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I want Chabollah to work with Terry while he can, that is all. Sometimes the knowledge he would transmit to him is greater than the playing time he would receive some place else.

The thing is Chalobah is now a defensive/box to box midfielder and that should be his permanent position as he can influence the game more from midfield.He has played for watford in midfield and has been brilliant.

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I think what Rmpr is getting at is that Chelsea need a deep-lying playmaker in the mould of Moutinho. Someone who can control the tempo of our play, basically.

Whether Roman wants this I don't know. But it would make sense to sign a player like Moutinho if we wants to play possession football. Playing Ramires alongside Mikel makes no sense to me unless we're going to be playing counter attacking football, and even then I would still think someone like Moutinho would be much more successful in that role.

In my opinion, that's not why we'd sign Fellaini. He'd be a replacement for Mikel, to be that defensive stopper who then starts moves off and also drops into the back two. He'd essentially be our Busquets.

The thing is Chalobah is now a defensive/box to box midfielder and that should be his permanent position as he can influence the game more from midfield.He has played for watford in midfield and has been brilliant.

I think Chalobah could probably play in either position. He's probably a bit young to play that Mikel role at the moment, but he could probably spend next season on the bench getting game time in either position.

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In my opinion, that's not why we'd sign Fellaini. He'd be a replacement for Mikel, to be that defensive stopper who then starts moves off and also drops into the back two. He'd essentially be our Busquets.

I think Mikel has been performing that role really well this season though, so I could only see Fellaini being signed as a back-up. You also have to remember that Mikel seems to be held in a very high regard at Chelsea. A damn good back up, but would he be content with that? Who knows.

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In what way?

DM: When playing for in an attacking team, the defensive mid must at times compose the center back line, even work on cover and other times even being the last defensive man. Fellaini aint going to do it well, he knows how to tackle, but his positioning isnt outstanding. He would not be much better than Mikel and would cost at least 20mi.

CM: We need a deep lying playmaker: Joao Moutinho, Hernanes, Xabi Alonso, KDB, Oscar, Pirlo, etc. Fellaini is not that kind of player, he is a great player, but not a playmaker. He has no vision and passing ability to perform well in that role.

Fellaini is a great player, not what we need though.

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Fellaini is not fuckin DM! How will he replace Mikel, I dont get it...he could only pair Mikel or play in attacking trio.

Yes he is. He's only been pushed on because Moyes needed his presence further forward.

DM: When playing for in an attacking team, the defensive mid must at times compose the center back line, even work on cover and other times even being the last defensive man. Fellaini aint going to do it well, he knows how to tackle, but his positioning isnt outstanding. He would be much better than Mikel and would cost at least 20mi.

CM: We need a deep lying playmaker: Joao Moutinho, Hernanes, Xabi Alonso, KDB etc. Fellaini is not that kind of player, he is a great player, but not a playmaker. He has no vision and passing ability to perform well in that role.

Fellaini is a great player, not what we need though.

Again, I think he would be a massive upgrade over Mikel. Part of the reason we have Ramires alongside Mikel is to cover up for a lot of his failings. With someone like Fellaini in there, we could conceivably drop someone like Oscar back into that playmaker role and not be exposed quite so much.

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Yes he is. He's only been pushed on be cause Moyes needed his presence in attack.

Well he might be DM too but as player he is best as SS or CAM.

However he is not improvement over Mikel at DM, he doesnt even play there this year...

Hernanes is beast this year, would be good adition to CM position...

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Well he might be DM too but as player he is best as SS or CAM.

However he is not improvement over Mikel at DM, he doesnt even play there this year...

Hernanes is beast this year, would be good adition to CM position...

He actually said recently that he sees himself as being 'better' in the DM position and I agree. He also has the experience of playing in the Premier League which is essential for any player looking to move in January in my opinion.

You say he isn't an improvement over Mikel, but you don't say why. I like Mikel, and he's been good this year except for when he hasn't. Technically I think he is good enough, but I have serious reservations about his character especially under pressure. Look at the Juventus game where he gave away the ball for the second pass and just stood there sulking rather than fighting to win it back. You may say it's only one instance, but I say it's indicative of a larger issue which his personality. Under pressure people tend to revert to their basic character type. Look at John Terry - he's a fighter. Back's against the wall, he fights.

With Mikel, he hides. DM is the one position on the pitch where you can't do that because it's integral to everything else going on in the team. He has to cover for the defenders, he has to start every move off, he has to always be available and he has to be alert enough to get the ball away quickly. Mikel is too ponderous. He takes 3 or 4 touches sometimes when 2 is enough and he can be caught in possession. Sometimes he gets lucky and uses his strength to get away (Spurs, away), sometimes he gets it nicked off him (Liverpool, last season).

Fellaini on the other hand has put his hand up this year and told his teammates that he will carry them on his back. He DESTROYED Man United in the first game of the season almost single-handedly and you can see in Everton matches that they often look to him in tight spots. He's not the finished article, but to me he has a lot of the intangibles to be a great player for us.

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Just out of curiosity, does anybody think we are going to spend big this January? and if so, can you seeing it be large amounts on 1 or 2 players, or spread out amongst 5 or 6 players?

The Falcao rumours have died down (however im sure they will spark up again in January) and everyone seems to think we need a new DM so do people think we will splash out and top quality striker and top quality DM or are we just going to get an average DM and couple of average strikers and maybe a youngish CB...

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Sorry, this ain't FIFA. Akinfenwa isn't anything special in real lfe.

But mate, if you'd compare him with Torres there is still some hope, a small light that he is better than Torres at the moment. I mean c'mon, who worser than Torres can be?

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