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Frank Lampard


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Already been posted mate somewhere else :)

Like I said on the previous post - where are those other players now! Lmao!!!

And that c**t arguing, bet he feels a right mug now :)

The friends of that West Ham fan can laugh at him forever because of this. Any single time he opens his mouth to try to express an opinion on anything to do with football, they can just say, "Scott Canham is better than Frank Lampard" and he has to shut up.

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The friends of that West Ham fan can laugh at him forever because of this. Any single time he opens his mouth to try to express an opinion on anything to do with football, they can just say, "Scott Canham is better than Frank Lampard" and he has to shut up.

Lmao - wish I knew him. Would make his life a misery :)

Every goal lamps scored - I would project onto the outside of his house :)

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Matt Holland was good but never at a high enough level. Scott Canham... never heard of him. I hope those 2 never watched the vid lol. I just love the fact that Harry was SO right. Not just a bit right but absolutely 100% bang on. That's the reason why managers are managers and not just managers virtually.

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Ok maybe it has been posted so many times and i've missed it because so many ppl post so many pages and i don't have time to read the forum all day but... it deserves it's own thread :D

To whoever has posted it, i will rep u all when i find it. *looks in Lampard thread* (seems wise).

By the way my dad hated him at West ham, labelled him an "Over rated fucking poser". He hasn't lived it down lol. He was really against his signing. Lamps is now considered by me and me ol' man as our greatest EVER and he's seen many, he's 55 now, been going since '68.

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Posted it a while ago in Lampard thread. Never mind.

Off topic, heres Matt jarvis on cover of Gay magazine


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Harry did make a mistake on Taarabt though i think (At Tottenham), he proved against us that he's quality. Harry got his chance to make up for that mistake. Taarabt needs to get out of QPR, in a great team he'll be a great player. I didn't like him last season, thought the Championship was his level giving the difference between his 10/11 season and his 11/12 season but credit to him, in a struggling situation, he's been so good.

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Harry did make a mistake on Taarabt though i think (At Tottenham), he proved against us that he's quality. Harry got his chance to make up for that mistake. Taarabt needs to get out of QPR, in a great team he'll be a great player. I didn't like him last season, thought the Championship was his level giving the difference between his 10/11 season and his 11/12 season but credit to him, in a struggling situation, he's been so good.

Taarabt's fault was, and still is, his discipline and attitude on and off the pitch.

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His attitude this season has been different though. This season he's matured so well. In a bollocks team, he's made himself the main man and he's kept his head up. I like him. I'd like to see him here if we didn't have so many options in that CAM role. He's worked for the team, defended, created and always kept trying.

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I believe this is Roman's decision. Unfortunately our Russian is so stubborn that there is no way anybody can make him change his mind. Terry, Cole and Cech should leave all together with Lamps at the end of the season and let Roman do what he wants with his new team.

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Furious Chelsea order John Terry to remove Frank Lampard Instagram message.


Just heard the same from some reporter on talkSPORT, on the sports Bar.

Two ways to look at this I think. If Lamps is demanding the same wedge he is on now then see you later. However, I don't think that is the case.

There was a Chelsea punter on the radio yesterday, convinced that the Lamps and Cole contractual issue is down to Roman having the hump over the lack of support for AVB. Drogba, Cole, Lamps and JT all having the hump about AVB and going out of their way to make his life difficult. Sadly, the way the heirachy of the club is acting now, I can well believe it. If this is indeed the case, why didn't Roman act after West Brom or Napoli away last season and put the players in question up for transfer? I know it was after the transfer window but I think most punters (myself included) thought we were out of the Champions League after Napoli away, and that 4th spot was getting beyond us after the defeat at West Brom. He could have made one helluva statement but putting his foot down in this manner.

What royally fucks me up though is the lack of comment from the club. If they don't intend to offer Lamps and Ash new deals, regardless of how much of a cut they are willing to take then at least come put and tell the fans. At least put us in the picture. We may not put in as much as Sky, etc but we still deserve better, much better. Shouldn't expect anything more from the glove puppets that are Buck and Gourlay. Silence is indeed golden. Like a pair of trapest monks with hands shoved up their arse.

Very sorry state indeed. Lamps and Ash have been very well rewarded for their services to the club of course, but don't think they wouldn't go to another premiership club. Wise and Poyet ended up at the hated Leeds (via Millwall for Ernie), Carlo Cudicini ended up at Rottenham. Would not put it past Fergie to sign them up, and why shouldn't he?, Would be good business.

The club is in bog order. Roman may be getting personal, which shouldn't come into business matters. I personally think Lamps and Ash have at least another couple of years in them. Especially Ash, Bertrand isn't anywhere near his standard and, unless Roman has plans to buy Baines then we may struggle there.

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