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I think Carlo did want Torres but like said maybe not at that time and doubt for the 50m price tag and the pressure to play him that came with it.Same with Jose and Sheva and pretty sure Jose expressed an intrest in Torres back then and got Sheva instead but who knows

But still whoever we get needs to have the guts to choose their players and not be told who to get which seems to be a problem.And bonus with having Matteo as manager is he has had a whole season with them rather then a few weeks or whatever the case would be.So more of an idea.But wherever or not he'll get it..who knows

Just seems some managers seem to see coming to us as a risk rather then as an oppotunity to furthur their career etc

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"I was told by the previous manager that I was not allowed to play because I didn't sign a contract," Kalou is quoted as saying in The Sun. "Maybe he was building a new team and thinking I wasn't part of the future."

It shows how idiot was AVB.

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Which evidently does not seem to be working well and needs to be assessed with our new manager.

Agreed not been the greatest success, but I prefer an approach that involves a handful of people making such decisions as opposed to one person (the manager) making that decision. A number of the world's top coaches are not the greatest at identifying and buying players.

I think it's also a strong reason why we always look abroad for new managers because a lot of them are used to this setup abroad. I cannot imagine people like David Moyes accepting such a setup.

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One thing is for sure that our next manager must have better communication skills than AVB(!), who just simply failed to communicate with the players and ended up creating a very frosty relationship and atmosphere at the club.

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^ agree. His inexperience really showed in that aspect. Such a pity. If he had joined one or two seasons later (when the old guard and some of the useless players like Malouda, Kalou, etc were gone) he would not have such problems.

My opinion of what we need:

Hiddink/a Hiddink type manager for the short term - to get rid of the deadwood and put some of the 'old guard' in their place. AVB was given no respect but they wouldn't have done that to Hiddink.

Once all of the following:

Hilario, Turnbull, JT, Bosingwa, Ferreira, Cole, Lampard, Essien, Meireles, Kalou, Malouda & Drogba are either gone/properly replaced in the first XI by others, bring in an AVB-type manager for the long-term.

The sacking of AVB shows that the club are not patient at all with results, so we need someone to come in and stabilize things first. We have so much useless deadwood at the club right now thanks to Roman and our clueless board who did not start the rebuilding process in 07/08.

And please stop saying Moyes. If someone mentions his name one more time, I'll punch a wall. Moyes would be as much of a gamble as AVB. Utterly ridiculous suggestion.

Also, RDM is not ready for this job imo. These results so far are not in any way an accurate representation of what would happen if he was given the permanent job.

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Paper talk today suggest Roman is warming to the idea of giving Robbie the job full time.

Now I believe that if the club can't convince either Guardiola or Mourinho to join, which I don't think they will, then the job really is up for grabs.

To me it depends on what the club is trying to achieve. If they want to rebuild the club quickly with minimal fuss then I think they should go for an experienced manager who has done such jobs in their career, like Van Gaal or Capello. The only problem with this route is that a manager in the twilight of their career will mean only a certain element of long term planning can be made, knowing that this manager will likely retire or need replacing within 2-3 years.

I think the appointment of AVB actually works in Robbie's favour for the full time job. The club and Roman obviously made a decision to look at a long term project with a promising young manager to hopefully rebuild the club from top to bottom in mind. In hindsight AVB had certain failings, particularly man management skills, but I think the club have warmed to the idea of such a project if they can get the right young manager - and in that regard Robbie is in the driving seat.

He comes across very well in interviews, instantly likeable, and the media reports that players didn't like him are obviously rubbish because his man management skills seem to be excellent (that or the players are excellent actors!) And to top it off his tactical decisions have been by and large very impressive, particularly in the Napoli and Benfica games. I also like the change he's made playing Mata in the centre because 4-3-3 has become too predictable for us in the last year or so. With more help in the attacking third next season, a 4-2-3-1 formation could really flourish.

The other, in my opinion, big positives are that him and Eddie are loved at this club, which certainly would buy them time to try and rebuild things with us, the fans, who as a collective unit had obviously lost faith by the end with AVB.

And the other positive is that he has been involved at the club for the last season, which will give him a good indication of who the club needs to get rid of in the summer and what the club needs to move forward. Too many summers a new manager has come in and it has given another season for players at the club who should have been shown the door 2-3 seasons ago.

rdm has a fair argument to claim the permanent managerial role but do u think anything other than winning the fa cup AND/OR champions league is an option for him?

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Three weeks after the brief and turbulent Villas-Boas era was ended, the full extent of his rebuilding plans demonstrates how determined he was to break up the old guard at Stamford Bridge and create a completely different team to re-establish the club as authentic title challengers.

Villas-Boas was not only determined to sever his ties with Frank Lampard and Michael Essien, as well as Didier Drogba, Paulo Ferreira, Salomon Kalou and Florent Malouda, but was not convinced by Cech's performances and had talked to Roman Abramovich about selling the man who once had legitimate claims to be recognised as the best goalkeeper in the world. Rui Patrício, the Sporting Lisbon goalkeeper, was one possible replacement and Villas-Boas also wanted to bring back Thibaut Courtois, Chelsea's 19-year-old Belgian, from a loan spell at Atlético Madrid in which the teenager has excelled.

Cavani, the Napoli forward, had been identified to replace Drogba on the back of the Uruguayan's brilliant performances in Serie A and the Champions League, while Villas-Boas had also asked Abramovich for the money to sign Hulk, the Brazilian striker who had helped him win the Portuguese title with Porto. The initial advances had already been made for both players, with Abramovich particularly involved in the case of Cavani, and it may still be that one or both of them is targeted regardless of who replaces Villas-Boas on a permanent basis.

The idea was to begin next season with Cavani, Hulk, Torres and Daniel Sturridge as striking options.

source: http://www.guardian....s?newsfeed=true

Of course it could be all bollocks...

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Thats the thing we probably will unless they've seen the team from afar.Cause anyone new coming I doubt will be willing to cause massive upsets and will realise where the problems lie in the time they'll have.Cech though :S random

Moyles nah I dont think best idea and doubt he'll wana come here anyway.He's happy at Everton doing fine with what he's got,no pressure so why take a massive risk and come to us that might not pay off

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My opinion of what we need:

The sacking of AVB shows that the club are not patient at all with results, so we need someone to come in and stabilize things first. We have so much useless deadwood at the club right now thanks to Roman and our clueless board who did not start the rebuilding process in 07/08.

you have put your finger on the damn problem around here.the rebuilding of the team from the core which won the back to back premships in 2006 was painstakingly slow

2006-07 may have been too early...particularly after v won the league.

then in 2007-08, we signed shevchencko, ballack and such flops but d core was still quite good...v reached the champions league final and were a penalty kick from winnin it.

2008 - grant and ten cate are packed off , steve clarke left and big phil is brought in. we bought bosingwa, deco and mineiro...6 months later,big phil is shunted sideways but not before he manages to get ricardo quaresma on loan.then hiddink came, and v stabilised for a while but he did not stay either.

next up was ance.signed zhirkov, matic, sturridge (rarely used) but even after we won the league there was rebuilding to be done

we released jcole, ballack, deco, belletti, carvalho and brought in ramires ...so v let go off 5 squad players and bought in ramires (and to be fair to ance - benayoun too- but he spent more time in the treatment table than anyone except owen hargreaves)

that is where the root of the problem lies (apart from sacking mourinho) . . . Chelsea Football Club, please look up the word "REBUILDING" . I am sure it doesn't mean the same in my dictionary

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