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Thiago Silva


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7 hours ago, communicate said:

Nah, silva is 36,we have to see how he can cope with epl especially if we defend the same way as last season. 

Just the simple fact that the club signed TS makes me somehow calm and shows that FL acknowledged that defence is a big problem because to be honest I was a bit worried he'd might only sign Chilwell for the back line and ignore the other important area, the center of defence, where there is actually a very big problem because the way I see it Chelsea probably have THE worst centre backs out of all the big clubs, I have written on this board before but I think they are simply useless, especially Rudiger who I do not rate at all because he simply lacks the basics and the intelligence to play for a big club, I still can't get over that reckless tackle v Arsenal when there was no need for it and left the defence wide open it just shows how poor he is and what a low footballing IQ he has, he is an abysmal football player.

If it was me I would pair TS with Azpilicueta at CB. Rudiger, Zouma and Christensen are not good enough.

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On 8/29/2020 at 3:45 PM, petre.ispirescu said:

Just the simple fact that the club signed TS makes me somehow calm and shows that FL acknowledged that defence is a big problem because to be honest I was a bit worried he'd might only sign Chilwell for the back line and ignore the other important area, the center of defence, where there is actually a very big problem because the way I see it Chelsea probably have THE worst centre backs out of all the big clubs, I have written on this board before but I think they are simply useless, especially Rudiger who I do not rate at all because he simply lacks the basics and the intelligence to play for a big club, I still can't get over that reckless tackle v Arsenal when there was no need for it and left the defence wide open it just shows how poor he is and what a low footballing IQ he has, he is an abysmal football player.

If it was me I would pair TS with Azpilicueta at CB. Rudiger, Zouma and Christensen are not good enough.

Actually I don't believe we have the worst cb, they are fine,not great, fine. I have said countless of time, we don't need good cb, we need a great commanding cb. That is why silva is signed, we need leadership at the back. Not sure I like the signing because I have major doubt of silva ability to last in epl due to his age and the way we defend. But it is a very low risk signing so no problem. 

People don't give credit of how our defender need to deal at people running at them at will especially when kante is not playing. We have only one ball winner in the team albeit a wc one, but when he is not playing or not fit or not playing well, all hell break lose. 

Btw saying that we need leadership at the back is not a shot at azpi. I am 100% think azpi is our captain. Imo those people who said azpi should not be captain and can't organize defense need to get their head checked. FB can't organize defense. How in the hell azpi can instruct LB to do anything plus fb also need to go up and support the attack, good luck organizing your defense after making overlapping cross


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On 8/29/2020 at 8:52 AM, Vesper said:

we still do not know who are going to be our DMF's, not that I expect Rice to come in this window

and Verratti was their normal CMF

assuming Havertz is a done deal before next weekend

I am down to only 4 wants

new GKer <<<<< HAS to happen this year

Rice (next year it looks like) <<< we need him atm far more at DMF than CB (as I think CB migration will take a couple years with him if we go that route)

Skriniar (he probably will be sold this year, but probably not happening for us, unless we get REALLY lucky on selling players) << the not happening means Upamecano (who I prefer over Skriniar anyway) next year (we have the X-Man coming in 2 or so years up the food chain so do not need BOTH Skriniar and Upemecano, even I am not THAT greedy, roflmaoooooooooooo

Camavinga  for Rice's double pivot partner (unless Ampadu explodes in the next 2 years, which would be sooooooooooo sweet) IF Rice is moved to CB, then we need another DMF as well, a real cruncher type, like Denis Zakaria (ideal) or maybe even Aurélien Tchouaméni (if he keeps progressing at Monaco) or perhaps Leander Dendoncker (who I have always rated going back to 2014/15 and REALLY was sold on when he overall bullied Manure for Anderlecht back in spring 2017 (fucking Rashford 107th minute extra time Old Trafford goal was the only reason Manure snuck through in the EL)


i'm quite impressed for camavinga,,he's mixing between Kante (for tackling) and Pogba (for Driblling & Passing). hope next season our scout will fight for him,,don't let Madrid or Barca get this kid. this could be their best DMF for the next 10 years...

