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Frank Lampard


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Not gana be pissed of if he does go to another club.Doubt he will but if he wants to stay in England...

Just know end up being annoyed at the board as no doubt he'll do really well,play how he does,goals etc and end up being pissed off how the whole thing has been handled

Rays view:

Former Manchester United and Chelsea midfielder Ray Wilkins has been talking to BBC Radio Manchester's Red Wednesday about the possibility of Frank Lampard leaving Chelsea for Manchester United in the summer.

Wilkins said: "Frank will want to continue to play, he'll want to continue to win and play at a high level, and there's no higher level than Old Trafford and you have the master of utilising the older player in Sir Alex Ferguson. So I think it would be a tremendous move for Frank and a good one for Manchester United as well."

"His fitness levels belies his age, his fitness levels are incredible. If you play him in 30 games he'll score you close to 20 goals and there's no reason why he shouldn't continue. Yes he's getting older but you only have to see the performances Giggs and Scholes themselves have put in over the last few years, and they are four years older than Frank, some outstanding performances, so there's no reason why Frank still doesn't have that in his locker."

Does Ray Wilkins think Frank Lampard would struggle to win over the Manchester United fans if he were to move?

"No not at all - he'll win them over because of his footballing ability. If you look at Old Trafford, if anything they lack goals from the middle of the pitch. They've got goals coming from everywhere else, full-back, centre-half, but from the middle they are not scoring as regular as when Scholes was a tad younger, but Frank will guarantee you goals because he has that knack of arriving at the right situation and the right time to put the ball in the back of the net, and he finishes like a forward and not a midfield player.

"Frank has been an unbelievable servant to Chelsea and I honestly felt they would have given him maybe a year or two more, but they have obviously decided to take a different look at the way things are going at Stamford Bridge and alter their philosophy."

I don't see the need for Manchester United to have Lampard, except an even greater political power in the english league and media.

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I don't see the need for Manchester United to have Lampard, except an even greater political power in the english league and media.


Their midfield is shit. Lamps is far better and about as productive as all of their central midfielders combined, he would give them goals and quality in the middle, they would have a midfield general, Everything they have been lacking for ages.

+they would have a reliable penalty taker

+his ability of scoring late and decisive goals would be even more lethal in Fergie time

Lamps would be about the perfect signing for ManU, that is why I hope he will not go there. i would not blame him, cos that is his best option to continue playing at the top level while remaining in England. its not that he was going to an arch rival only to a title contender. But as things stand we won't compete with ManU for titles till the end, cos we will find it hard enough to secure international football if we let Lamps, Cole go and sign weakish kids and coaches like Benitez.

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He won't go to another english club i doubt, i reckon it will be LA galaxy, which is my preferred destination if he has to leave.

I also doubt it, but it would be interesting to see him at Juventus. Probably they will not be able to afford his wages, but a midfield of Lamps-pirlo-vidal looks appetizing. Also in Italy there is far more respect and use for aging players. It would suit Lamps and he always liked Italien football. He could replace Marchisio, who is skilfull but a mediocre passer and an even worse finisher than mata.

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They are paying 120000 for that blonde cunt but cant offer new deal for Lamps? Well fuck off board. Lamps is still very good player who can score, has respect and experience. It would be

foolish to let him go...just think of Pirlo, Milan and Juve...disaster for Milan.

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Their midfield is shit. Lamps is far better and about as productive as all of their central midfielders combined, he would give them goals and quality in the middle, they would have a midfield general, Everything they have been lacking for ages.

+they would have a reliable penalty taker

+his ability of scoring late and decisive goals would be even more lethal in Fergie time

Lamps would be about the perfect signing for ManU, that is why I hope he will not go there. i would not blame him, cos that is his best option to continue playing at the top level while remaining in England. its not that he was going to an arch rival only to a title contender. But as things stand we won't compete with ManU for titles till the end, cos we will find it hard enough to secure international football if we let Lamps, Cole go and sign weakish kids and coaches like Benitez.

They already have Carrick, Cleverley, Fletcher, Kagawa, Anderson and possibly Giggs and maybe even Rooney. Plus they've got young Nick Powell who will be looking for more game time next year.

They could go for Lampard but I don't know if they'd want or need a 35 year old Lampard.

