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Non-Chelsea Transfer Pub


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No, it is not FIFA terminology (well, it also is).

Well, in Portuguese there are two positions for an attacking player: "atacante" (CF) and "centroavante" (ST). We usually differentiate them by saying the first isnt a static inside the box player (like a second striker) and usually participates more in the build up and the second is a poacher. Since I am not a native speaker, it might not exist in English. Then, I am sorry!

It's a bit different in ol' English. Our terminology for positions is up for debate most of the time but I consider thusly:

  • A Centre Foward is a Striker that plays through the middle. With the term CF I think of mainly a big number 9, a target man, like Andy Carrol or Drogba.
  • Messi is a Striker but isn't a CF, even though he plays through the middle.
  • Pedro is also a Striker even though he plays out wide and still isn't a CF.

I don't know, it's all semantics.

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After thinking it through a bit, I would like us to now purchase Fellaini to 1. Challenge our trinity 2. Provide options in the pivot if necessary. 3. Provide us a different option when going forward (aerial threat) 4. Add more steel in the team.

I was against this transfer before because people wanted to see him in the pivot which I don't think he's good enough for, but I can see him playing as an AM or SS effectively for us when needed. It all depends whether we want to stick with this supposed new philosophy the club is trying to create or not. If the aforementioned is the case then obviously his purchase would be going in the wrong direction for obvious reasons but I personally think we should have a varied style of play... If Fellaini would come in for anything under £25m (unlikely) I think it might just be a decent investment. He'd also be good if we switched to a 4-3-3 - e.g. Have a Mikel - Ramires - Fellaini midfield to physically dominate in the middle or have an Oscar - Fellaini - Mikel midfield for a more balanced approach - adding KDB, Lamps and McEachran in that we'd have plenty of options and combinations.

Another purchase I would absolutely love is us signing Cavani. The guy is talented enough to play in any system, he's that good... It's pretty self explanatory why he'd be a better signing than Falcao as he offers a lot more to the team in build up play - whether you're knocking it up the pitch or playing on the break or aiming to keep possession - he's that athletic and technically sound. At 6 ft. 2 he's no pushover either.

In the summer if we managed to bring in Cavani, Fellaini (for reasons stated above), bring back in McEachran and De Bruyne and let them challenge for the pivot... Sell Fernando - bring back in Lukaku and let him and Sturridge provide good back up to Cavani; I'd view this as a great summer. We add physicality and talent going forward with Fellaini and Cavani (and Lukaku) whilst adding technically to our pivot by bringing back in KDB and Josh.

very true. After the westham game i saw how bad things can get if our amigos have a bad game, they were bullied of the ball easily. If there was more strength in our team, we will still be able to win difficult games.

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What are you exactly basing this on? Because he's been good as a SS for Everton? Doesn't mean he's an upgrade on Mikel in DM... Doesn't correlate at all. It isn't his best position - he hasn't been playing well and scoring from a DM position, so why do people compare? He came to the UK as a DM but has redeveloped his game massively since.

Because I look at what he has to offer, the qualities he has and the work ethic he has in most games and I make a decision based on that.

He actually said recently that DM was his favoured position and I think he would offer us a few things Mikel (and Ramires) don't.

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1. Fellaini is far from what we need in midfield, i dont see where the talk about him is coming from. he's a good attacker for a team like Everton, he isnt a top class midfielder. he's defense is very poor compare to good DM's, and he cant pass that good. In my eyes we need someone who can pass the ball better and get the team going forword, dont know if this player need to come instead of Ramires or Mikel.

2. There is a reason why Dzeko isnt playing well when he's starting for City. Dzeko cant combine too good with technical players like City have in their attack and he isnt

too comfortable with City's kind of football. Now why is he scoring so many goals when he's a sub? he plays in the end of games, when city got to score a goal and they are in presure, Mancini throws everything he has in the bench and they are starting to play other football- labs, alot of through balls, ball is wander around the box because of the amount of strikers in the field, and Dzeko is a very good finisher with great heading abillity so he's their ultimate weapon in those situations that heppend alot so far this season. To sum up, not our first striker at all.

I agree with your Dzeko point, but not the Fellaini one. I think he could offer a little more steel in the DM position, but I also think you're seriously underrating his passing ability. I actually think that we play Ramires alongside Mikel to cover up a lot of Mikel's failings - he has a tendency to fall asleep and can look rather lethargic at times. I think Fellaini would make a massive difference in that regard which might enable us to move Oscar back into a deeper role beside him. Oscar has a fantastic work ethic as well, so I don't think we'd lose anything.

The fact that Fellani offers a goal threat going forward would be an added bonus in an emergency.

