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A Mississippi high school had two black female students as their valedictorian and salutatorian. Then suddenly, hours before the graduation, they announced two additional students, both white, were ALSO the valedictorian and salutatorian for a total of four. The school has since deleted their social media accounts.





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Belarus bans most citizens from going abroad


Belarus has temporarily banned most of its citizens from leaving, including many foreign residency permit holders.

There are some exceptions, such as for Belarusian civil servants on official trips and state transport staff.

The State Border Committee's tightening of the rules follows international outrage over Belarus's recent diversion of a Ryanair flight and arrest of a top dissident and his girlfriend on board.

Many dissidents have left Belarus since a disputed election last year.

In its statement on the Telegram messaging service, the border committee says it has received "many requests to leave Belarus on the strength of residence permits [issued] by foreign countries".

Only those with permanent residence in foreign countries - not temporary - are allowed to leave Belarus now, it says. The border committee blamed the measures on the coronavirus pandemic.

President Alexander Lukashenko's harsh crackdown on opponents since his disputed 9 August election victory has sent many into exile or to jail.

His main rival, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who insists that she won, moved to neighbouring Lithuania with her team. Poland also hosts many Belarusians.

Her foreign affairs adviser, Valery Kovalevsky, posted an angry tweet, saying President Lukashenko had "severely limited the right of Belarusians to travel, asserting that certain grounds (residency abroad) aren't sufficient to leave Belarus".

"Yet the Constitution stipulates no conditions at all. Outright violation of the law," he said.

Belarus was gripped by huge anti-Lukashenko demonstrations last year after the election, broken up brutally by the police.

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Should Fear Of MAGA Terrorism Keep Trump Out Of Jail?

Put aside highminded ideals like the rule of law and never giving in to terrorism. Trump has to face justice for this reason above all others.



Things are looking grim for Donald Trump. Aside from the numerous civil suits proceeding against him and his organization, Trump is facing several criminal cases as well, some of them quite serious. At 74 years old, the leader of the Republican Party is potentially looking at spending the rest of his miserable life in prison.

As you can imagine, this is not sitting well with his cult who fully expect their messiah to either re-take the White House when he “proves” the 2020 election was “stolen” or to triumphantly win the 2024 election in a JAY-zus-ordained biblical landslide. We already saw the violence that resulted from Trump losing an election. How much more can we expect if (when) he ends up in jail for his many, many crimes? 

Should that be a consideration in the pursuit of justice? 

Just How Much Trouble Is Trump In?

That depends on who you talk to. He’s facing a lot of civil lawsuits ranging from defamation to fraud to more fraud to damages stemming from Trump’s incitement of the 1/6 riots. None of these will land Trump in jail but they could cost him tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars. 

But then there are the criminal cases. Any of which could hand Trump a prison sentence:

  1. NY AG Letitia James has been investigating the Trump Organization’s alleged habit of lying about the value of properties to secure loans and lower their tax bill.

  2. Manhattan DA Cy Vance has Trump’s taxes and an outside group of specialists is going through them with a fine tooth comb. Vance is also currently pressuring Trump’s money man, Allen Weisselberg. If Weisselberg cracks, Trump is screwed.

  3. DC AG Karl Racine is hoping to bring Trump up on incitement charges for the riots on 1/6. As of right now, it looks like that would only be a misdemeanor but it’s early.

  4. The Fulton County DA’s office in Georgia has an ongoing criminal probe into Trump’s attempt to coerce election officials into tampering with the election. 

The misdemeanor charge in DC wouldn’t get Trump much jail time, if he got any at all. I’m a little unclear how inciting a riot is a misdemeanor, though, especially a riot in which people died and over one hundred cops were injured by a rampaging mob. I’m pretty sure if I incited a mob to attack the police over the death of an unarmed Black man and a single cop was injured, never mind killed, I would not be facing a misdemeanor charge.

Still, the other three investigations are not going to produce misdemeanor charges. Fraud, tax fraud, and election interference are all serious crimes, especially at the level Trump is alleged to have committed them at. People get arrested for voting twice. Donald Trump tried, repeatedly, to get the state of Georgia to illegally change the results of an entire election. Slightly more serious. 

Trump is in enough trouble that Florida Republicans were seriously talking about shielding him from extradition to another state.

