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The omission of Essien, Cole and Lampard and the inclusion of Mereiles and Bosingwa against Napoli away from home were seen as an heresy - While the omission of Lampard and Essien plus the inclusion of Meireles and Kalou against Benfica are seen as a tactical genius move and a fair answer to the underperforming players. This is unfair toward our previous manager, I think.

Your point is very acknowledged, but whatever tactic AVB was putting down it never worked because he never had the players behind his back.

And we all might say how bad that is, but it's like that in every team.

Recently Mourinho was acting out a fool in Madrid. And the spaniard players where not liking that, and some of his team selection.

So a divide was starting to build up.

Mourinho saw this, took some time of with the team to rebuild relationship.

Mourinho realize that if he lost the players everything else will be useless.

AVB failed in this, and his man management skills had been woeful....I still can't get over it how badly he treated Alex and Anelka.

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The omission of Essien, Cole and Lampard and the inclusion of Mereiles and Bosingwa against Napoli away from home were seen as an heresy - While the omission of Lampard and Essien plus the inclusion of Meireles and Kalou against Benfica are seen as a tactical genius move and a fair answer to the underperforming players. This is unfair toward our previous manager, I think.

It is, but look at results.

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The omission of Essien, Cole and Lampard and the inclusion of Mereiles and Bosingwa against Napoli away from home were seen as an heresy - While the omission of Lampard and Essien plus the inclusion of Meireles and Kalou against Benfica are seen as a tactical genius move and a fair answer to the underperforming players. This is unfair toward our previous manager, I think.

Not for me- or many others I hope- personally. I supported his decision to drop those 3 in Napoli.

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The omission of Essien, Cole and Lampard and the inclusion of Mereiles and Bosingwa against Napoli away from home were seen as an heresy - While the omission of Lampard and Essien plus the inclusion of Meireles and Kalou against Benfica are seen as a tactical genius move and a fair answer to the underperforming players. This is unfair toward our previous manager, I think.

yeah...but rdm won the tactical battle whereas avb got it wrong

also, rdm can cite the fixture pile-up as a possible reason too

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The omission of Essien, Cole and Lampard and the inclusion of Mereiles and Bosingwa against Napoli away from home were seen as an heresy - While the omission of Lampard and Essien plus the inclusion of Meireles and Kalou against Benfica are seen as a tactical genius move and a fair answer to the underperforming players. This is unfair toward our previous manager, I think.

Excellent post.

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RDM has a close connection to the players and he seems very cool under pressure which is a big plus with a club like Chelsea. Also his tactical awareness is very underrated.

I would love for him to remain our manager.

I don't know if I am the only one here who feels that some of our players like Lampard and Drogba don't really respect him or treat him seriously as a first team manager.I am no expert of body language but I can sense that they feel that he is just a short term solution to a huge problem.

As a Chelsea fan and football fanatic,I truly admire his football tactics and democratic managerial side and would wish that he remains here on a permanent basis but its very unlikely that the board will keep him.Avram Grant did a wonderful job here but he was still shown the door and I think RDM will experience the same fate unless he can go on and do the impossible task of winning the Champions League.

The only positive would be, to see a Chelsea manager leave the club on mutual consent and not get sacked.

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I don't know if I am the only one here who feels that some of our players like Lampard and Drogba don't really respect him or treat him seriously as a first team manager.I am no expert of body language but I can sense that they feel that he is just a short term solution to a huge problem.

As a fan and football fanatic,I truly admire his football tactics and democratic managerial side and would wish that he remains here on a permanent basis but its very unlikely that the board will keep him.Avram Grant did a wonderful job here but he was still shown the door and I think RDM will experience the same fate unless he can go on and do the impossible task of winning the Champions League.

The only positive would be to see him leave Chelsea on mutual consent and sacked.

I dont know about body language but from what I've seen the leaders and the old guard seem to trust him. Its a mutually cooperative relationship from what it seems like.

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I dont know about body language but from what I've seen the leaders and the old guard seem to trust him. Its a mutually cooperative relationship from what it seems like.

I agree,the trust is mutual but the respect quite frankly isn't.If RDM decides to make a bold move of 'resting' the old guard then I am sure they will retaliate with pathetic performances.

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I agree,the trust is mutual but the respect quite frankly isn't.If RDM decides to make a bold move of 'resting' the old guard then I am sure they will retaliate with pathetic performances.

Thats what I'm afraid of as well. There is a honeymoon period happening at the moment, especially with the good results. If this turns south, the situation can sour quickly.

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Thats what I'm afraid of as well. There is a honeymoon period happening at the moment, especially with the good results. If this turns south, the situation can sour quickly.

AVB tried too hard to gain the respect from his senior players.Giving them the silent treatment didn't help any of the parties and I am glad RDM is talking to everyone in the team and not worrying about the respect he IMO should deserve.

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The omission of Essien, Cole and Lampard and the inclusion of Mereiles and Bosingwa against Napoli away from home were seen as an heresy - While the omission of Lampard and Essien plus the inclusion of Meireles and Kalou against Benfica are seen as a tactical genius move and a fair answer to the underperforming players. This is unfair toward our previous manager, I think.

Agree 1000000000000000000% :angry:

Also the media yesterday before the game saying it was such a refreshing approach by RDM to rest them, to keep them fresh, etc. Cunts.

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Also the media yesterday before the game saying it was such a refreshing approach by RDM to rest them, to keep them fresh, etc. Cunts.

They were right though, we have had many games with just 3 days of rest in between.

This wasn't the case before our game against Napoli.

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The omission of Essien, Cole and Lampard and the inclusion of Mereiles and Bosingwa against Napoli away from home were seen as an heresy - While the omission of Lampard and Essien plus the inclusion of Meireles and Kalou against Benfica are seen as a tactical genius move and a fair answer to the underperforming players. This is unfair toward our previous manager, I think.

The difference between a genius and a mad man is the success.

Napoli 3 - 1 Chelsea

Benfica 0 - 1 Chelsea

So its not unfair to say the previous manager was stupid, while our current manager was smart.

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They were right though, we have had many games with just 3 days of rest in between.

This wasn't the case before our game against Napoli.

Those players weren't being rested though. It was a tactical decision, same as Napoli. We have Villa next in the Prem, so if RDM wanted to rest them, he could have chosen to do it on Saturday. It's obvious to anyone that Prem should not be our focus any more - since the players clearly do not give a fuck about it

Whether you believe it to be true (RDM's decision to be a better one than AVB's) is each person's own opinion. But the media are only saying these things to laugh about AVB

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Those players weren't being rested though. It was a tactical decision, same as Napoli. We have Villa next in the Prem, so if RDM wanted to rest them, he could have chosen to do it on Saturday. It's obvious to anyone that Prem should not be our focus any more - since the players clearly do not give a fuck about it

Whether you believe it to be true (RDM's decision to be a better one than AVB's) is each person's own opinion. But the media are only saying these things to laugh about AVB

Yes, RDM said after the game he wanted as much energy as possible, which is why he brought in fresh legs. The majority of players that started the game, didn't start against Spurs.

Anyway the main thing that ruined AVB's plan at Napoli was his 2 holding players. Meireles and Ramires can't keep the ball for shit, and playing both together (in that position) is just asking for trouble.

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The success of RDM's team against Benfica and the failure of AVB's team against Napoli hinged on one difference - Mikel.

AVB didn't play a genuine holding player to protect the back 4, a decision made even more ludicrous given Napoli's abundance of attacking talent and the absence of our captain.

RDM's midfield worked well because Meireles does provide energy and Mikel holds his position in front of the back 4 and is calm when in possession.

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