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MY DREAM TEAM FOR NEXT YEAR: GK: Cech, Courtois, Turnbull RB: Azi, Iva CB: JT, X, Cahill, Iva, Chabollah LB: Baines, Bertrand DM: Mikel, Luiz, Romeu, Chabollah CM: Oscar, KDB, Ramires AM: Mata, Oscar, Hazard, Marin W: Hazard, Moses, Marin, Piazon CF: Piazon, Jovetic ST: Cavani, Lukaku

That is a good squad.For the Cb position i think we should go all out for subotic.We need a genuine world class cb alongside terry and subotic is exactly that and i think chalobah should stay on loan to a club where he will receive regular minutes then sitting on our bench.Other then that cant complain much.

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I dont think Fellaini is close to what we need. He does not fit our playing style at all and he would only make things difficult to Oscar and KDB.

Cavani, well, he is perfect. The only problem I see is that Roman cant stand a strikeless team anymore and Cavani wont move before the summer. If Abramovich really makes a move in January (Falcao, Lewandoski, etc), our hopes of signing him diminishes to almost nothing.


GK: Cech, Courtois, Turnbull

RB: Azi, Iva

CB: JT, X, Cahill, Iva, Chabollah

LB: Baines, Bertrand

DM: Mikel, Luiz, Romeu, Chabollah

CM: Oscar, KDB, Ramires

AM: Mata, Oscar, Hazard, Marin

W: Hazard, Moses, Marin, Piazon

CF: Piazon, Jovetic

ST: Cavani, Lukaku

OBS: I would love someone for the pivot role (De Rossi, Vidal, Busquets, etc). I just think we need to test some of our own players first (Oscar, KDB, Luiz, Chabollah, etc).

OBS2: We would be leaving some spaces for our youngsters and we would also aquire some leadership (X, Baines and Cavani).

OBS3: It isnt the best possible squad, but it does have balance and quality. A great manager can easily turn this into a good team!

So Fellaini wouldn't be good for the DM role, but David Luiz would be???

David Luiz, to me, has none of the things you look for in a DM. They need intelligence, awareness and a high level of discipline. Which of those words applies to David Luiz without the words 'is entirely bereft of' in front of them??

Physically and technically he's brilliant. But he is a fucking moron. I'm sorry, but when it comes to the mental aspect of the game he is the opposite of someone like Makelele or even Terry.

Fellaini on the other hand seems to offer all the things we'd need in that position. He's a hard-worker, he passes the ball well, he gets stuck in (a little too much at times but he's still young and learning) and he's great in the air. He also offers additional benefits going forward when you need a goal.

As for David Luiz, if we could get more than £20 million for him then we should sell him. Great player, nice guy but not a defender in my opinion.

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I'd have Darren Bent here tomorrow...

He knows how to hit the back of the net and is much better than Torres - fuck me I'd have any Striker from ANY division in England... At least the players have passion and dont wander around looking sulky or miserable... What kind of fucking attitude is that...

Still wish we hadn't been twats and signed RVP - 25 million and scoring/creating for fun (ok he missed open goal, but he still scores shit loads!)

Oh well - live and learn

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It says that Abramovich is ready to splash the cash for both Cavani and Hamsik. Could we see a starting lineup in Februari with:


Azpi Luiz Terry Cole

Oscar/Hamsik Mikel

Mata Oscar/Hamsik Hazard


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I seem to recall the one known as 'Alex' playing like an absolute muppet in his last few moments at Chelsea.

I seem to recall certain Alex to carry our defence in 10/11 season. He's good now too in PSG.

Unavailable: Pepe, Pique, Thiago silva, Kompany and Chiellini

Wouldnt come: Ramos, Pyoul, Vidic, Alex and Rami

Arent Good: Luiz, Vermaelen, Boateng and Lescott

you didn't say "available" but "excellent"

I rate Luiz, Vermaelen and Lescott. Maybe less Boateng but I find him to be a very good CB :(

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That is a good squad.For the Cb position i think we should go all out for subotic.We need a genuine world class cb alongside terry and subotic is exactly that and i think chalobah should stay on loan to a club where he will receive regular minutes then sitting on our bench.Other then that cant complain much.

I want Chabollah to work with Terry while he can, that is all. Sometimes the knowledge he would transmit to him is greater than the playing time he would receive some place else.

Liked the Subotic idea though!

So Fellaini wouldn't be good for the DM role, but David Luiz would be???

As for David Luiz, if we could get more than £20 million for him then we should sell him. Great player, nice guy but not a defender in my opinion.

I just think we should try what we have first. Wait at least one more year to see if anyone steps up (Luiz, Romeu, Mikel, Chabollah).

I dont have a problem with Fellaini, I think he is a great player, I only think he is not close to what we need (style). He doesnt really fit what Roman wants...

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In what way?

I think what Rmpr is getting at is that Chelsea need a deep-lying playmaker in the mould of Moutinho. Someone who can control the tempo of our play, basically.

Whether Roman wants this I don't know. But it would make sense to sign a player like Moutinho if we wants to play possession football. Playing Ramires alongside Mikel makes no sense to me unless we're going to be playing counter attacking football, and even then I would still think someone like Moutinho would be much more successful in that role.

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