Trump’s next move

Eyes wide open here. Trump was not supposed to win the 2016 election. Even he knew it. For Trump, running was almost certainly a way to make money and fulfill his obligations to those who had financed his business dealings . His “victory” was a combination of voter apathy, Russian interference, media arrogance, politicization of the FBI, and the sheer stupidity of the not-at-all progressive Brocialists who insisted Hillary was somehow worse. But Trump’s victory came with public scrutiny, a kind he had never endured before.

Trump has been famous for most of his life. As a malignant narcissist, Trump craved the public’s attention the way a junkie craves their next fix. The press however, had their own agenda and began asking the questions most of them hadn’t bothered asking throughout his entire presidential run. 

Worse, law enforcement, long held at bay by Trump’s many “donations” to powerful political figures, started to look at Trump’s real estate empire. New York real estate is phenomenally corrupt and Trump has almost certainly been laundering mob money for decades. Don Jr. even bragged about all the Russian money pouring into the family business.

Trump is acutely aware of this fact which explains pretty much everything he did while in office. Corrupting the DoJ, pressuring Ukraine to fabricate an investigation into Joe Biden, crippling the Post Office, the Big Lie, and, finally, the attack on the Capitol on 1/6. All of this was to remain in office, preferably for the rest of his life, where he would remain beyond the reach of the law.

Knowing this, is there any doubt whatsoever that if Trump finds himself facing arrest, he won’t call on his cult of violent fanatics to defend him with their lives? Or, if he’s arrested before he can summon his mob, that he won’t have them out in the streets burning America to the ground, demanding the release of a “political prisoner” of Biden’s “tyrannical dictatorship”?

There is zero chance that the propaganda networks Fox and OANN, AM hate radio, and right wing hate sites won’t frame Trump’s arrest this way, as Biden trying to stop Trump from running in 2024. They’ll claim it is the same thing the dictators of Russia, Georgia, and Venezuela do when they arrest their opposition leaders. It won’t matter how clear and provable the evidence is, it will all be “fake news” and Trump will be a victim of political persecution. That is when the violence will kick into high gear and Republicans will try to use it to their advantage. 

That this will happen in some form is almost indisputable. He literally staged a (failed) coup to stay in power to avoid the consequences of his criminal activity and has shown, time and again, that he will go to any lengths, including setting off mass civil unrest and terrorism, to stay out of jail. 

Knowing this, should we “move on” as a nation? Should law enforcement treat Trump with kid’s gloves? Should fear of domestic terrorism keep Trump out of jail?

Hell. No.

At the very least, the rule of law has to hold sway. It is true that America’s system of justice is multi-tiered. There is one tier for the poor and another tier for the rich. One tier for White people and another for Blacks and so on. Being rich, White, male, connected, and a Republican makes one almost immune from prosecution for all but the most egregious of crimes.

There are limits to the protection these obscene privileges provide, though, and Trump has far exceeded them. We hope.

Privilege aside, a red line we simply cannot afford to cross is letting the threat of violence, or actual violence, from the right to make our decision for us. No matter how many riots or bombings or mass shootings are carried out by the Proud Boys or the Oath Keepers or Boogaloo Bois, Trump’s arrest and court case has to play out just like it would for anyone else.

The very second we abandon this, we sign a death warrant for our democratic system. There will never be another real election because anytime Republicans lose, the violence will start until we cave and let Republicans “win”. Republicans are not going to do anything to stop terrorism when it is keeping them in power.

But ignore high minded ideas like the rule of law and not giving in to terrorism. There is a single, overriding reason for Trump to face the consequences of his crimes no matter the threat from his cult: If Trump escapes accountability, the next Republican president will destroy America.

The worst mistake Obama made was not throwing half of the Bush regime and their enablers in jail. They abused the power of the government in truly grotesque and obvious ways, but very few of them paid the price for their corruption and lawlessness. Instead, they were allowed to either ride off into the sunset or find extremely lucrative corporate, media, or lobbying jobs.

