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I will be really interested to see how Sweden comes out all of all this.

By refusing to lockdown they are very much going their own way on this.

Many have said they are being stupid and reckless (I'm one who couldn't believe what they were doing) but seeing an interview with a Swedish expert on viruses I'm starting to think that in the longterm they might be right.

They are saying the crashing of the economy, the damage  that will do to the health service and the health issues that will arise from people being locked in, that will be worse than basically sacrificing some lives (the large majority being elderly) in the short term.

Of course, every life lost is deseperately sad, but It's a question of putting the immediate saving every single life we can over the  saving of the economy, health care, which obviously saves lives longterm, and the allround well being of the country.




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22 minutes ago, NikkiCFC said:

Is at least testing free in US? 

I got this news from an RT show last night.

All they said was,  that what Trump was doing in giving free treatment was as very radical and unexpected. I think they said something about testing but I talking at the time, so not paying attention to that bit.

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15 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Trump steals 200 000 masks bound for Germany. Classy.


Masks from an American Company!

How dare the President put his own people before others, especially when his country is going to suffer way more than any other country in the world.

Sorry, but you Lefties really have become so desperate. Little wonder so many people have seen the light and turned away from them like never before.


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5 minutes ago, chippy said:

Masks from an American Company!

How dare the President put his own people before others, especially when his country is going to suffer way more than any other country in the world.

Sorry, but you Lefties really have become so desperate. Little wonder so many people have seen the light and turned away from them like never before.


Am not a 'Lefty' for one. Two the masks were ordered and paid for by Germany. The US will suffer because of Trumps and the 'rights' idiocy. Sorry but you 'righties' are becoming more desperate, no wonder people are seeing through the bullshit that is costing more and more lives. 

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19 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Am not a 'Lefty' for one. Two the masks were ordered and paid for by Germany. The US will suffer because of Trumps and the 'rights' idiocy. Sorry but you 'righties' are becoming more desperate, no wonder people are seeing through the bullshit that is costing more and more lives. 

Boris's popularity rating has gone up since the election, so what are you on about?

Sad that you say that it's "right wingers" who are costing lives, when its happening to countries left and right. Nobody saw any of this shit coming, Left or Right! ALL are doing their absolute best in a nightmare situation that none of us have ever experienced before.

Bit more to add.

Sure, America should reimburse Germany, but under such desperate, extreme circumstance I support their right to take those masks. I would want our government to take masks from a UK company abroad.


Trump is trying to divert resources in America from some states to others that need them even more, so he's being consistent in what he's basically trying to do.




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9 minutes ago, chippy said:

Boris's popularity rating has gone up since the election

Actually it dipped after the election. But yes, it has surprisingly gone up now 

Johnson will always have the satisfaction of knowing that,  all it took was the near complete collapse of human civilisation to do it.

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Johnsons 'virus' expert Prof Medley has now said we need to try the 'herd' experiment to save the economy. Fine, lets start with Mr Medleys family first, then move on to Johnsons, MPs and the House of Lords, see how they get on with 'herd' immunity.

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18 hours ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Strange times. We've surrendered our liberty and freedom to the State. Parliament has disappeared. All private enterprise has been Nationalised. Movement controlled. All our freedom just given up without a fight. It reminds me of.....China.

Also here in the UK theres this weekly virtue signalling -everyone comes out and claps the state NHS at 8 00pm on Thursdays. Funnily enough in Maos Red Book a weekly collective applause of the state is encouraged....



The clap is silly. Clap when it's under control. The first time fine the next one it loses meaning. I've read posts from NHS workers who have said dont clap and especially dont let off fireworks which would disturb sleeping workers.

Theres no talks of a clap for children! WTF just stop!

The lockdown had to happen..it just probably worked better had people listened to advice so been less extreme....or after seeing Italy done sooner.

I just don't get where the whole money is coming from with the 80% thing. Or how long it can be done for. And how some companies have just got rid of their staff


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2 hours ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Johnsons 'virus' expert Prof Medley has now said we need to try the 'herd' experiment to save the economy. Fine, lets start with Mr Medleys family first, then move on to Johnsons, MPs and the House of Lords, see how they get on with 'herd' immunity.

