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41 minutes ago, chippy said:

What "majority" have spoken???

If you think BLM and the woke extremists are in the majority, then you really need to step out of your little bubble.

Furthermore, there's a poster on here posting litterally pages and pages of anti Conservative hate propaganda and talking about the fight against them, yet I'm the one with anger?


But, finally, the non wokes have woken up and stopped being scared and are starting to speak out  and take the fight back to them. Going to speak out against their evil  lies,  hypocrisy, violence and racism. It's them who are causing the hatred and division in the UK and America. 

So yeah, I am fucking angry with this  white hating,  British hating mob having the nerve to brand anyone who stands up to them as being the same as mass murdering Nazis and them as the good guys.

fuck off with your white nationalist talk points

you are just a fucking white power parrot spewing whatever your tiny brain absorbs from RW hate speech/fake news and its twisted social media

broken fucking record

you cannot engage intelligently with anything I post, so you just instantly revert back to rote ad hominem claptrap and mindless sloganeering


41 minutes ago, chippy said:

starting to speak out  and take the fight back to them


what the fuck are you talking about?

you and your ilk in the global Anglophone empire and its successor nation states have had the boot on our necks for 400 years via chattel slavery and after that ended, systemic de jure and de facto racism

only a true cunt would try and say people striving for racial equality and fair play need to be 'fought back' against

you are without a doubt the worst poster politically to ever sully this board with your hate, white privilege, and white fragility

now go back to having a sentimental wank over Enoch Powell and his Rivers of Blood speech like a good little BNP wannabe stormtrooper




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1 hour ago, Jap Si. said:

U said someone agree with you on Youtube as if that is relevant it's not much of a boast ha ha is this your wife ?

See the source image

I was just pointing another Black guy calling out the BLM bs.

Small number you say? Well, here's just a few other people I follow on YouTube.

The Officer Tatum - 1.6 million subs.

Candace Owens - 840k.

Anthony Brian Logan - 873k.

All Black and according to some,  all of them are somehow White Supremisits.

Then there's Ben Shapiro - 3.22 million subs. Ben is Jewish.

So that's quite a mix of White, Black and Jewish Nazis I'm in with there.


To finish with and on the life of someone very dear to me.

There is not one single person who I follow who is not against racism or discrimination towards any person of any 'group' of people you care to mention. Not one!

However, unlike the Wokes, that also includes hatred, racism and discrimination towards White people as well. BLM and Wokes can't challenge Government and FBI data because one look at it completely destroys their BS. Can't challenge actual video footage. Can't challenge employment discrimination facts in organizations like the Labour Party and BBC. Can't challenge the fact about what the head of our Police called for.  All that's left is for them to shout people down and brand them Nazis.


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The boo boys are egged on by the Tories and the Daily Mail.
Brexit is proving a fiasco so they are in need of a hate campaign.
You can't say that the French-Portuguese-Italians-Africans etc are our friends and at the same time support brexit.
It just does n't rhyme, therefore a vigorous hate campaign is needed.
All dictators are doing the same, it's from the same old recipe book.

It may be that Tory Margaret Thatcher was the first one who kicked the racist hooligans out of the terraces but that was a thing of the past.
Their excuse is lame as well as absurd:
There are some politically motivated guys somewhere else, in some other places who also pose as antiracist.
So we say everybody is the same and we start the hate campaign !

We did in fact have the communist party in such a role for many years, before the BLM, as Moscow wanted to take advantage of
the situation and create chaos and civil disorder.
But now it is the Tories who are doing that.
They don't like to remove the race card from the communists arsenal. They want to give it back to them and also create chaos for
their own purposes.


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1 hour ago, cosmicway said:

The boo boys are egged on by the Tories and the Daily Mail.
Brexit is proving a fiasco so they are in need of a hate campaign.
You can't say that the French-Portuguese-Italians-Africans etc are our friends and at the same time support brexit.
It just does n't rhyme, therefore a vigorous hate campaign is needed.
All dictators are doing the same, it's from the same old recipe book.

