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Don't think it's wise to keep these here, so may be if it's best if you edit my post and delete them after you see them.

Of course no cartoon, no matter how extreme or racist, could justify obstructing humans' right of free speech. I'm asking, would you share them as a sign of defense of free speech even if you do not wish to endorse the racist opinion behind them?

It is disgusting, and blasphemy to say the least.

But the problem with people who believe in god, (i.e I believe in the god of the bible) think that because it's blasphemy against god they must do something.

Foolish human, as if the god you believe in is not all powerful to defend himself?

Kinda reminds me of the movie Troy when Achilles chops the head of Zeus and the Spartan was surprised that Zeus did nothing.

In such case you can conclude that either he is no true god to defend his honor or hes showing mercy to the blasphemer.

Which case you should too accept it and not take matter into your own hands.

So that's my thought on anyone who believes in god and takes matter into their own hands like these minority of Muslim groups do.

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Don't start again with your islamophobic bullshit.

Notice how no Catholics went about killing anybody when the same magazine printed offensive anti-Catholic cartoons. Wonder why it's only Muslims that go around killing people who "insult" the "prophet" ?


To have a Phobia means to have an irrational fear of something. Fearing and detesting an Ideology that stands for tyranny, oppression of women, Jihad through warfare, underage "marriage", oppression of religious minorities, terror attacks, killing of gays, killing of apostates etc etc, is indeed perfectly rational. Any sane, freedom loving person will be an "Islamophobe". Even people were castigated as Naziphopbes before the Nazi's started a World War and committed mass genocide of millions. You're more concerned with "Islamophobia" than Freedom of Speech and the death of innocent people. Typical.

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Notice how no Catholics went about killing anybody when the same magazine printed offensive anti-Catholic cartoons. Wonder why it's only Muslims that go around killing people who "insult" the "prophet" ?


To have a Phobia means to have an irrational fear of something. Fearing and detesting an Ideology that stands for tyranny, oppression of women, Jihad through warfare, underage "marriage", oppression of religious minorities, terror attacks, killing of gays, killing of apostates etc etc, is indeed perfectly rational. Any sane, freedom loving person will be an "Islamophobe". Even people were castigated as Naziphopbes before the Nazi's started a World War and committed mass genocide of millions. You're more concerned with "Islamophobia" than Freedom of Speech and the death of innocent people. Typical.

im a catholic. and i dont care less about some cartoons.

i dont think we should condemn muslims. most are normal people. and the biggest sufferers under "islamic tyranny" are probably good muslim folk.

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im a catholic. and i dont care less about some cartoons.

i dont think we should condemn muslims. most are normal people. and the biggest sufferers under "islamic tyranny" are probably good muslim folk.

Something I never actually did i.e condemn Muslims. Maybe you don't understand the difference between a religion (an ideology) and the practicioners of the ideology. It's not that complex actually.

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Something I never actually did i.e condemn Muslims. Maybe you don't understand the difference between a religion (an ideology) and the practicioners of the ideology. It's not that complex actually.

i didnt say you did. it was just my point

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So why respond directly to my comment then? :blink: I could also care-less if you're Catholic or not. That's a moot point.

i wanted to say. that muslims have the most to fear from islam. that was my take on islamphobia

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im a catholic. and i dont care less about some cartoons.

i dont think we should condemn muslims. most are normal people. and the biggest sufferers under "islamic tyranny" are probably good muslim folk.


What's happening now in the Muslim world is something that has happen to major religions that held a lot of power and influence over it's people.

Catholicisms ages ago, Judaism back in prophets and Christ age and such.

You get sects that distort the laws and teaching and become dogmatic about it.

This is why I love what God says, "my people perish for lack of knowledge"

And you know what knowledge the world is deliberate ignorant of?


How can you call yourself a Christian and say you do the will of god if you distort the major commandments?

In loving god with all your heart, soul and mind. And loving your neighbor as yourself.

You show lack of patients because you have no love

You show no kindness because you have no love

You envy your neighbor because you have no love

You dishonor others because you have no love

You keep records of wrong because you have no love

And lastly you expect god to show you mercy and forgive of your sins but you don't show mercy and forgive others.

Anyone who does not practice this does not have god.

