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How Are You Feeling?


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Feeling great! Had good friends over for a BBQ for dinner last night. Had a great day wandering the streets of Shanghai with my sweetie!! Treated to a new camera and then our boys had an amazing win!!

Wondering what being a personal Eva means LOL

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Ok so we had a fixture list of...






I was feeling more than just a tad nervous in truth.

We've beaten Tottenham 5-1 at Wembley to reach the FA Cup Final, knocked Barca out the UCL to make the UCL Final, beaten QPR 6-1 with Torres scoring a hat-trick and are getting closer to the top 4.

I am also edging myself closer i feel to Saturdays off work and there's maybe a possibility of me getting a UCL final ticket but wont hold my breathe. Anyway i'm feeling gooood!

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Came home an hour ago...sooo tireeed....'twas an awesome day though, spent it whole with my friends :P

And not that I'm now chasing a girl with a bf, I think I like another girl ^_^

Aw....life used to be so awesome when we were kids...no love probs, no school probs...just fun fun fun fun and fun :D

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I'm so fucking angry right now, I want to kill someone. And the one thing thats made me more angry is seeing some comments/tweets from Chelsea fans. Like wtf I hope you break your legs and fall off a cliff. fake fans, dont support my Chelsea. I HATE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! :rant:

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Feeling so pissed off because i need to find a way to get Saturdays off work but fuck sake it's so tricky my manager is a 24 karat piece of shit and should be helping people like me out. For someone who has worked at the same place for 8 and a half pissing years never being late (to their knowledge ;-)) and never having a day sick, 100% attendance for 8 years in succession (shockingly true), i get basically punished for it doing more and more Saturdays. Lucky i booked the 5th and 19th off as holiday because this cunt has no idea what it's like to support a football team as he's a boring, boring non smoker, non drinker, non sports fan, no kids, no wife, bald, fat, arrogant, cocky, prick faced twat!

I need to do something, i need to go to a higher authority and bring this arsehole dooown! I mean, shit it's hardly asking much is it, let me work Monday to Friday, you can even pick my fucking hours if you want, just please, PLEASE give me MY weekends off!!


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Feeling great for the first time in awhile, finished building my android app (my last big assignment for college) and it's now submitted and everything out of the way.Great weekend ahead with the Fa Cup on Saturday and then off to see a great night of fights on Sunday. Happy Days :dance:

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