It may be that Tory Margaret Thatcher was the first one who kicked the racist hooligans out of the terraces but that was a thing of the past.
Their excuse is lame as well as absurd:
There are some politically motivated guys somewhere else, in some other places who also pose as antiracist.
So we say everybody is the same and we start the hate campaign !

We did in fact have the communist party in such a role for many years, before the BLM, as Moscow wanted to take advantage of
the situation and create chaos and civil disorder.
But now it is the Tories who are doing that.
They don't like to remove the race card from the communists arsenal. They want to give it back to them and also create chaos for
their own purposes.


Brexit was about us taking back control of our money, borders and laws. Absolutely feck all to do with hatred towards French, Portuguese, Italians, Africans or any other people.

Also, there are Tories who are staunchly pro Europe and many old school Labour  Lefties who have wanted us to leave years and years ago. Not least, Tony Benn, the hero of the old Left.

Branding the Tories and people who vote for them as racist isn't doing the Left any favours at all. In fact, it  just drives more and more people away from the Left and into the arms of the Tories, as election after election has shown.

You see, people can see with their own eyes that two out of the top three jobs in Government are held by non white people. They can see that it's the Tories who introduced hate crime laws. Legalised  Gay marriage. Last but not least, done away with immigration laws that discriminated against non Europeans.

By the time of the next election, Tony Blair will have been the only Labour leader to have won an election in the last 50 years. They are becoming an increasingly irrelevant mainstream party with a devisive, and sometimes hate filled  ideology which doesn't wash with most people in 2021.




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11 minutes ago, chippy said:

Brexit was about us taking back control of our money, borders and laws. Absolutely feck all to do with hatred towards French, Portuguese, Italians, Africans or any other people.






Britannicus (brexit lover) - Bloody immigrants.
Europius (non-brexit lover) - Hey, knock it off !
Britannicus - Errr, yes of course, that's not what I meant. I mean we are concerned with the "invisible Brussels dictatorship".
Europius - And what exactly do you mean by that ?
Britannicus - Errr, hmmm, bloody immigrants !
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1 hour ago, cosmicway said:


Britannicus (brexit lover) - Bloody immigrants.
Europius (non-brexit lover) - Hey, knock it off !
Britannicus - Errr, yes of course, that's not what I meant. I mean we are concerned with the "invisible Brussels dictatorship".
Europius - And what exactly do you mean by that ?
Britannicus - Errr, hmmm, bloody immigrants !

I have a non British mother. We have mixed race kids in our family.

But please do carry on with this,  as you're helping the Tories  and your enemies everytime you speak.







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59 minutes ago, chippy said:

I have a non British mother. We have mixed race kids in our family.

But please do carry on with this,  as you're helping the Tories  and your enemies everytime you speak.







No I 'm not.
One of the boo boys who was also shouting "kill the Jews" has taken me to court, because I called him a boo boy.
The trial is not taking place because of the covid shutdowns.


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1 hour ago, cosmicway said:

No I 'm not.
One of the boo boys who was also shouting "kill the Jews" has taken me to court, because I called him a boo boy.
The trial is not taking place because of the covid shutdowns.


You're not going to end up in court for calling someone a boo boy!

What can get you in court is posting comments like I've seen on a Liverpool forum, where a member has called for the killing of a right of centre political commentator who speaks out against BLM. Good old tolerant, liberal Leftie for ya.


Speaking of abuse at matches though. I've already said I don't support the booing of players taking the knee, and I think it's about time Chelsea fans stopped the hissing when we play the Spuds.

I'm all for good natured dogs abuse at matches, but there's no humour in hissing when up against a club with strong Jewish connections. Pretty revolting thing to do if you ask me.



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7 minutes ago, chippy said:

You're not going to end up in court for calling someone a boo boy!

What can get you in court is posting comments like I've seen on a Liverpool forum, where a member has called for the killing of a right of centre political commentator who speaks out against BLM. Good old tolerant, liberal Leftie for ya.


Speaking of abuse at matches though. I've already said I don't support the booing of players taking the knee, and I think it's about time Chelsea fans stopped the hissing when we play the Spuds.