This signaled to Republicans that they could do anything they wanted and it wouldn’t matter. So when Trump won the election, and they controlled both chambers of Congress, the GOP went hog wild. Republicans have been getting steadily more corrupt as gerrymandering and voter suppression made their seats more secure but even by historical standards, the last four years were something to behold

By the time President Joe Biden was sworn in, Republicans were already openly calling for using the military against protesters, lustily cheering as unmarked secret police snatched people off the street, and had so thoroughly infected the Department of Justice that, without question, another fours years of Trump would have seen the arrest of his political enemies on fabricated charges. 

And that’s aside from the attempted violent coup, several attempts at election interference, and the ongoing plot to steal the 2024 election.

If Republicans manage to put another one of their soulless monsters in office, they will pick up where Trump left off. The only reason Trump didn’t immediately continue George W. Bush’s erosion of the Constitution is because he was incompetent, didn’t know anything about how to run the country, and was too busy grifting to even try until he realized how much trouble he was in. President Tom Cotton will not have that problem. 

President Cotton will immediately replace all of the generals with loyalists who will be more than happy to order their troops to fire on protesters in New York City or Portland or Los Angeles. He’ll have learned the lessons of the Trump era in which Republicans discovered that the United States military is not as Republican as we thought. There will be no repeat of that. When President Tom Cotton orders his handpicked generals/lickspittles to violate their oath to the Constitution, they’ll do it.

President Cotton’s secret police force will be massive and eager to “disappear” anyone President Cotton designates an “Enemy of the State”. That will include activists, community leaders, and journalists. Also, just random people in minority communities to keep them living in a perpetual state of terror. A beefed up ICE will take care of the immigrant communities. Fear is a great way to keep people in line.

That’s just the barest hint of the nightmare that awaits if Republicans are not taught that they are not above the law. If we do not rein in their corruption, lawlessness, and fascism, they will set America to the torch. It really is that simple.  

If Trump stands trial and is acquitted, so be it. He would be far from the first scumbag to get off on technicalities, having really good lawyers, or just being famous. Our system of justice kind of sucks, to be honest. But it’s the one we have and we have to let it run its course no matter what the right threatens to do or how many riots and attacks they stage. They’ve already developed a real taste for political violence and all it will take is one true win and they’ll never stop until America is the fascist hellhole of their dreams.

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1 hour ago, Vesper said:

Should Fear Of MAGA Terrorism Keep Trump Out Of Jail?

Put aside highminded ideals like the rule of law and never giving in to terrorism. Trump has to face justice for this reason above all others.



Things are looking grim for Donald Trump. Aside from the numerous civil suits proceeding against him and his organization, Trump is facing several criminal cases as well, some of them quite serious. At 74 years old, the leader of the Republican Party is potentially looking at spending the rest of his miserable life in prison.

As you can imagine, this is not sitting well with his cult who fully expect their messiah to either re-take the White House when he “proves” the 2020 election was “stolen” or to triumphantly win the 2024 election in a JAY-zus-ordained biblical landslide. We already saw the violence that resulted from Trump losing an election. How much more can we expect if (when) he ends up in jail for his many, many crimes? 

Should that be a consideration in the pursuit of justice? 

Just How Much Trouble Is Trump In?

That depends on who you talk to. He’s facing a lot of civil lawsuits ranging from defamation to fraud to more fraud to damages stemming from Trump’s incitement of the 1/6 riots. None of these will land Trump in jail but they could cost him tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars. 

But then there are the criminal cases. Any of which could hand Trump a prison sentence:

  1. NY AG Letitia James has been investigating the Trump Organization’s alleged habit of lying about the value of properties to secure loans and lower their tax bill.

  2. Manhattan DA Cy Vance has Trump’s taxes and an outside group of specialists is going through them with a fine tooth comb. Vance is also currently pressuring Trump’s money man, Allen Weisselberg. If Weisselberg cracks, Trump is screwed.

  3. DC AG Karl Racine is hoping to bring Trump up on incitement charges for the riots on 1/6. As of right now, it looks like that would only be a misdemeanor but it’s early.

  4. The Fulton County DA’s office in Georgia has an ongoing criminal probe into Trump’s attempt to coerce election officials into tampering with the election. 

The misdemeanor charge in DC wouldn’t get Trump much jail time, if he got any at all. I’m a little unclear how inciting a riot is a misdemeanor, though, especially a riot in which people died and over one hundred cops were injured by a rampaging mob. I’m pretty sure if I incited a mob to attack the police over the death of an unarmed Black man and a single cop was injured, never mind killed, I would not be facing a misdemeanor charge.

