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13 hours ago, Stats said:

No matter how badly we need a striker, spending over £20m on a striker who is 33 and his last season in England was poor, is just poor, poor business. Not also that, Barcelona are struggling financially and still have not registered all their players. These factors should be used to our leverage. This is also a stop gap signing. We keep mugging ourselves off honestly. They also got him for a free from Arsenal and suddenly for Barca to have a cheek to get him on a free then within a few months sell him for £25m is is poor business. If this is true, then whoever is giving the greenlight to these deals needs regular checking on the levels of intoxication.

Barca did get him for free technically but surely there was a big signing in fee? Problem is these days 20m is the new 5m and it will get worse before it gets better. The prices these days for players are going through the roof, it's a well known fact the Premier league revenue is massive and the other leagues no our teams have all the money, so they can ask for high prices and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.

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1 hour ago, Strike said:

There's a reason why literally all the top coaches in Europe stayed clear of Ronaldo this summer. I don't want him even if he has a 20-goal season - it would be at a great cost to the team set up. Ronaldo may have scored 18 goals last season but United collectively scored much lesser than the season before - despite adding Sancho, Varane and in general having a better team. He just doesn't press and we've watched this with Lukaku last year - cannot take more of it

r/soccer - Pressures per 90 among Premier League forwards with a minimum of 270 minutes played in 21/22 [The Athletic, stats from Statsbomb via FBref]



Worth noting despite his issues with Arteta last season, Aubameyang is on that list in a reasonable mid table position with a very good pressure stat.

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29 minutes ago, Kong said:

My problem with your opinion is your saying lukaku is in his prime? 100m striker that scored 8 goals last season!! If that's his prime then fml not to mention the fact he didn't want to be hear. I don't 100% agree with the auba signing but, and it's a big BUT if TT can get him firing he will guarantee goals there is no denying that. His legs might not be what they used to be but have you actually watched us play? We camp in the opposition half, we aint the counter attacking side we used to be, we pile men forward and dominate the oppositions half she he doesn't need that pace he once had, we are after him for his finishing which none can deny is brilliant he's also a very smart player in and around the box, he will press he can pass and he's good in the air. Yes the price is high but we have just paid 62m for a LWB. We need goals to come from somewhere and I can tell you kai havertz is not the answer, Mount and sterling will get goals but not enough. Ronaldo is a deffo no no he's a moody arrogant cunt he's also older than auba and won't cost much less. I no you are not a fan of auba can you honestly say in this team and the way we play he won't score more than lukaku did with only 8 goals? 

Dear god. 😒

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1 minute ago, Kong said:

Dear God what. You denying the fact lukaku cost 100m n scored 8 goals or just the fact auba will score more.

Dear god the fact, that no where have I said that we should bring back Lukaku. But auba is NOT the answer to our issues. Auba is not the answer to anything other than another striker added to the list of has Beens that we took a punt on. 

Pato, Falcao, higuain, etoo. None of them worked. Auba is just another one for that list, a has been who will struggle in one of the most fast paced leagues in the world. 

I did not want lukaku to be here when the season started, but if the alternative is spending 30m on a 33 year old has been, i will take Lukaku and all his problems gladly. 

You don't cover up a mistake with another mistake. We will end up having 2 useless strikers on heavy and high wages. 

Dear god, please understand the point being made instead of arguing against some hypotheticals. 

Even if you remove the 30m, auba is still not a good fit. We saw at arsenal that he has lost some pace and a lot of energy. He can't be anywhere near the levels we need for our pressing game. Kai may not score goals, but that does not mean you buy anyone off the market. Auba does NOT make us better. It's going to end up just like higuain, only worse as its a permanent transfer and we are going to be stuck with him

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13 minutes ago, blahblahblah said:

Dear god the fact, that no where have I said that we should bring back Lukaku. But auba is NOT the answer to our issues. Auba is not the answer to anything other than another striker added to the list of has Beens that we took a punt on. 

Pato, Falcao, higuain, etoo. None of them worked. Auba is just another one for that list, a has been who will struggle in one of the most fast paced leagues in the world. 

I did not want lukaku to be here when the season started, but if the alternative is spending 30m on a 33 year old has been, i will take Lukaku and all his problems gladly. 

You don't cover up a mistake with another mistake. We will end up having 2 useless strikers on heavy and high wages. 

Dear god, please understand the point being made instead of arguing against some hypotheticals. 