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Followed in two months by another article saying "maybe the club will do a U-turn", I wish the club will go public if they are letting him leave.

it is clear they are PLANNING to offload him becos when u listen to every comment from benitez he keeps on say "WE ARE TRYING TO GET THE BEST OUT OF HIM TILL THE END OF THE SEASON"
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Followed in two months by another article saying "maybe the club will do a U-turn", I wish the club will go public if they are letting him leave.

it is clear they are PLANNING to offload him becos when u listen to every comment from benitez he keeps on say "WE ARE TRYING TO GET THE BEST OUT OF HIM TILL THE END OF THE SEASON"
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Their midfield is shit. Lamps is far better and about as productive as all of their central midfielders combined, he would give them goals and quality in the middle, they would have a midfield general, Everything they have been lacking for ages.

+they would have a reliable penalty taker

+his ability of scoring late and decisive goals would be even more lethal in Fergie time

Lamps would be about the perfect signing for ManU, that is why I hope he will not go there. i would not blame him, cos that is his best option to continue playing at the top level while remaining in England. its not that he was going to an arch rival only to a title contender. But as things stand we won't compete with ManU for titles till the end, cos we will find it hard enough to secure international football if we let Lamps, Cole go and sign weakish kids and coaches like Benitez.

Manu does not need lampard. People said their meidfield is shit. It's their dm that is bad. They have 2-3 great/good passer in carrick/scholes. They have one upcoming box to box in cleverly. They have anderson and fletcher that they can throw in there. Why do they need lampard
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They already have Carrick, Cleverley, Fletcher, Kagawa, Anderson and possibly Giggs and maybe even Rooney. Plus they've got young Nick Powell who will be looking for more game time next year.

They could go for Lampard but I don't know if they'd want or need a 35 year old Lampard.

Tell me, which of these random facts you listed there has anything to do with the debate?

It does not matter how many midfielders they got. They lack goals and quality in the centre. We also got shitloads of CAMs. Nonetheless Marin or Piazon make us any better.

Lamps is 34. however. giggs and scholes were about as old in 2008. Both played and won the CL final that. year. So again, irrelevant.

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Manu does not need lampard. People said their meidfield is shit. It's their dm that is bad. They have 2-3 great/good passer in carrick/scholes. They have one upcoming box to box in cleverly. They have anderson and fletcher that they can throw in there. Why do they need lampard

Cos he would improve them. Even if they do not desperately need him, he would still be a great signing. As we would be worse without him, they would be better with him. Simple as that.

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Tell me, which of these random facts you listed there has anything to do with the debate?

It does not matter how many midfielders they got. They lack goals and quality in the centre. We also got shitloads of CAMs. Nonetheless Marin or Piazon make us any better.

Lamps is 34. however. giggs and scholes were about as old in 2008. Both played and won the CL final that. year. So again, irrelevant.

They might lack goals from midfield, but they've scored 54 goals in the league this season which I think I'm right in saying is the most in the league. If you actually talk to United supporters who know what they're talking about, they'll tell you that what they're lacking in midfield is a more defensively-minded presence especially since the absence of Fletcher.

Lamps will be 35 and I don't know if he directly addresses a specific need of United's squad.

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Thats why I want managerial longevity.If we had Jose or Carlo still with us,I am sure the manager would have tried his best to keep one of the clubs best players.There needs to be a special bond and connection between the manager,players and fans.Benitez is least bothered because he's not a real part of the club and will be leaving soon.

Rafa Benitez is just concerned about winning trophies for the sake of his own reputation and nothing else.

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Boys , I am wondering why we don't protest as a fans again the desicion Lampard to leave us in the summer ? I mean if 80% of the fans who are at the stadium every mach protest think that will have an effect . I am not in England and can't do anything . But If the Englisg fans decide to do somethink I think that will have an effect . At least some of the important fans could sit down and talk with the main board and tell them what we want as a fans . It will be huge mistake if Lampard and Cole leave us . For hell , just look United - Gigs , Scoles or Maldini , Nesta , Indzaghi , Casillas , Raul and more and more players . If we as a fans don't find a way to make the board offer Lampard new contract nobody will can . But if we didn't do something we will regret till the end of our lifes . We've got the key !!

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They might lack goals from midfield, but they've scored 54 goals in the league this season which I think I'm right in saying is the most in the league. If you actually talk to United supporters who know what they're talking about, they'll tell you that what they're lacking in midfield is a more defensively-minded presence especially since the absence of Fletcher.

Lamps will be 35 and I don't know if he directly addresses a specific need of United's squad.

This. Manu has never been a team who depend on their midfield to score. They have always been a

wing based team. They need a runner to accompany scholes/carrick and a 35 years old mid is not the answer.

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