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Mikel John Obi


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Mikel an attacking threat?! I've heard everything now...Are you messing with me? The word threat implies imminent danger... Was it?! From mikel?! :)

No way you look at his stats you can consider him a threat in attack: his attacking stats are as low as they get.

Perhaps the reason we had no attack whatsoever was indeed because mikel was our biggest attacking threat. Another way: because our attacking players were off mikel ended up being our attacking threat which did not work obviously as we had little going forward.

Let me put in a way everybody can understand (even people who dislike Oscar): the stats (as well as your eyeballs) show that Oscar has a (MUCH) better chance to hit a long ball, assist, and specially score. So, the fact Mikel is trying those things will almost always end up in a lackluster attacking effort by us. Football is about completing these plays not how often trying them...

Also, we played crystal palace at the bridge.... Context...

Stats lie. Watch the game. He offered more than any of our players in the second half. It was a nice thing to see. The fact six people have "liked" my post means they agree. Note I used the term "biggest attacking threat". That doesn't mean I am comparing him to Lionel Messi - you're the one making such hyperbolic associations. We carried next to none apart from Mikel and Ivanovic, who were the only players to try playing the ball forward rather than sideways.

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Stats lie. Watch the game. He offered more than any of our players in the second half. It was a nice thing to see. The fact six people have "liked" my post means they agree. Note I used the term "biggest attacking threat". That doesn't mean I am comparing him to Lionel Messi - you're the one making such hyperbolic associations. We carried next to none apart from Mikel and Ivanovic, who were the only players to try playing the ball forward rather than sideways.

Sorry, but I don't think you got what I wrote.

I was NOT talking about this game, even though I disagree with the 6+ people who liked your post - thought he was mundane as usual.

When you play a 27yo striker who has very few goals in his career, you have to realize the goals will be hard to come by. It's the same logic with a midfielder who historically has had a VERY hard time, assisting, scoring, and even hitting long balls.

So, it’s really not a stretch to think we were LESS likely to produce something in attack - we were very poor in attack against weak opposition at home - BECAUSE Mikel was the one pulling the strings.

See, I did not disagree (completely) that he was the one pulling the strings, I think he still did not make enough runs forwards, hit long balls, etc, but for the sake of argument, let’s say he had a good game….

Still, Chelsea should NOT be relying on Mikel’s attacking prowess to win games esp at the bridge. Because YEARS of stats on his attacking prowess, or lack thereof, don’t lie.

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Sorry, but I don't think you got what I wrote.

I was NOT talking about this game, even though I disagree with the 6+ people who liked your post - thought he was mundane as usual.

When you play a 27yo striker who has very few goals in his career, you have to realize the goals will be hard to come by. It's the same logic with a midfielder who historically has had a VERY hard time, assisting, scoring, and even hitting long balls.

So, it’s really not a stretch to think we were LESS likely to produce something in attack - we were very poor in attack against weak opposition at home - BECAUSE Mikel was the one pulling the strings.

See, I did not disagree (completely) that he was the one pulling the strings, I think he still did not make enough runs forwards, hit long balls, etc, but for the sake of argument, let’s say he had a good game….

Still, Chelsea should NOT be relying on Mikel’s attacking prowess to win games esp at the bridge. Because YEARS of stats on his attacking prowess, or lack thereof, don’t lie.

I don't think you understood my point either, because it seems you genuinely think I am calling Mikel a creative midfielder based on his Chelsea career so far. My post quite clearly commends him for a positive performance against Palace. We'll just leave it here.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAH Urban legend states that mikel can't make a pass forward.

Again, he has never been used in his right position at CFC.

Here is what Mikel can do as a number 10, he litterally outplayed Xavi Iniesta & Busquets alone :)

This is what happens when he is given full freedom rather than covering the Midfielders ( which he had to because of no proper 6 after Maka :) )

Those were some awesome performances.I wish he would pull them off for us, too if given the freedom. He has always been very astute technically and as we know from be a pro on fifa, your passing increase with the numer of completed passes no matter what direction :) so no wonder he has such accuracy in his forward passing. Also THOSE runs dartint through the spanish midfield. he really has some pace. Anyway, he has never been a great goal threat, neither at nigeria nor at lyn, so he might be transformed into a stand-in dlp. He has always been very tidy and elegant for a DM and lacked that dogged attitude to track players all the way, put his body on the line and tackle no matter what ala Matic or Nainggolan.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAH Urban legend states that mikel can't make a pass forward.

Again, he has never been used in his right position at CFC.