Even if you remove the 30m, auba is still not a good fit. We saw at arsenal that he has lost some pace and a lot of energy. He can't be anywhere near the levels we need for our pressing game. Kai may not score goals, but that does not mean you buy anyone off the market. Auba does NOT make us better. It's going to end up just like higuain, only worse as its a permanent transfer and we are going to be stuck with him

Every player a team buys is a risk regardless of cost. 100m lukaku waste. Donkeyoko waste baba waste, morata waste Torres waste etc etc. I dont want auba here but I want goals if u can tell me some 1 eles to get that's achievable this window I am all ears.

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7 minutes ago, Kong said:

Every player a team buys is a risk regardless of cost. 100m lukaku waste. Donkeyoko waste baba waste, morata waste Torres waste etc etc. I dont want auba here but I want goals if u can tell me some 1 eles to get that's achievable this window I am all ears.

If the option is auba or bust, i will gladly go with bust. I will give the opportunity to broja to show us what he is got. 

And just because we need goals, we should get any striker available? Might as well give Falcao another try, right? There is risk and then there is downright stupidity. I know exactly which category i will put the auba transfer. 

Also, please stop reiterating this "we need goals" argument. Everyone and anyone following Chelsea knows that. How is auba the solution? That is the debate here. And he is no solution. 

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18 minutes ago, blahblahblah said:

If the option is auba or bust, i will gladly go with bust. I will give the opportunity to broja to show us what he is got. 

And just because we need goals, we should get any striker available? Might as well give Falcao another try, right? There is risk and then there is downright stupidity. I know exactly which category i will put the auba transfer. 

Also, please stop reiterating this "we need goals" argument. Everyone and anyone following Chelsea knows that. How is auba the solution? That is the debate here. And he is no solution. 

Auba banged goals in for fun in a poor arsenal side. He doesn't need his legs here it's a risk like any player 20m on a player is better than 70 on a risk that's not played in the epl before. It's swings and round abouts 

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3 minutes ago, Kong said:

Auba banged goals in for fun in a poor arsenal side. He doesn't need his legs here it's a risk like any player 20m on a player is better than 70 on a risk that's not played in the epl before. It's swings and round abouts 

For fun? In his last full season with Arsenal, he scored 10 (2 of which were penalties), in last half season he scored 4. Lukaku and Havertz both scored 8 last season, how is that so much worse than Auba?

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10 minutes ago, ulvhedin said:

For fun? In his last full season with Arsenal, he scored 10 (2 of which were penalties), in last half season he scored 4. Lukaku and Havertz both scored 8 last season, how is that so much worse than Auba?

A stat of 92 goals in 163 games is a good stat to have. He feel out with the manager towards to end leading to troubles in his performance.

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14 minutes ago, blahblahblah said:

If the option is auba or bust, i will gladly go with bust. I will give the opportunity to broja to show us what he is got. 

And just because we need goals, we should get any striker available? Might as well give Falcao another try, right? There is risk and then there is downright stupidity. I know exactly which category i will put the auba transfer. 

Also, please stop reiterating this "we need goals" argument. Everyone and anyone following Chelsea knows that. How is auba the solution? That is the debate here. And he is no solution. 

Nobody is a guarantee otherwise such a player would be deemed priceless.

I'm not desperate for Aubameyang but I'm also not against it either. It's a short term punt that isn't going to have longer term effects on the club like a Torres or Lukaku signing had. If he chipped in with 8 - 10 goals this season and it won us a few points along the way then its proven to be a short term solution to a problem at the club. I'd liken it to when Mourinho bought Eto'o in his first season here.

Tuchel knows him well and he has a proven track record in the league so as an attempt to band aid a problem in the squad, it's probably one of the more safer options than buying a largely unproven commodity for 2-3x the price. 

We also have to get away from this notion that once you hit 30 its downhill from there. More and more players, especially those at the top level, are having longer careers and in a number of cases are actually finding themselves even improving into their 30's. I'd acknowledge that Auba struggled at the end at Arsenal but its difficult to know how much of that was to do with his relationship with Arteta. His six months at Barca have been excellent and you don't really see many Barca fans wanting him to leave which should say something.

Personally as a stop gap solution he ticks a lot of boxes and makes a lot more sense than a number of other options. My bigger issue is the price being mentioned considering Barca took him on a free 6 months ago and considering he is a short term signing. 

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15 minutes ago, Kong said:

Auba banged goals in for fun in a poor arsenal side. He doesn't need his legs here it's a risk like any player 20m on a player is better than 70 on a risk that's not played in the epl before. It's swings and round abouts 

Lol. For fun😂😂

Sure buddy, whatever sails your boat.

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