Do the maths

herd Immunity will occur at around 70% infection rate (give or take 5 % or so)

around 46m or so in the UK with it

let's say it has a 2.5% mortality rate

1.16 million DEAD

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7 minutes ago, Vesper said:

Do the maths

herd Immunity will occur at around 70% infection rate (give or take 5 % or so)

around 46m or so in the UK with it

let's say it has a 2.5% mortality rate

1.16 million DEAD

Well Johnsons 'virus expert' obviously thinks its a price worth paying. The irony being most of the deaths would be in the demographic that voted for him and Brexit.

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4 hours ago, chippy said:

Masks from an American Company!

How dare the President put his own people before others, especially when his country is going to suffer way more than any other country in the world.

Sorry, but you Lefties really have become so desperate. Little wonder so many people have seen the light and turned away from them like never before.


self delete

suffice it to say this is pure bollocks and gaslighting smears 

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Trump-loving RW lunatic fringe watch:

QAnon Coronavirus conspiracy theorists are too nuts even for a zombie-apocalypse movie scenario

A man under the influence of QAnon conspiracy theories about the USNS Mercy's coronavirus mission attempted to ram the ship Tuesday with a locomotive he ran off the tracks.



The people who write zombie-apocalypse screenplays clearly missed out. In all the dozens of movies and TV shows about pandemic-fueled end-of-the-world scenarios, none of them managed to imagine whole subpopulations of characters who believed the zombie disease was actually a “deep state” hoax, a pretense for government enslavement, and rushed out into the streets to join the zombies and attacking efforts to combat them. Because that’s what we have now—not zombies, of course: rather, with thousands dead in a pandemic, there are thousands more who believe it’s all a big conspiracy. And some of them are taking action—the kind that gets even more people killed.

Take the locomotive engineer in Los Angeles who, on Tuesday, intentionally derailed a train near the docking site of the U.S. Naval Ship Mercy, which has been a major focus of the American response to the pandemic on the West Coast, in an attempt to damage the ship. The train engine smashed through concrete barriers at the track’s end, through a chain-link fence, through a couple of empty lots, and then halting about 800 yards away from the ship. As he was being arrested, the man who drove the engine—identified as Eduardo Moreno, 44, of San Pedro—told police: “You only get this chance once. The whole world is watching. … I had to. People don’t know what’s going on here. Now they will.”

The Department of Justice released a statement saying Moreno believed the Mercy “had an alternate purpose related to COVID-19 or a government takeover.” The conspiracy theory at work here is one invented by “QAnon” activists—namely, that the Mercy is actually planning to take its shipful of COVID-19 victims to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Other QAnon theorists have been claiming that the pandemic is a product of a Chinese bioweapon.

Liz Crokin, a QAnon-loving pro-Trump conspiracy theorist, has been in the forefront of the theories about the Mercy. She posted a video on March 26—viewed over 7.2 thousand times—featuring footage from the interior of the USNS Mercy, speculating that the ship “could be used to treat rescued trafficking victims especially since they’re only taking non-COVID-19 patients,” as she wrote on Facebook.


These fuckers are crazier than a rat in a tin shithouse. crazy.gif googly.gif crazy.gif

A Conspiracy Theory That 5G Is Causing The Coronavirus Is Spreading Alongside The Pandemic

Even actor Woody Harrelson has succumbed to the baseless hoax that cellphone infrastructure is spreading the coronavirus.


A screenshot from the second most-shared anti-5G video on YouTube.


New Agers, right-wingers, and QAnon conspiracy theorists think global elites are using 5G to spread the coronavirus pandemic.

The paranoia about 5G — the industry term for the fifth generation of wireless communications infrastructure — has risen for the last few years, but as the world battles the pandemic, a baseless hoax has spread that the technology that runs cellphones could secretly be causing the outbreak.

On Wednesday, actor Woody Harrelson posted about the conspiracy theory on his Instagram, writing, “a lot of my friends have been talking about the negative effects of 5G.” On Thursday, a 5G tower in Birmingham, England, went up in flames after a local Facebook group was flooded with anti-5G comments. (Local authorities said that it could have possibly been an electrical issue, but are awaiting further information before investigating.)

5G has so far rolled out in about 40 countries worldwide, most notably South Korea and China, but also in dozens of US cities, including Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio. Before the coronavirus, fears about 5G tended to focus on cancer, the risk of which people feared could be increased from cellphone radiation. The evidence to support such a fear is weak to nonexistent, although meteorologists have worried that the technology could disrupt weather satellite forecasts.