Here is what Mikel can do as a number 10, he litterally outplayed Xavi Iniesta & Busquets alone :)

This is what happens when he is given full freedom rather than covering the Midfielders ( which he had to because of no proper 6 after Maka :) )

I disagree with you on this.

1. Mikel does not play in what you call his 'right' position because he isn't good enough to claim that place in the team. That is the clear truth as demonstrated over many years with the club.

2. That Spain midfield is not good because you can't run through them, they're good because you usually can't get the ball off them. Their display that day presaged what was to follow. They weren't at it and we saw how things played out in Brazil.

3. I have previously challenged Mikel apologists to post another example of that kind. If a video of such another performance exists I've never seen it.

4. I like MJO as a situational player who has, so far, accepted the backup role with patience. The notion that he can be more than that is just not borne out by the evidence.

5. I've no way to know this of course, but my suspicion is that MJO has been patient because no one else has been prepared to offer him anywhere near the value of his Chelsea contract. In that 'situational' role his value is simply greater to Chelsea than it is to anyone else, in any other role. If that suspicion is correct, then it would just be more evidence that he isn't the player he may seem to be in that video. Everybody has good days now and then. That was one of his but it was nothing more than the exception that proves the rule.

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It's easy to ask for another video of that kind in Chelsea when he has NEVER played in that position with us, which is his natural one, when he came we bought him as a number 10.

And BTW, that's not just a "good day", that's two videos, and if you watch the second you have way more games.

Saying he didn't get an offer near his value contract is rubbish, he has never wanted to leave, he's a proper Chelsea, and in 10/11 he was the one holding the whole midfield, when he wasn't there we had an awful loss of balance.

And that season btw, he had the best pass ratio with the most passes completed ( just ahead of Carrick ), before you say they are all backpasses, here are videos that show to you he can do passes to the front too.

If you wanna keep smashing him just because it's the general trend in TC, fair enough, but open your eyes, and see what this guy can do.

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It's easy to ask for another video of that kind in Chelsea when he has NEVER played in that position with us, which is his natural one, when he came we bought him as a number 10.

And BTW, that's not just a "good day", that's two videos, and if you watch the second you have way more games.

Saying he didn't get an offer near his value contract is rubbish, he has never wanted to leave, he's a proper Chelsea, and in 10/11 he was the one holding the whole midfield, when he wasn't there we had an awful loss of balance.

And that season btw, he had the best pass ratio with the most passes completed ( just ahead of Carrick ), before you say they are all backpasses, here are videos that show to you he can do passes to the front too.

If you wanna keep smashing him just because it's the general trend in TC, fair enough, but open your eyes, and see what this guy can do.

Thanks Adnane.

I realise that I didn't make my comment sufficiently clear. When I asked if there was video of another such performance I was referring to Nigeria, not Chelsea. Are you aware of any? I don't ask to be facetious, it would be interesting to see him playing so well again. As for evidence from his Chelsea career, I have seen every single game MJO played for us, a hundred odd live, the rest on telly. My eyes are therefore definitely open. You and I disagree about the analysis of what we've seen, but let's not disagree about whether we've seen it. :)

I discount the highlights video however. As such videos always do, it shows us what the player can do, but all professional footballers can do good things. It is a great mistake to judge any player on what he does when at his best because he simply is not going to be there most of the time. When a footballer plays for your team, by definition, you'll get his average level from him for the huge majority of his playing time. If his average level of output is good enough for your team then great, if not then don't be fooled by what he does when he's at the top of his game, you'll be misled.

I suppose we all get accused of being trend followers from time to time but I must say that in my case I don't think it is ever justified: -

  • I was telling people that Torres was an extremely ordinary footballer while he was scoring all those goals for Liverpool.
  • Many people think that Makelele was the most underrated player of his era, my opinion is that he was the most overrated.
  • I am not hurt by Lampard's City move because I never loved him him the way many of us did. While recognising that he found ways to contribute, I never fully believed in his talent, always felt we could improve by replacing him and tended to suspect an element of selfishness in his play.
  • I cringe every time I read that Drogba is a great hold up player. As far as I'm concerned he has never been more than ordinary at it. (And I'm being generous.)
  • I have always described as a myth the idea that Oscar fades as the season progresses. People just get increasingly fed up with him is all. In my opinion he's below the required standard all season long.

Now, I accept that most won't agree with those opinions. I can even accept that they may be wrong, but I mention them in the hope you'll agree that I'm not one to follow the crowd. I have seen MJO used as a 4, a 6, an 8 and a 10 by Chelsea. It is my firm opinion that he's not starting quality in any of them.