I'm all for good natured dogs abuse at matches, but there's no humour in hissing when up against a club with strong Jewish connections. Pretty revolting thing to do if you ask me.



You can end up in court for anything under the sun and  I 'm not going to describe the entire case to you here as I should n't.
But the salient points are as I say.
Your boo boys are looking for trouble and their excuse is lousy.

In terms of misuses of the issue of human rights for ideological purposes, in Greece we have more trouble with the communist party rather than with violent BLM as such.
Can we however drop human rigths because this is happening (& it was always happening) ?
We can't. History says we can't do that.

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Not as funny as Macron getting his face slapped by a woman in a crowd the other day.

Anyway, the only "friends" Boris needs are the voters and he always has plenty of them when it counts. 48 % of the working class to Labours 31% and that gap growing all the time.😛



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1 hour ago, chippy said:

Not as funny as Macron getting his face slapped by a woman in a crowd the other day.

Anyway, the only "friends" Boris needs are the voters and he always has plenty of them when it counts. 48 % of the working class to Labours 31% and that gap growing all the time.😛



It was a man.
The most famous slap ever (Dimitra Lianis):


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History is littered with examples of people voting for things against their own interests, and its odd, almost like grooming, how people doff their caps to the obese Etonian Alexander de Pffefel Boris Johnson and call him 'Boris' like hes a wayward child or something. 

The fat cunt was having an affair whilst his wife had ovarian cancer. Vile person, and 100% untrustworthy.

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Is the UK sleepwalking into authoritarian rule?

Jeremy Cushing on how the government is attacking and undermining the institutions of democracy, Blaine Stothard on ministers’ demands for total conformity of beliefs and values, and Pat Farrington on the Tories’ cynical attempts to keep hold of power


Boris Johnson met with the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán at Downing Street last month.

Another verdict goes against the government (Covid contract for firm run by Cummings’ friends unlawful, finds judge, 9 June). Amid much discussion of the Good Law Project’s activities, however, one question goes unanswered: given that democracies need a lively independent scrutiny of government, what is the sanction?

The government reacts, as we have now come to expect, with lies and threats. The GLP itself is the target of accusations that it is “misusing crowdfunding”, and the government uses taxpayers’ money to run up huge costs, which the GLP is at risk of having to pay. The court is under the threat of legislation to curb the use of judicial review.

What we are witnessing is a broad-front attack on the institutions of a mature democracy: the BBC, the Electoral Commission, the government’s and parliament’s ethics advisers, and so on. It is a scenario that is dismally familiar from states across the world where democracy is under threat. Behind all this is the apparent complete absence of any sanctions that would discourage ministers from further ignoring the law.

Our unwritten constitution has always depended on ministers having some sense of honour. Once ministers get used to ignoring the rules, lying to the public and generally swerving accountability, an unwritten constitution is no longer enough.

Jeremy Cushing


A week before Polly Toynbee wrote about “political appointments … embedding Torydom”, Nesrine Malik wrote about the importance of checks and balances in a liberal democracy to prevent the concentration and abuse of power (If nothing sticks to this government, it’s because nobody is making it stick, 31 May). The impunity this government has been allowed makes me wonder if we are sliding towards one-party rule. The signs are clear: the Tories’ cynical plans to introduce unnecessary ID for voting; the squashing of dissent and positioning of Conservative “placemen” in key institutions like the BBC; the personality cult of Boris; the welcome given to the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán, who is quite far along the road to totalitarianism.

The Tories have always regarded themselves as the natural party to govern the country, but now they are much more willing to undermine democracy and the rule of the law to stay in power permanently. There is not enough outrage about this, but we cannot wait for Boris Johnson’s abuses of power to go on any longer, because of the permanent damage that will be done to our civil rights, democracy and national wellbeing.

Pat Farrington

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The Tory’s ‘unlawful’ £560k contract is the tip of the iceberg



A judge has ruled that the Tories awarding a contract to their mates was “unlawful”. This was thanks to the Good Law Project. People are rightly heralding this as a success, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to government corruption.

Friends in convenient places

As PA reported, a high court judge has ruled that a government decision to award a contract to a company whose bosses were friends of adviser Dominic Cummings was unlawful.