Still, the other three investigations are not going to produce misdemeanor charges. Fraud, tax fraud, and election interference are all serious crimes, especially at the level Trump is alleged to have committed them at. People get arrested for voting twice. Donald Trump tried, repeatedly, to get the state of Georgia to illegally change the results of an entire election. Slightly more serious. 

Trump is in enough trouble that Florida Republicans were seriously talking about shielding him from extradition to another state.

Trump’s next move

Eyes wide open here. Trump was not supposed to win the 2016 election. Even he knew it. For Trump, running was almost certainly a way to make money and fulfill his obligations to those who had financed his business dealings . His “victory” was a combination of voter apathy, Russian interference, media arrogance, politicization of the FBI, and the sheer stupidity of the not-at-all progressive Brocialists who insisted Hillary was somehow worse. But Trump’s victory came with public scrutiny, a kind he had never endured before.

Trump has been famous for most of his life. As a malignant narcissist, Trump craved the public’s attention the way a junkie craves their next fix. The press however, had their own agenda and began asking the questions most of them hadn’t bothered asking throughout his entire presidential run. 

Worse, law enforcement, long held at bay by Trump’s many “donations” to powerful political figures, started to look at Trump’s real estate empire. New York real estate is phenomenally corrupt and Trump has almost certainly been laundering mob money for decades. Don Jr. even bragged about all the Russian money pouring into the family business.

Trump is acutely aware of this fact which explains pretty much everything he did while in office. Corrupting the DoJ, pressuring Ukraine to fabricate an investigation into Joe Biden, crippling the Post Office, the Big Lie, and, finally, the attack on the Capitol on 1/6. All of this was to remain in office, preferably for the rest of his life, where he would remain beyond the reach of the law.

Knowing this, is there any doubt whatsoever that if Trump finds himself facing arrest, he won’t call on his cult of violent fanatics to defend him with their lives? Or, if he’s arrested before he can summon his mob, that he won’t have them out in the streets burning America to the ground, demanding the release of a “political prisoner” of Biden’s “tyrannical dictatorship”?

There is zero chance that the propaganda networks Fox and OANN, AM hate radio, and right wing hate sites won’t frame Trump’s arrest this way, as Biden trying to stop Trump from running in 2024. They’ll claim it is the same thing the dictators of Russia, Georgia, and Venezuela do when they arrest their opposition leaders. It won’t matter how clear and provable the evidence is, it will all be “fake news” and Trump will be a victim of political persecution. That is when the violence will kick into high gear and Republicans will try to use it to their advantage. 

That this will happen in some form is almost indisputable. He literally staged a (failed) coup to stay in power to avoid the consequences of his criminal activity and has shown, time and again, that he will go to any lengths, including setting off mass civil unrest and terrorism, to stay out of jail. 

Knowing this, should we “move on” as a nation? Should law enforcement treat Trump with kid’s gloves? Should fear of domestic terrorism keep Trump out of jail?

Hell. No.

At the very least, the rule of law has to hold sway. It is true that America’s system of justice is multi-tiered. There is one tier for the poor and another tier for the rich. One tier for White people and another for Blacks and so on. Being rich, White, male, connected, and a Republican makes one almost immune from prosecution for all but the most egregious of crimes.

There are limits to the protection these obscene privileges provide, though, and Trump has far exceeded them. We hope.

Privilege aside, a red line we simply cannot afford to cross is letting the threat of violence, or actual violence, from the right to make our decision for us. No matter how many riots or bombings or mass shootings are carried out by the Proud Boys or the Oath Keepers or Boogaloo Bois, Trump’s arrest and court case has to play out just like it would for anyone else.

The very second we abandon this, we sign a death warrant for our democratic system. There will never be another real election because anytime Republicans lose, the violence will start until we cave and let Republicans “win”. Republicans are not going to do anything to stop terrorism when it is keeping them in power.

But ignore high minded ideas like the rule of law and not giving in to terrorism. There is a single, overriding reason for Trump to face the consequences of his crimes no matter the threat from his cult: If Trump escapes accountability, the next Republican president will destroy America.