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On 28-8-2020 at 2:20 PM, petre.ispirescu said:

No disrespect to Azpilicueta he is a big influence at the club, but he is no captain material if you ask me, Thiago Silva should be given the armband the second he steps a foot at Cobham and he should definitely be the loudest on the pitch, genuine WC defender hopefully his presence will have a similar impact to Van Dijk's arrival at Liverpool. Granted they have better defenders, but still T. Silva's presence alone should be of massive importance.


Why is he not captain material according to you? I think for us as fans it's really hard to notice the mutual bond and respect between players. I think a captain should be someone who is respected by the manager and the entire squad really. Lampard, working day in day out with his team, probably has an idea what he wants and expects from a captain, and apparently that's Azpilicuate right now. Also, if you look at our captains in the history, all of them could handle themselves quite well, English wise. Different story for Thiago Silva, from what i've seen.

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4 hours ago, Vincent said:

Why is he not captain material according to you? I think for us as fans it's really hard to notice the mutual bond and respect between players. I think a captain should be someone who is respected by the manager and the entire squad really. Lampard, working day in day out with his team, probably has an idea what he wants and expects from a captain, and apparently that's Azpilicuate right now. Also, if you look at our captains in the history, all of them could handle themselves quite well, English wise. Different story for Thiago Silva, from what i've seen.

Because we got spoilt by our previous generation of players. Now, am not saying Azpi is like Terry, Lampard, Drogba etc. He isn't but because he supposedly isn't screaming or seen constantly organizing the defence, he becomes an easy stick to beat with when things go around, he gets blamed because of the defensive incompetency of others. He isn't quite as consistent and flawless as he was say 2-3 years ago but he's still by far our most reliable defender. He might even feel relieved that Silva has joined!

As for the stuff Azpi does off the pitch, yeah. The club captain has lots of responsibilities off the pitch as well and if you read the news/stories, you'll notice that he does represent the club extremely well and is also well respected by the players as well as being thought highly by by our managers over the years. Only a few weeks ago, Lampard praised him at length after the Champions League game (or maybe the FA Cup final).

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20 minutes ago, Jason said:

Because we got spoilt by our previous generation of players. Now, am not saying Azpi is like Terry, Lampard, Drogba etc. He isn't but because he supposedly isn't screaming or seen constantly organizing the defence, he becomes an easy stick to beat with when things go around, he gets blamed because of the defensive incompetency of others. He isn't quite as consistent and flawless as he was say 2-3 years ago but he's still by far our most reliable defender. He might even feel relieved that Silva has joined!

As for the stuff Azpi does off the pitch, yeah. The club captain has lots of responsibilities off the pitch as well and if you read the news/stories, you'll notice that he does represent the club extremely well and is also well respected by the players as well as being thought highly by by our managers over the years. Only a few weeks ago, Lampard praised him at length after the Champions League game (or maybe the FA Cup final).

People will just pick on Azpi in the same way they did regarding Cahill when he was captain, which is ironic because as soon as someone else criticised a player they liked it was the good old oh just get behind the player and the team. Its just a stupid argument to have.

I mean do you think City fans argued about similar things when David Silva was made captain or Liverpool fans when Jordan Henderson was made captain or United fans when Darren Fletcher was made vicecaptain (he moved not long after as he hadnt played a lot due to his illness but still) or whenever wny club made their captain or vice captain someone totally against the mould of a Terry, Vidic, Gerrard etc? Captains come in different shapes and forms. There is different types of leadership and ways of being a leader which makes me realise that people are so caught up in how captains ‘used to be’ (as if its changed hugely and that every captain was one of these guys mentioned above) that they are totally blinded by the fact that just because someone sits shouting on a football pitch it means they are captain material when it doesn’t mean they are necessarily captain material. They could be shouting a whole lot of shite, I mean weve all played some sort of sport where some fucking idiot will sit talking shite throughout a whole game and you are thinking wtf are you on about... I would imagine some of these professional footballers are more than likely the same and probably some of the coaches can also do this too.

