard going to Manchester United."

I seriously doubt that will happen like some of the media are reporting, but if anyone would actually be ok with that they need their genitals set on fire.

To be honest, I hope neither of those happens.

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You do have a point there, but Pirlo, unlike all the others was a Milan legend when he moved to Juve. And he was the difference between Juve and Milan last season. We must not make the same mistake.

Ronaldo and Vieri not Inter legends!?

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