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The Mourinho Thread


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Why is it, that some folks attributes Mata being benched due to Oscar´s form only ?

Was he in form, last night ? No, he was not. Why was not Mata given a chance to play, let´s say from 60th minute on ?

I can´t believe some of these stupid posts.

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The only fuss is that mata was the best player last two season.

And when you play shit like yesterday people will ask why mata is not playing?

It's a new season with a new manager. What came before really doesn't matter as much as what he thinks is best going forward, and in that number 10 spot he's chosen Oscar who hasn't let him down.

Let's put this into context - Oscar has the potential to be one of the very best players in the world. It's not like Mata has been dropped for Craig Burley.

Was he in form, last night ? No, he was not. Why was not Mata given a chance to play, let´s say from 60th minute on ?

I think it was because Mourinho wanted more directness on the wings so he went with Hazard instead. Having a player whose first inclination is to cut inside clearly wasn't working, so that probably ruled Mata out.

Here, have a like though. :yes:

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It's a new season with a new manager. What came before really doesn't matter as much as what he thinks is best going forward, and in that number 10 spot he's chosen Oscar who hasn't let him down.

Let's put this into context - Oscar has the potential to be one of the very best players in the world. It's not like Mata has been dropped for Craig Burley.

I think it was because Mourinho wanted more directness on the wings so he went with Hazard instead. Having a player whose first inclination is to cut inside clearly wasn't working, so that probably ruled Mata out.

Here, have a like though. :yes:

You should know Oscar or Mata on wings are, were useless, remember it, then post accordingly.

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It's a new season with a new manager. What came before really doesn't matter as much as what he thinks is best going forward, and in that number 10 spot he's chosen Oscar who hasn't let him down.

Let's put this into context - Oscar has the potential to be one of the very best players in the world. It's not like Mata has been dropped for Craig Burley.

Very fair point.

However being how Roman is, I'm not sure he will take it too kindly with Mata leaving and us playing like shit and counter attacking futbol.

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I think Roman is now more aware of the fans feelings after his failed and ill advised appointment of the waiter and the fans that attend games will not be happy if Jose is not given a fair run ,the signs are from Gourlay and Buck are that Jose's tenure will be at least for the length of his contract, after all Chelsea are in the next round of the Champions league ,League cup quarter final and well positioned in the league ,talk of Mourinho's position being under threat is surely just idle gossip made for forums?

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Remember, whatever happens, even if we don't make it to the CL, JOSE WILL NOT BE SACKED. £40m pay off is too much

too much for u. for roman its just a button's price

we do hope mou is last for a long time (or maybet not all of us).. if there is a manager who i want to stick even if we lost, he is the guy.

and the positive thing about him currently is he always blame himself if we lost. and last match he blame himself for wrong team selection.

and against southampton hopefully we see mata instead those burn out players

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For those who like stats:


Well it was never gonna work with Rafa, no one wanted him in the first place and there was absolutely no trust regardless of the stats \ how we played (which ofc just worsened it..).

With Jose its different - we all trust him, we all know that he's a top manager, he's a legend around here. I am pretty sure that it's gonna get better with Jose, even if we fail to win anything this season.

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too much for u. for roman its just a button's price

we do hope mou is last for a long time (or maybet not all of us).. if there is a manager who i want to stick even if we lost, he is the guy.

and the positive thing about him currently is he always blame himself if we lost. and last match he blame himself for wrong team selection.

and against southampton hopefully we see mata instead those burn out players

Financial fair play, we don't even have £40m to pay for the likes of Cavani let alone sacking a manager haha

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Remember, whatever happens, even if we don't make it to the CL, JOSE WILL NOT BE SACKED. £40m pay off is too much

PSG or City will pay out his contract.

Inter fans in December 2009 were as worried as you that they're stuck with Mourinho because the payout is too high - and come May 2010 this problem got solved thanks to Real.

So stop worrying.

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PSG or City will pay out his contract.

Inter fans in December 2009 were as worried as you that they're stuck with Mourinho because the payout is too high - and come May 2010 this problem got solved thanks to Real.

So stop worrying.

Stop worrying? What is that meant to mean?

If you are worried that another club won't buy Jose's contract out so he can be sacked then you don't deserve to call yourself a Chelsea fan.

Plastic wankers!

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