But on regards to having leaders the addition of Thiago Silva is huge for that, all good teams or even looking at businesses have more than one or two ‘leaders’ so to speak, you need a good number of these guys. Its no surprise we were so successful with Cech, Terry, Lampard, Drogba, Cole, Ballack etc because ok while we only had one captain you had several senior leadership figures. 

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Ok so no national team games this time... Frank will still have some solid group to work with during the internationals...

Why cant he just test negative instead of doing quarantine for 14 days? And start training with the team...

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6 minutes ago, NikkiCFC said:

Ok so no national team games this time... Frank will still have some solid group to work with during the internationals...

Why cant he just test negative instead of doing quarantine for 14 days? And start training with the team...

Incubation period? No idea

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50 minutes ago, Valdo said:

Incubation period? No idea

no. tests have more than 99% accuracy even before there are any possible symptoms. I think the whole procedure is BS. We used to do this 14 day quarantine before we hadtests available for everybody in Germany. But now we just est everyone and only the sick are quarantined. I guess UK still has not figured the shit out.

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18 hours ago, Jason said:

Because we got spoilt by our previous generation of players. Now, am not saying Azpi is like Terry, Lampard, Drogba etc. He isn't but because he supposedly isn't screaming or seen constantly organizing the defence, he becomes an easy stick to beat with when things go around, he gets blamed because of the defensive incompetency of others. He isn't quite as consistent and flawless as he was say 2-3 years ago but he's still by far our most reliable defender. He might even feel relieved that Silva has joined!

As for the stuff Azpi does off the pitch, yeah. The club captain has lots of responsibilities off the pitch as well and if you read the news/stories, you'll notice that he does represent the club extremely well and is also well respected by the players as well as being thought highly by by our managers over the years. Only a few weeks ago, Lampard praised him at length after the Champions League game (or maybe the FA Cup final).

Agree. Not sure why you quote me, unless its an addition to what i've said or an answer to the member i questioned. 

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38 minutes ago, Jason said:

EH? So the thing about Silva arriving last Friday and needing to be quarantined was all BS then? :carlo: 

Italy of course is currently on UK's exemption list. 

Yeah, BS for sure. Mount, Abraham, Jorginho were also on that quarantine list but they all go to play for national teams. 

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8 minutes ago, NikkiCFC said:

Mount, Abraham, Jorginho were also on that quarantine list but they all go to play for national teams. 

Think they all got back and finished quarantine in time to join with the national team. 


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EH? So the thing about Silva arriving last Friday and needing to be quarantined was all BS then? :carlo: 
Italy of course is currently on UK's exemption list. 

It’s a chaos, no chance for the public to know the exact policies. Logically, pro footballers especially PL team registered players should be all exempted for quarantine as far as the Covid-19 test result is negative, that’s the only right way.
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1 minute ago, Ryan Fong said:

It’s a chaos, no chance for the public to know the exact policies. Logically, pro footballers especially PL team registered players should be all exempted for quarantine as far as the Covid-19 test result is negative, that’s the only right way.

TBF, most of these players just came back from their holiday. The government can't be blamed for taking no chances. Otherwise if they have been in the team bubble and tested negative, then yeah, they should be exempted from quarantine even if they visit a country in the non-exempted list.

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TBF, most of these players just came back from their holiday. The government can't be blamed for taking no chances. Otherwise if they have been in the team bubble and tested negative, then yeah, they should be exempted from quarantine even if they visit a country in the non-exempted list.

Yes that’s what I meant. Once players got tested negative by trusted authorities (in this case they are national teams) and haven’t been out of the bubble then they should get the exemption. Silva’s case is a bit confused though because of the lack of NT activity.
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