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The Mourinho Thread


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Of course he's gonna say that, he's not gonna say 'no I want Torres out', he needs to keep everyone happy at this stage, especially the new bread of players. He can't come in and demand things like what players should be out, he's only just got the job. He has to get onside with everybody first.

He's had the job a week and everyone expects him to know what he's going to do with a group of players he has not yet worked with.

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The journos were too busy fishing for juicy quotes by bringing up 'The Special One' (which felt like a billion times), Abramovich, Iniesta, Casillas, etc. instead of caring about FOOTBALL matters. And then there were just stupid ones, like the Paulo question? Wtf like?

That's why I'm thankful that Belgian journalist was there; a media that is actually concerned about it's players.

TBF, thought that was a decent question by a Portuguese journalist. He just wanted to get Mourinho's thoughts on not having a countryman as his player this time around especially when he has always got at least 1 wherever Jose has been in his career.

This is exactly what pisses me off! Mourinho spoke nothing about Mata and only about Torres in there and yet somehow the journalist managed to drag Mata into the frame. The article says there were rumours Jose wants to sell Mata off to rebuild a team in his image. Define 'a team in his image'. If the media is going by the stereotypical opinion that Mourinho wants to build a team on strength by being physical and forceful like last time, then they should just bloody report Mourinho wants to sell Oscar, Hazard, Moses, Marin etc because they are all short, lightweight and not physical! Absolutely pathetic!!

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I personally like the more mature Mourinho more. Still has a sharp tongue, but can manage his emotions. Top coach, but most of all a top father, husband, man for prioritizing his family.

Completely agree... The 'old' Jose was more entertaining, definitely, but I for one am glad with this calmer approach he seems to be taking.

And I loved the things he said about wanting more stability, etc in his life now, and saying that he was neither ready nor keen on staying here for a long time when he arrived in 2004.

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'I am happy he [Wenger] is there, of course I am. If he is there it is because he wants to be and the club and the fans and players want him to be there, and if they stick together it is fantastic.'


'By not winning a major trophy in the last years shows even better how connected they are and it is a great example for a football club so I am more than happy.'


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After the press conf :

Premier League - Youth policy means Mourinho may have to wait for titles


"Imagine if you bring back Lukaku, De Bruyne and perhaps Kalas," said the 50-year-old manager. "Bring three guys back, that's zero (spent) because the investment was made before."
"We want to go in this direction. The one or two we may buy are complements because the structure and philosophy is this. "I'm more than happy to do that and to help these young guys grow up. Not build the team, because the team has a structure to it, but I want to help the team improve."
"If we don't do it but show an evolution in the first season, show we're moving in the right direction, I think we'll be champions in the second season. "When you have this profile you can't think the best will come next year. It has to come in two, three, four, five or six years' time."

So we want stability, will develop the youth and focus a top 4, that's what we wanted 6 month ago, i'm happy to ready this. 1 or 2 signing to "solve" 1 or 2 problem, may be our pivot? The rest will come from the loanees, i'm okay with that.

First real transition year

In stead of signing Cavani, Hulk, Mangala, we will bring back Lukaku, KDB, Kalas.

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I hope this "1 or 2 new players" is just something he "had" to say... we need a bit more. For me at least 3 new signings: striker, midfielder and CB.

And about Torres, read this again: ""That respect starts by speaking with him face to face and deciding what is the best for all of us. If the best for all of us is for Fernando to stay, let's help him and try and get the best out of him.”

If anything, it sound like its realy not clear that Torres is going to stay. Can you imagine hearing the same things about other player in the squad? (like Mata, Ramires, Hazard for example). I agree with Kezza, we need to wait and not take any word of Mou so seriously right now.
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Jose Mourinho says winning Premier League title in first season at Chelsea is tough

Well of course it will be tough when you want to "bring out the best of Torres"

Hopefully he is just saying that, because he did say something like "if its right for Torres to stay" or something along them lines.

Don't believe him with what he said tho, he said winning the title in 2005 would be extremely difficult in public then in the dressing room moments later he was telling the players the match we were winning it in.

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Hopefully he is just saying that, because he did say something like "if its right for Torres to stay" or something along them lines.

Don't believe him with what he said tho, he said winning the title in 2005 would be extremely difficult in public then in the dressing room moments later he was telling the players the match we were winning it in.

Pretty much. What does people expect, him to say "no, i don't want to use Torres and I want him gone"? Way to kill off his market value then.

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