Campaigners took legal action against the Cabinet Office over the decision to pay £560,000 of taxpayers’ money to market research firm Public First. It followed the start of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in March 2020. They also questioned the involvement of Cummings. Lawyers working for the Good Law Project said Cummings, Boris Johnson’s then-chief adviser, wanted focus group and communications support services work to be given to a company whose bosses were his friends. Ministers, and Cummings – who left Downing Street late in 2020 – disputed the Good Law Project’s claim.

“Apparent” and “unlawful” bias

PA reported that justice O’Farrell said in a ruling on Wednesday 9 June:

The claimant is entitled to a declaration that the decision of 5 June 2020 to award the contract to Public First gave rise to apparent bias and was unlawful.

Meanwhile, Good Law Project director Jo Maugham said:

This is not government for the public good – it is government for the good of friends of the Conservative Party.

We just don’t understand how the Prime Minister can run a Cabinet that acts without proper regard for the law or value for public money.

Government has claimed there was no favouritism in the awarding of contracts. But the High Court has held an informed observer would conclude otherwise.



But it wasn’t just Cummings involved in this law-breaking.

Cummings and Gove implicated

Maugham tweeted that:

As PA reported, a Good Law Project spokesperson said cabinet office minister Michael Gove was also in the frame. She said:

Gove had tried to argue that only Public First could carry out the contracted work and everyone was acting under pressure.

However, the High Court found that version of events ‘does not stand up to scrutiny’ and ‘the time constraints… did not exonerate the defendant from conducting the procurement so as to demonstrate a fair and impartial process of selection’.

The truth, it said, is the Cabinet Office didn’t even consider whether to give the contract to anyone else.

Emails between civil servants revealed in the course of Good Law Project’s legal action revealed both Michael Gove and No 10 wanted contracts to be awarded to Public First.

Of course, the relationship between Cummings and Gove is wellknown. So it’s of little surprise that they’d both be up to their necks in this with each other.

First Hancock, now Gove

Nor is this the first time the Good Law Project has been legally successful in getting a judge to rule Tory contracts have been unlawful.

As Maugham tweeted:

We have now two concluded judicial reviews of pandemic procurement. Each established that a Cabinet Minister – respectively, Matt Hancock and Michael Gove – acted unlawfully. We have a slate of approximately a dozen further judicial reviews to come.


After we established [Matt Hancock] had broken the law, we wrote inviting him to work with us to improve Government procurement rather than wasting public money defending the indefensible. He didn’t have the courtesy to respond. We now repeat our invitation.


Public First. The irony’s in the name

A spokesperson for Public First told PA that:

We’re deeply proud of the work we did in the early stages of the pandemic, which helped save lives.

The judge rejected most of the Good Law Project’s claims, not finding actual bias in the awarding of this work, nor any problems with the pace or scale of the award.

Rather, the judge found that weak internal processes gave rise to the appearance of bias. The judge made no criticism whatsoever of Public First anywhere in the judgment.

But Public First being chummy with the Tories is hardly new.

A history of chumminess

As The Canary‘s Tom Coburg previously reported:

Public First, headed by James Frayne and Rachel Wolf (who helped write the 2019 Tory manifesto), was given £956k for “advice on Covid-19 and reorganising the health and care system”. It was previously awarded £840k to conduct research on public opinion regarding government policies and £116k to examine how the government can better learn from the coronavirus pandemic. Frayne worked with Cummings at the Department for Education.

Moreover, as PA reported, the Good Law Project’s lawyer told the court that Frayne and Wolf have “long-standing personal relationships” with both Cummings and Gove.

So, the legal victory is to be welcomed. But the bigger picture is corruption on an industrial scale.

Industrial scale corruption

As Byline Times reported, since the pandemic started:

15 individuals with strong connections to the Conservative Party, parliamentarians or Government representatives have been linked to companies awarded more than £2 billion in COVID-related contracts

                  Overall, Byline Times said that the total figure for all contracts given to the Tory’s mates was over £3bn.