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It is disgusting, and blasphemy to say the least.

But the problem with people who believe in god, (i.e I believe in the god of the bible) think that because it's blasphemy against god they must do something.

Foolish human, as if the god you believe in is not all powerful to defend himself?

Kinda reminds me of the movie Troy when Achilles chops the head of Zeus and the Spartan was surprised that Zeus did nothing.

In such case you can conclude that either he is no true god to defend his honor or hes showing mercy to the blasphemer.

Which case you should too accept it and not take matter into your own hands.

So that's my thought on anyone who believes in god and takes matter into their own hands like these minority of Muslim groups do.

Absolutely. I would never make such comics, but I would always defend anyone's right to express them. The only way to battle racism is through raising social awareness leading to social evolution.

The Religion of Peace strikes again!

Was wondering when the Islamophobe was going to pop in :D

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i wanted to say. that muslims have the most to fear from islam. that was my take on islamphobia

I do agree that Muslims are the biggest victims of Islam. They're just too blind and scared to see it. And commands such as this from the "prophet" don't help either.

Bukhari (84:57) : In the words of Allah's Apostle, Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.

Catholicism underwent a reformation and counter-reformation. An enlightenment period as well and did away with the barbarity and evil of Inquisitions. Islam has always been and is still a violent, supremacist Ideology. It refuses to compete in the market-place of ideas. It's no surprise because Muhammad, the founder of the religion also assassinated those who mocked him (Asma Bint Marwan) . Muslims are commanded to love Muhammad more than they love their own parents, spouses and children. So why should we be surprised when some of his followers do likewise (i.e assassinate those who mock him) even 1000's of years later?

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I do agree that Muslims are the biggest victims of Islam. They're just too blind and scared to see it. And commands such as this from the "prophet" don't help either.

Bukhari (84:57) : In the words of Allah's Apostle, Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.

Catholicism underwent a reformation and counter-reformation. An enlightenment period as well and did away with the barbarity and evil of Inquisitions. Islam has always been and is still a violent, supremacist Ideology. It refuses to compete in the market-place of ideas. It's no surprise because Muhammad, the founder of the religion also assassinated those who mocked him. Muslims are commanded to love Muhammad more than they love their own parents, spouses and children. So why should we be surprised when some of his followers do likewise even 1000's of years later?

i have read terrible things about mohammed. and he is associated with a wide number of crimes, historically. but cholou said before that member will be insulted. so i wont go into them

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Ben Wilson: Thousands sign petition to free son jailed for defending abused mum from violent dad


Benjamin Wilson battered his dad with a hammer, but only after he and his mother suffered years of abuse at the hands of his father

Wilson - a new father himself - was jailed for six years after admitting wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, but the sentence has sparked outrage and calls for him to be freed.

this story has really split opinions.

i think he should probably be spared jail.

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What's happening now in the Muslim world is something that has happen to major religions that held a lot of power and influence over it's people.

Catholicisms ages ago, Judaism back in prophets and Christ age and such.

You get sects that distort the laws and teaching and become dogmatic about it.

This is why I love what God says, "my people perish for lack of knowledge"

And you know what knowledge the world is deliberate ignorant of?


Anyone who does not practice this does not have god.

(a) About "distortions", this has to be the biggest myth about Islamic terrorism. No distortions have taken place. What you see from a group like ISIS for example is the real Islam practiced by Muhammad and his early Muslim followers. The killings, sex slaves, tyranny and oppression of religious minorities. The way of life of Muhammad and his early followers is the FOUNDATION of Sharia Law.

(i) READ the biography of Muhammad. Buy it here if you have to: http://www.amazon.com/Life-Muhammad-I-Ishaq/dp/0196360331/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420824254&sr=8-1&keywords=biography+of+muhammad+ishaq

(ii) READ the Sahih Hadith, Muslim and Bukhari FREE online. http://sunnah.com/bukhari

(iii) READ the Tafsir (commentary) of the Qur'an to get the full context on some of it's violent and bigoted passages from the greatest Muslim scholars (Ibn Kathir) FREE. He says FIGHT the JEWS AND CHRISTIANS because they are IDOLATERS in his commentary of Qur'an 9:29. These are Muslims who have studied Islam through and through and know what they're talking about, not some so-called experts on the internet. READ IT.