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  • I was telling people that Torres was an extremely ordinary footballer while he was scoring all those goals for Liverpool.
  • Many people think that Makelele was the most underrated player of his era, my opinion is that he was the most overrated.
  • I am not hurt by Lampard's City move because I never loved him him the way many of us did. While recognising that he found ways to contribute, I never fully believed in his talent, always felt we could improve by replacing him and tended to suspect an element of selfishness in his play.
  • I cringe every time I read that Drogba is a great hold up player. As far as I'm concerned he has never been more than ordinary at it. (And I'm being generous.)
  • I have always described as a myth the idea that Oscar fades as the season progresses. People just get increasingly fed up with him is all. In my opinion he's below the required standard all season long.

I honestly feel that Mikel is a manager's man kinda guy. He would simply do whatever the manager instructs and that's why he has stayed through so many managerial changes IMHO. Would also explain how he can give such different performances like when he does for Nigeria. He probably isn't starting quality like you said and seeing Matic at his best just makes him look poor in comparison. But he I don't think he's as bad as some people make him out to be.

That being said I think it should be time for him to move on. I would rather see Ake and RLC have a chance.

Also interesting points you have there. I actually agree totally with your opinion on Lamps. Have to say I respect his hard work though, I don't think he was talented in the same way as say Ronaldinho or xavi/pirlo etc but he worked bloody hard and was a model of consistency. In the same way I don't think CR is as talented as Messi but it takes incredible work to be that good week in, week out and keep yourself in top physical condition.

But could you elaborate on Drogba? I can't really think of many players with better hold up than prime Drogs. Is Giroud your kinda guy? Genuine question here, would love to hear your views.

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It's true, we actually won the FA Cup vs. Manchester United with Mikel at CM.

However, Mikel loses his merit - only guy to Park a bus!

Luiz ( last season), Matic and Zouma can do what Mikel can do!

But Mikel can't do what the three former guys can do!

Now, Zouma can replace his role!

I admit that Mikel is a nice guy and a key player to win UCL 2012, however, Mikel is helpless to Mourinho phase 2's Chelsea.

If Chelsea wants to dominate EPL in future several years and win UCL again, Mikel as substitute cannot fulfill these goals!

Chelsea need a good substitute for Matic and Fabregas to avoid the latter two guys from are overloading. Mikel fails to do so! (Zouma? don't forget Chelsea has not enough DF, DMC is just his optional position!)

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However, Mikel loses his merit - only guy to Park a bus!

Luiz ( last season), Matic and Zouma can do what Mikel can do!

But Mikel can't do what the three former guys can do!

Now, Zouma can replace his role!

I admit that Mikel is a nice guy and a key player to win UCL 2012, however, Mikel is helpless to Mourinho phase 2's Chelsea.

If Chelsea wants to dominate EPL in future several years and win UCL again, Mikel as substitute cannot fulfill these goals!

Chelsea need a good substitute for Matic and Fabregas to avoid the latter two guys from are overloading. Mikel fails to do so! (Zouma? don't forget Chelsea has not enough DF, DMC is just his optional position!)

What happens when one of our starting CBs are injured and Zouma has to slot in there? No one else can do the Mikel job then.
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What happens when one of our starting CBs are injured and Zouma has to slot in there? No one else can do the Mikel job then.

One of Past Luiz, now Matic and Zouma can replace Mikel's role!

But Mikel can't take a role of one of three!

Also, parking a bus by Mikel still does not guarantee zero goal conceded!

He can still in be the team not because he is very useful, but because no other team is willing to pay high salary to him as Chelsea!

Chelsea needs to buy one fit DMC rather than keep Mikel!

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I'm a big fan of Zinedine Mikel aka Franz Mikelbauer aka Diego Armando Mikeldona aka Lionel Mikel aka Lothar Mikel aka John Obi Ronaldo aka Mikelinho aka Mikelé aka Hristo Mikel aka Roger Mikel aka Abedi Mikel aka John Obi Mikeldini aka Johan Mikeluyff aka Mikelébio but to fully integrate someone like RLC Mikel probably should go. That is of course if Mou plans on giving RLC a real run of substitutions and even starts against some of the bottom-third teams next seasons...

That was impressive.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Mikel can join Asamoah Gyan at Al Ain in Dubai. Mikel representatives will meet with Al Ain officials on Friday to begin negotiations


Hopefully, but I have a little concern about our pivot backup. RLC, Ramires and Ake, not convincing me enough. Especially with Ramires health problems.

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