So, the £560,000 Public First contract represents just 0.02% of this total figure. The scale of the corruption is breathtaking. And while the Good Law Project’s victory is a step in the right direction, it by no means addresses the fundamental abuse of power and privilege that has defined the Tory government’s response to the pandemic.

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The Tories are facing court over their NHS ‘data grab’



A group has launched a legal challenge to the Tory government’s so-called “NHS data grab“. It comes as the medical records of the entire population of England are set to go on a central database in a matter of weeks. And as The Canary previously reported, the Tories are looking to sell your data to the highest bidder. But you, and the legal challenge, could stop them.

Flogging our medical records, Tory-style

As we previously wrote, the Tories flogging off our medical data isn’t new. Previously, a single government body was doing it, and the government claimed that it was all legal. It also said that people’s info was anonymous, but some campaign groups disagreed. The latest scandal broke when Byline Times revealed that the government is once again looking to sell our medical records.

Phil Booth wrote for Byline Times that:

from 1 July, NHS Digital has announced that “data may be shared from the GP medical records about… any living patient registered at a GP practice in England when the collection started”.

NHS Digital… will be able to take the following from GPs’ records: “Data about diagnoses, symptoms, observations, test results, medications, allergies, immunisations, referrals, recalls and appointments, including information about physical, mental and sexual health.” This will also include data about “staff who have treated patients”, and data “on sex, ethnicity and sexual orientation”, as well as other sensitive data.

Enter Big Pharma

NHS Digital states that some organisations may “need access” to your data. It says “these include but may not be limited to” several government bodies, including Public Health England. But crucially, NHS Digital also says it can give access to your data to:

research organisations, including universities, charities, clinical research organisations that run clinical trials and pharmaceutical companies

The public has until 23 June to opt out. You can find out how to do that here. And now, a group of organisations is taking action.

A legal challenge?

A coalition of five groups and an MP have begun legal proceedings against the government. They are:

  • Just Treatment.
  • Doctors’ Association UK.
  • The Citizens.
  • openDemocracy.
  • The National Pensioners Convention.
  • David Davis MP.

The coalition says that:

we have less than three weeks to keep our medical data safe.

Foxglove Solicitors is acting on its behalf. The coalition doesn’t seem confident that the government will drop the 23 June opt-out deadline. So, it’s started legal proceedings.


As it wrote:

On 3 June Just Treatment, Doctors’ Association UK, the Citizens, openDemocracy, the National Pensioners Convention and David Davis MP sent a legal letter (a letter before claim) to the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS Digital. The legal letter says that rushing such a major change through with no transparency or debate violates patient trust, and doing so without seeking patient consent is unlawful. The case asks for a halt to the GP data grab with an injunction, and to rethink and seek meaningful patient consent.

But the coalition needs funding for the case and is looking to raise £40k to cover legal costs. You can view and donate to its crowdfunder here. As it said:

Our legal team work on ‘conditional fee agreements’. That means they only recover their costs from the other side if we win. But if we lose in court, we could have to pay the other side’s costs. The claimants in this are asking the court for a “Cost Capping Order”. If the court grants that it means that there would be a limit on the amount the coalition can be forced to pay in the event it loses. To make this case possible we need to raise as much as possible.

The coalition has also started a petition which you can read and sign here.

Fighting for all of us

The Citizens has created a video explainer of the situation:

The legal case is crucial. Many people won’t be aware of the Tories’ NHS data grab, and therefore won’t know that they can opt out. By stopping this in its tracks, the coalition will be winning for every person in the UK – except the Tories, of course.

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Sorry, but your opening comments are deeply patronizing to the many millions of the working class who vote Tory.☹️It also underlines just how completely out of touch so many on the left have become, because most of us have long since moved on from this hateful, devisive class war bollocks from decades ago.

Thatcher giving everyone the right to buy their council was the game changer! It's put more money into the pockets of the working class than anything Labour ever did for them.  


As for Johnson's private life.

I couldn't give a toss who Johnson or any other  Politician sleeps with and neither do most voters. Same when Clintion had a BJ in the White House, nobody gave a flying fcuk .



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