Don't let these people deceive, you and keep you ignorant about Islam and its end goal for the world. Read, research. Don't take my word for it, read what the Muslim scholars themselves say!!

(iv) Just a quick history lesson. You mention Catholics, but they could have a reformation because Martin Luther and the others understood that the Church had strayed BADLY from the teachings of Jesus Christ.Most of the middle ages doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church like Inquisitions, Mary idolatory, praying to saints and to the dead, indulgences, bowing to idols, asking priests for forgiveness of sins, purgatory, transubstantiation, the Eucharist and many many heresies and false teachings simply CANNOT be found in any sentence in the New Testament. So there was a reformation to go BACK to the teachings of Jesus and then various other sects springing from Protestantism came to be. You're a non-Catholic Christian right? It was through this that whatever Christian sect you belong to came into being.

So it's impossible for Islam to have a reformation because first of all the Qur'an, unlike the Bible is apparently supposed to be the dictated speech of Allah and if it tells Muslims to fight Jews and Christians, Muslims have to obey.

b. "Anyone who does not practice this does not have a god". The false premise in this is that you think all gods are benign and holy. There is only ONE Holy and Righteous God and that is the YHWH, the God of the Bible. With all due respect, I do not consider the god of the Qur'an to be a righteous or holy deity, but the figment of Muhammad's imagination who granted Muhammad all his earthly desires in his "holy" book.

The God of the Bible gave his only begotten Son as a ransom and substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of the world (John 3:16), the greatest act of love for his creation. The god of the qur'an wants his followers to be a sacrifice for themselves. To "kill others" and "get killed" for him. (Qur'an 9:111) with promises of virgins to deflower (Qur'an 56:36) This is why we have so many suicide/Jihadi bombers today in the Muslim world.

And all these cries of "Islamophobia" are ridiculous. It's not "phobia" to criticize a religion/Ideology. No religion is EXEMPT from criticism especially when it's responsible for so much evil in the world today. I never criticize Muslims personally or mock them. But CHOULO already knows that, doesn't he? Nice try throwing out red herrings and distracting from the elephant in the room. Nobody is buying it anymore.

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MSM reporting the gunmen have been killed. Unfortunately, not all hostages made it out alive. Anyway, well done, France! The French tend not to mess around in situations like this, unlike the horribly spineless government in the UK.

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About the verse of the Quran that you quote, it's from Surah At-Tawbah, revealed for a very specific purpose for a very specific time. This is the problem with the people who misinterpret the Quran. You don't speak the language, nor do you give it time to let it unravel it's meanings for you to comprehend it's message. It's not as simple as 'kill them'. There's even an authentic incident wherein the christians were let to pray in the masjid of the Prophet (saw) himself. If Islam is as you say it is, why were they not killed on the spot? If you say that it doesn't care about being good to christians and jews, why would such a tradition take place in the first place?

You quoted a verse for a specific verse for a specific incident, now let me show you a verse that is supposed to be taken more generally, and it's meaning is quite clear.

“Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity”

[al-Mumtahanah 60:8].

Not only are we supposed to be just and kind towards them, but we're even given the reward of His love for doing so. Tell me, what could be better than that as a motivation? On top of this, we see the two conditions where we see the the order being put into use. -A religious war and being thrown out of your homes, only then you can fight. No mention of mockery, nor anything else. These two conditions, by the way, are fulfilled quite clearly in the surah of the verse that you'd quoted. That is why it's applicable there, because it talks about the disbelievers who had done those things against them already, and that's also why the conditions are not written down there, because it's already implied.

Greetings to you, hopefully you'll allow me to ask you a few questions in response to your post. I'll try and keep it a tighter context as we maybe able to discuss this in good spirit.

You have said 9:29 was revealed for a very specific time and place in human history which is unlike 60:8. Would you care to give time and context for 9:29?

Also if it has been revealed for a place and time is it not then an eternal message to the whole of human kind?

If 9:29 is context of it's time, is 60:8 not reliant on 60:9-10 for it's historical context of the effects of the treaty of Hudaybiyah and not a religious war of fighting at this exact time.

Many thanks

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