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Chelsea v PSG


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I might get crucified for this... But I hated Oscar's reaction to tackle. I just hate players that fake it. Matic nearly got a broken leg and stood up like a maniac.

I think he used some theatrics but that must have hurt. Ibra went straight to his leg... he looked like crying even after Ibra was sent off and Eva started working on him...

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Poor first half to say the least. Never mind the red card and stonewall penalty, we barely created any chances. PSG looked the more likely to score.

Agree with you on a poor first half but PSG were poor as well, didn't think they looked like scoring at all. Both sides look decent in midfield and mess everything up in the final third. Shocking passing in the final third on display tonight. 2 shots from both sides, hardly threatening either.

Please don't sit back. They're playing with 10 men at The Bridge. Score a goal and finish them.

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Really? I'm far from an Oscar basher but apart from some decent interceptions/ challenges and a great FK he's been quite erratic?

i am what you would call an oscar basher but think he was pretty good. link up has been good, pressing has been awesome. has won the ball and started counters brilliantly.

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oh... so that was the plan!! i thought we wanted to score a goal. my bad!!! :rolleyes:

cesc has been dreadful. misplaced so many simple passes and given away the ball and exposed us to counters. one moment of making verrati run in circles does not mean he is playing even OKAY.

he's far from useless. watch the next half and we'll talk.

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if Oscar isn't substituted at half time and gets sent off, I'm gonna loose it

I don't normally agree that Oscar should be sub'd but I normally see myself and others telling Costa to calm down so he doesn't get booked, but Oscar is doing the same we need to give him a rest and get Cuadrado in, and maybe Zouma if possible for Cahill.

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