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Maybe Sam's choice of words were not the best, but outside that i do not see anything wrong with the post.......Everybody needs to realize that he gets paid a lot of money to do "a job"...Irrespective of how long he has been with the team or whatever he has achieved...Again, i nobody is ever disputing his legendary status...But like Sam and i few others on here, i will never forgive a legend for strolling around the pitch game in game out...If you dont like a manager or his system, make your statement on the freaking pitch, thats what it is made for....

Where did the energy and enthusiasm for wednesday night come from?....Some people forget that Lampard's non nonchalant attitude is part of the reason why 4th place is looking shaky, because if he had given his all for his team, club, fans (who see no wrong in him), the city, the fat pay check and the fucking blue jersey i am pretty sure we wont be in this situation right now....And what do you think the reaction from the younger players would have been like?..Seen the legendary Super frankie giving his all week in week out even though he has beef with the manager....That there would have kept his status in check....

So like i said before...Someone needed to say that....

all im saying is this, for a man who nonchalantly wandered around the pitch not wanting to play for the manager and not giving his all ...he was and is still top goal scorer this season and as for looking like a different player since avb left, that critique could be aimed at the majority of the team.
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all im saying is this, for a man who nonchalantly wandered around the pitch not wanting to play for the manager and not giving his all ...he was and is still top goal scorer this season and as for looking like a different player since avb left, that critique could be aimed at the majority of the team.

I knew it was always going to end with he is "the top goal scorer" argument...Did he create all goals for himself?...How many assists has he had?...How many chances has he created that has lead to a goal?....How many times have he been run ragged in the midfield by mediocre players?...When you come up with the full stats then we can talk about that, i am not gonna get blinded by the goals and looks past everything else...

So because the rest of the teams were acting like they didnt give a shit, Legend Frank Lampard had to do the same?...Honestly i cant believe you actually said that...For real?....Making excuses like that are just ridiculous, if he loves the team as much as he says more than the supposed new players...The most important thing should be getting the freaking "W" and giving all for it no matter who is in charge the team name the not change from Chelsea FC to AVB fc, neither the the crest on that badge or the jersey......

The reason i am this mad at Lamps is because he is a Fucking Legend and God damnit we deserved more the past months....

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I knew it was always going to end with he is "the top goal scorer" argument...Did he create all goals for himself?...How many assists has he had?...How many chances has he created that has lead to a goal?....How many times have he been run ragged in the midfield by mediocre players?...When you come up with the full stats then we can talk about that, i am not gonna get blinded by the goals and looks past everything else...

So because the rest of the teams were acting like they didnt give a shit, Legend Frank Lampard had to do the same?...Honestly i cant believe you actually said that...For real?....Making excuses like that are just ridiculous, if he loves the team as much as he says more than the supposed new players...The most important thing should be getting the freaking "W" and giving all for it no matter who is in charge the team name the not change from Chelsea FC to AVB fc, neither the the crest on that badge or the jersey......

The reason i am this mad at Lamps is because he is a Fucking Legend and God damnit we deserved more the past months....

Ha ha your points are comical fella. His goal scoring is a perfectly valid argument because here we have a team who are not scoring freely with our 2 main strikers not scoring at all hardly so the fact that he steps up with 11 odd goals in that time is typical of the man and not really typical of someone who doesn't care. If he didn't care he wouldn't have been making the runs and getting on the end of crosses for the goals now would he. As for the other stats do your own homework, I never raised those points and in fact I did already say hd hadn't been great this season. Secondly I didn't say the rest of the team were shite so frank just went along with them, do you work for the press? because you can fairly make your own story up . I said that the same argument you are labelling at frank could be said of the majority. The fact that you and your buddy are happy to castigate a single player when the whole team and manager had been pretty abysmal bar one or two makes no sence. There will always be haters who are happy to go through games and seasons sourcing out scapegoats for one disappointment or the other, me I prefer to be a supporter in the true sence of the word. I support my team and its legends and when they are not playing the best ill say it but I refuse to be drawn into press speculation and then to judge players on that same speculative nonsense. If you don't think he's playing well that's fine, your not alone but when dicks come on here calling OUR OWN PLAYERS fat bastard and greedy cunts and whatever else ill continually pull them for it. Ps I don't kbow what the Fuck 'W' means so cant really comment on that.

