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2 hours ago, Pizy said:

We need to start to come to with the idea of Sancho at United. Unless Real Madrid somehow gets shot of Bale that's his only other option I'd say. Us signing Ziyech was the end of our pursuit.

Honeslty, I think Ziyech will be just as productive as Sancho, if not even more so as long as we buy intelligently in the summer. At only a quarter of the price as well.

Ziyech is nowhere near the quality of Sancho, and is 7 years older. He turns 28 next season, Sancho turns 21 in the same month as Ziyech. The price was nice on Ziyech, so no quibble there, but we are still short a winger once Pedro and Willian bounce. The injury rate of Pukisic and CHO is not great and RLC has yet to show he will not be a shadow od his pre devastating injury self, so Ziyech likely, if we do not buy a true AMF, will jave to pkay there as well. Mount is shit as an AMF, Barkley sure will be sold as well.

Sancho to Manure, especially if they sell Pogba to cover most of that cost, and then they grab Poch, and a WC CB plus some other lesser signers to strengthen, will be a DISASTER for us. If we cockup LB (say miss out on Chilwell and then say fuck it, we roll with the dregs we have) and miss out on a decent CF (Werner is gone, going Klopp) plus do nit sell Kante (and keep Lampard) we will fall so so far behind Manure, especially if they grab CL and we miss out.

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11 minutes ago, NikkiCFC said:


As much as I dislike Kepa, I am not sure we can go out and buy another GK of this sort of level. Kepa was not only £72m but is also pulling £170-190k a week, which makes him one of our top five earners. For me Kepa is a sunk cost as no one is going to a) pay his wages and b ) pay anywhere near what we paid for him. This means unless AM break out the crack pipe and agree to some sort of Oblak swap we are stuck with him as I cannot see us dropping another £50m+ on a GK with similar wages. 

Our best bet is to hope Newcastle get relegated and we can pick up someone like Dubravka for £30-35m. 

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On 02/03/2020 at 1:00 PM, Pizy said:

We need to start to come to with the idea of Sancho at United. Unless Real Madrid somehow gets shot of Bale that's his only other option I'd say. Us signing Ziyech was the end of our pursuit.

Honeslty, I think Ziyech will be just as productive as Sancho, if not even more so as long as we buy intelligently in the summer. At only a quarter of the price as well.

Ziyech whilst a good player is not the same player and to some extent still does not sort out the issue of balance we have with our AM's. Firstly, when looking at the AM's I think both Willian and Pedro are going. That leaves us with CHO, Puli and Ziyech. However, both Puli and Ziyech are more No.10/inverted No.11 types rather than pacey wingers, which means we only have CHO as our conventional winger. For me, Sancho or another player of his type is quite important as otherwise we are going to have a collection of AM's that all want to play through the defence rather than stretch them out. This is one of the reasons why Alonso is so effective for us as he actually plays out wide and stays there whilst everyone else tries to play through two banks of 4/5. 

Further if SFL is here next season, I am pretty sure he will switch to 4231 full time. If that is the case you can probably add Mount and RLC to the AM list, however, again, they aren't pacey wide players and are best in the No.10 role of the 3. 

Whatever happens, next AM that comes through the door has to be a pacey wide player as otherwise AM next season is going to end up like CM with Kova, Kante and Jorgi in that we will have good individual players there but really poor balance as all of them want to do the same thing, give or take.

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43 minutes ago, King Kante said:

Ziyech whilst a good player is not the same player and to some extent still does not sort out the issue of balance we have with our AM's. Firstly, when looking at the AM's I think both Willian and Pedro are going. That leaves us with CHO, Puli and Ziyech. However, both Puli and Ziyech are more No.10/inverted No.11 types rather than pacey wingers, which means we only have CHO as our conventional winger. For me, Sancho or another player of his type is quite important as otherwise we are going to have a collection of AM's that all want to play through the defence rather than stretch them out. This is one of the reasons why Alonso is so effective for us as he actually plays out wide and stays there whilst everyone else tries to play through two banks of 4/5. 

Further if SFL is here next season, I am pretty sure he will switch to 4231 full time. If that is the case you can probably add Mount and RLC to the AM list, however, again, they aren't pacey wide players and are best in the No.10 role of the 3. 

Whatever happens, next AM that comes through the door has to be a pacey wide player as otherwise AM next season is going to end up like CM with Kova, Kante and Jorgi in that we will have good individual players there but really poor balance as all of them want to do the same thing, give or take.

We lack creativity and finishing. Pulisic is very fast just like CHO. With James and Telles we will not need our wingers to stay wide all the time like you suggested. 

We will not sign Sancho this summer. Everything suggest this.

In 4-2-3-1 we can play something like this: 

  Pulisic    Aouar    Ziyach

       Kovacic   Kante

or add CHO for Aouar and play Ziyach as AM.

We have many options. With Telles and James and their crosses and creativity of Puli, Ziyach and Aouar we will solve a lot of our problems. Lets hope striker we will sign turns out good for us.

After this we will have only defensive issues.


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18 minutes ago, NikkiCFC said:

We lack creativity and finishing. Pulisic is very fast just like CHO. With James and Telles we will not need our wingers to stay wide all the time like you suggested. 

We will not sign Sancho this summer. Everything suggest this.

In 4-2-3-1 we can play something like this: 

  Pulisic    Aouar    Ziyach

       Kovacic   Kante

or add CHO for Aouar and play Ziyach as AM.

We have many options. With Telles and James and their crosses and creativity of Puli, Ziyach and Aouar we will solve a lot of our problems. Lets hope striker we will sign turns out good for us.

After this we will have only defensive issues.


I am not saying we have to sign Sancho, I am saying we have to sign someone like Sancho. I do agree if you have someone like Telles then maybe the need for a wide player is not so great but then again if he is playing in a four then he will not get as much licence to go forward unless you play a super high line and press. Further, I disagree with your assessment of Puli, he has quick acceleration but is not fast per se. Additionally, whatever way you want to slice it his best position in No.10 which is where the US national team play him. Arguments can be made about Ziyech playing out wide but he will always come in like Willian does now. 

Further, looking at your lineup for midfield the first thing that hits me is how lightweight it is. I really hope this offseason we also sort out CM and get a more imposing player as otherwise it is still going to be like children vs men at set pieces and us being overran in the middle of the park virtually every game. 

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4 hours ago, NikkiCFC said:

We lack creativity and finishing. Pulisic is very fast just like CHO. With James and Telles we will not need our wingers to stay wide all the time like you suggested. 

We will not sign Sancho this summer. Everything suggest this.

In 4-2-3-1 we can play something like this: 

  Pulisic    Aouar    Ziyach

       Kovacic   Kante

or add CHO for Aouar and play Ziyach as AM.

We have many options. With Telles and James and their crosses and creativity of Puli, Ziyach and Aouar we will solve a lot of our problems. Lets hope striker we will sign turns out good for us.

After this we will have only defensive issues.


That’s an interesting midfield. 

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

Cheeky bid for Kane? :ph34r:





Do you really think that baldy shithead (Leavy) will sell his best players to us? Do you remember Modrić saga 


Not to mention double loss this season :D

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Realistically look at players that will definitely be here next year 














Players that might be here next season 








Players that won’t be at Chelsea next season 






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