Misinformation falsely claiming the coronavirus is a bioweapon has circulated since English-language reports of the outbreak began circulating in January. Depending on which internet rabbit hole you fall down, the coronavirus was created by the Chinese government, is part of a human depopulation scheme by former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates, or stemmed from a tainted batch of children’s blood that the world’s celebrities drink to stay young. So perhaps it was somewhat inevitable that these two separate conspiracy theories — that 5G had some evil purpose and that the coronavirus was a bioweapon — would graft themselves onto each other.

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6 hours ago, chippy said:

I will be really interested to see how Sweden comes out all of all this.

By refusing to lockdown they are very much going their own way on this.

Many have said they are being stupid and reckless (I'm one who couldn't believe what they were doing) but seeing an interview with a Swedish expert on viruses I'm starting to think that in the longterm they might be right.

They are saying the crashing of the economy, the damage  that will do to the health service and the health issues that will arise from people being locked in, that will be worse than basically sacrificing some lives (the large majority being elderly) in the short term.

Of course, every life lost is deseperately sad, but It's a question of putting the immediate saving every single life we can over the  saving of the economy, health care, which obviously saves lives longterm, and the allround well being of the country.




our death rate is exploding, especially compared to the rest of the Nordics

I want to hang Anders Tegnell from a lampost

it is NOT just economics (which is a barbarous way of looking at it)

Tegnell and the rest of the cunts maintains for ages that COVID-19 was barely transmittable, and are pro-immigration/refugee ideologues who let that factor into their calculus, in regards to using the refugees as a reason to not shut the schools down and accusing Denmark, Norway, Finland, etc of being racist

you love to paint a picture of Left v Right in terms of ideology

it is NOT that simple

The US and Sweden are two examples

a fucked up pseudo variant of the LW (Sweden, NOT Denmark, Norway, Finland who are overall so-called LW BUT are streets ahead of us on immigration AND COVID-19) and a fucked up RW/Corporatist systemic form of control scheme (the US) BOTH making disastrous decisions

The UK is also in the US camp to a point, and is actually even more fucked atm in terms of deaths per 100,000 that Sweden is

going for herd immunity is fucking genocidal with this absolute cunt of a virus


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10 hours ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Trump steals 200 000 masks bound for Germany. Classy.



The same Germany who banned exports of protective equipment.

Shows this is not about morals, just very sad political point scoring at a time when none of us should be stooping so low.

All Governments should be putting the lives of their people first! Looking after others when and where we can is always very important, but a clear second to looking after your own first!





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this aged well


430,000 People Have Traveled From China to U.S. Since Coronavirus Surfaced

There were 1,300 direct flights to 17 cities before President Trump’s travel restrictions. Since then, nearly 40,000 Americans and other authorized travelers have made the trip, some this past week and many with spotty screening.


Since Chinese officials disclosed the outbreak of a mysterious pneumonialike illness to international health officials on New Year’s Eve, at least 430,000 people have arrived in the United States on direct flights from China, including nearly 40,000 in the two months after President Trump imposed restrictions on such travel, according to an analysis of data collected in both countries.

The bulk of the passengers, who were of multiple nationalities, arrived in January, at airports in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Newark and Detroit. Thousands of them flew directly from Wuhan, the center of the coronavirus outbreak, as American public health officials were only beginning to assess the risks to the United States.

Flights continued this past week, the data show, with passengers traveling from Beijing to Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York, under rules that exempt Americans and some others from the clampdown that took effect on Feb. 2. In all, 279 flights from China have arrived in the United States since then, and screening procedures have been uneven, interviews show.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly suggested that his travel measures impeded the virus’s spread in the United States. “I do think we were very early, but I also think that we were very smart, because we stopped China,” he said at a briefing on Tuesday, adding, “That was probably the biggest decision we made so far.” Last month, he said, “We’re the ones that kept China out of here.”

But the analysis of the flight and other data by The New York Times shows the travel measures, however effective, may have come too late to have “kept China out,” particularly in light of recent statements from health officials that as many as 25 percent of people infected with the virus may never show symptoms. Many infectious-disease experts suspect that the virus had been spreading undetected for weeks after the first American case was confirmed, in Washington State, on Jan. 20, and that it had continued to be introduced. In fact, no one knows when the virus first arrived in the United States.


Trump Lies GIFs | Tenor



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