Edit. W= win, get it now

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Ha ha your points are comical fella. His goal scoring is a perfectly valid argument because here we have a team who are not scoring freely with our 2 main strikers not scoring at all hardly so the fact that he steps up with 11 odd goals in that time is typical of the man and not really typical of someone who doesn't care. If he didn't care he wouldn't have been making the runs and getting on the end of crosses for the goals now would he. As for the other stats do your own homework, I never raised those points and in fact I did already say hd hadn't been great this season. Secondly I didn't say the rest of the team were shite so frank just went along with them, do you work for the press? because you can fairly make your own story up . I said that the same argument you are labelling at frank could be said of the majority. The fact that you and your buddy are happy to castigate a single player when the whole team and manager had been pretty abysmal bar one or two makes no sence. There will always be haters who are happy to go through games and seasons sourcing out scapegoats for one disappointment or the other, me I prefer to be a supporter in the true sence of the word. I support my team and its legends and when they are not playing the best ill say it but I refuse to be drawn into press speculation and then to judge players on that same speculative nonsense. If you don't think he's playing well that's fine, your not alone but when dicks come on here calling OUR OWN PLAYERS fat bastard and greedy cunts and whatever else ill continually pull them for it. Ps I don't kbow what the Fuck 'W' means so cant really comment on that.

I totally misunderstood that part in your previous post, and i am sorry...I thought you were using it as some sort of excuse......

You made an ok point about the team not scoring goals, but his abysmal performance has cost us more this season that those 11 odd goals, and i wont let the goals blind me...Thats all i am saying.....You saw i said those choice of words were wrong, but people should not forget either what this club has done for our legend....And how much he takes to the bank each week, this is a job first after all and he became he legend because he was damn good at doing that job...When a team is going through a bad patch, legends are suppose to show what they are made off and do whatever it takes for the team to get the "WIN" (Thats what the "W" stood for)....

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I totally misunderstood that part in your previous post, and i am sorry...I thought you were using it as some sort of excuse......

You made an ok point about the team not scoring goals, but his abysmal performance has cost us more this season that those 11 odd goals, and i wont let the goals blind me...Thats all i am saying.....You saw i said those choice of words were wrong, but people should not forget either what this club has done for our legend....And how much he takes to the bank each week, this is a job first after all and he became he legend because he was damn good at doing that job...When a team is going through a bad patch, legends are suppose to show what they are made off and do whatever it takes for the team to get the "WIN" (Thats what the "W" stood for)....

There is no way he can be blamed soley for this.

I sort of agree with the rest of your points but at the same time the guy has played continually for well over a decade( barring small spells out) and as of lately has had to break up that continuity with spells on the bench plus he aint getting any younger. Is it inconceivable that his less than super performances have been down to that, maybe even just a spell of poor form himself? I mean he made mistakes on Wed but because he was much better and the overall team performance was up by 100% nothing is mentioned. Anyway we have sort of got dragged along here on this (which should have been in the Lampard thread, sorry mods) but my major point is the original guy calling him an arrogant tosser and a fat bastard, no need for it full stop.

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Pathetic is someone who thinks Lampard is arrogant because he realized AVB was a stupid man.

I do want AVB to get Inter's job. He wont survive one season.

And who do you want as manger, and are you going to support them no matter what or are you going to start kicking as screaming, demanding the next manager to be sacked as soon ass they don't win two games in a row like you did with Carlo and AVB?

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Right now it's crazy, but if he can finish in the TOP 4, win the FA cup and get into the semis of CL then it doesn't seem so crazy, does it ?

Yes. The next manager has to build a new team, and a one that is succesful, its a huge task. We need someone that is really good. We dont need another big gamble like AVB.

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This current "resurgence" has VERY little to do with RDM in my opinion.

I love the guy but I don't think he's ready for the job at the moment. What he's probably done is had a meeting with the "old guard" and told them that they're wonderful/flawless/legends etc and that they're in his plans to make them happy.

This is, like Chelsea? mentioned, the "new manager effect" imo. The players want to either 1) prove AVB wrong that he was wrong to leave some of them out OR 2) prove the media wrong

I personally would love it if RDM was given a chance, but we know how our board and Roman operates and it would be devastating to see him get the sack as well.

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Yes. The next manager has to build a new team, and a one that is succesful, its a huge task. We need someone that is really good. We dont need another big gamble like AVB.

Every manager at Chelsea is a gamble, Guardiola for example would be an even bigger gamble than RDM.

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