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The European Leagues & Competitions Thread V2


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how? He attacked him and hit him in the stomach! If Arebloa didn't jump it would have hit him on the chest!

Shut up, he probably didnt even see Arbeloa. He ran crazy to the ball when Nani had already begun to do the movement.

It was reckless and he deserved a yellow, but not even in Mars that was a red card!

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It is not, just re-watch it.

FFS :doh:

Law 12: "A player is guilty of serious foul play if he uses excessive force or brutality"

Nani was unaware and completely obliviant to his surroundings, creating an unsafe challenge to emerge, as it has, by him cleating Arbeloa in the chest. Whether or not he was looking at the ball is irrelevant, he put himself in a dangerous situation being aware of the circumstances and players are around him, made a dangerous challenge which gave the ref a reason to send him off.

It was really unfortunate for Nani and United, but its by the rules


Anything but a yellow.

If you disagree than you disagree with the rules of the game, not the ref.

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Definite red card, as soon as i saw it i thought it looked a bit dodgy. I've seen many times where a player feigns injury to try and save himself from the card and when i saw the replay i was shouting "It's a red, it's a red, he should go!"

You cannot go for the ball like that, it's reckless.

BUT.... I'm glad either way even if it was harsh which it wasn't. Man Utd getting screwed by a ref at Old Trafford? Absolute paradise. What a stunning night, i love it!

Jose was wrong though, the better team won.

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Anyone who fancies some comedy gold should head over to redcafe! Stupid wankers, karma has got them back. Remember how they took the piss when they had clattenburg in October and their banners at the league cup game taking the piss? Those twats are getting it back big time on Sunday and I can't wait

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Anyone who fancies some comedy gold should head over to redcafe! Stupid wankers, karma has got them back. Remember how they took the piss when they had clattenburg in October and their banners at the league cup game taking the piss? Those twats are getting it back big time on Sunday and I can't wait

I feel like going and trolling them... But i am above that... ;)


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