The worst mistake Obama made was not throwing half of the Bush regime and their enablers in jail. They abused the power of the government in truly grotesque and obvious ways, but very few of them paid the price for their corruption and lawlessness. Instead, they were allowed to either ride off into the sunset or find extremely lucrative corporate, media, or lobbying jobs.

This signaled to Republicans that they could do anything they wanted and it wouldn’t matter. So when Trump won the election, and they controlled both chambers of Congress, the GOP went hog wild. Republicans have been getting steadily more corrupt as gerrymandering and voter suppression made their seats more secure but even by historical standards, the last four years were something to behold

By the time President Joe Biden was sworn in, Republicans were already openly calling for using the military against protesters, lustily cheering as unmarked secret police snatched people off the street, and had so thoroughly infected the Department of Justice that, without question, another fours years of Trump would have seen the arrest of his political enemies on fabricated charges. 

And that’s aside from the attempted violent coup, several attempts at election interference, and the ongoing plot to steal the 2024 election.

If Republicans manage to put another one of their soulless monsters in office, they will pick up where Trump left off. The only reason Trump didn’t immediately continue George W. Bush’s erosion of the Constitution is because he was incompetent, didn’t know anything about how to run the country, and was too busy grifting to even try until he realized how much trouble he was in. President Tom Cotton will not have that problem. 

President Cotton will immediately replace all of the generals with loyalists who will be more than happy to order their troops to fire on protesters in New York City or Portland or Los Angeles. He’ll have learned the lessons of the Trump era in which Republicans discovered that the United States military is not as Republican as we thought. There will be no repeat of that. When President Tom Cotton orders his handpicked generals/lickspittles to violate their oath to the Constitution, they’ll do it.

President Cotton’s secret police force will be massive and eager to “disappear” anyone President Cotton designates an “Enemy of the State”. That will include activists, community leaders, and journalists. Also, just random people in minority communities to keep them living in a perpetual state of terror. A beefed up ICE will take care of the immigrant communities. Fear is a great way to keep people in line.

That’s just the barest hint of the nightmare that awaits if Republicans are not taught that they are not above the law. If we do not rein in their corruption, lawlessness, and fascism, they will set America to the torch. It really is that simple.  

If Trump stands trial and is acquitted, so be it. He would be far from the first scumbag to get off on technicalities, having really good lawyers, or just being famous. Our system of justice kind of sucks, to be honest. But it’s the one we have and we have to let it run its course no matter what the right threatens to do or how many riots and attacks they stage. They’ve already developed a real taste for political violence and all it will take is one true win and they’ll never stop until America is the fascist hellhole of their dreams.

Best thing for someone with that 'notice me' mental disorder, is to ignore. It's like the kid playing up in class. Giving him the oxygen of publicity over jail or anything just encourages the spoilt child mentality

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So now we have the head of the Met Police asking the government to change the law so they can racially discriminate against white people applying for jobs with the Police.


Yet again, actual concrete proof that it's now those on the left (show me someone right of centre coming out with such extremism) who are the real extremist, shit stirring racist cnuts. 

It's time the Government started to stand up and fight back against this evil and start by firing Cressida Dick and revoking her peerage.



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If you have guns you will shoot one day.
It's not like that in the army. The guns are locked and are issued only under orders.
But the civilians if they have guns they will go crazy one day.
There are two newspaper cliches:
One is "policeman shoots fiance while cleaning gun".
The other is "mistakes friend for wild boar".
So as long as the civilians possess guns they shoot.

Also it offers no security whatsoever.
I took part in the great manouver "Parmenion" and with my automatic rifle I entered a hut and captured 10 men inside.
How ?
The element of surprise. They raised their hands above their shoulders and they said "ok we surrender".
So if a burglar enters your house and your gun is in the kitchen drawer, what are your chances ? Infinitessimal.


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47 minutes ago, cosmicway said:

If you have guns you will shoot one day.
It's not like that in the army. The guns are locked and are issued only under orders.
But the civilians if they have guns they will go crazy one day.
There are two newspaper cliches:
One is "policeman shoots fiance while cleaning gun".
The other is "mistakes friend for wild boar".
So as long as the civilians possess guns they shoot.

Also it offers no security whatsoever.
I took part in the great manouver "Parmenion" and with my automatic rifle I entered a hut and captured 10 men inside.
How ?
The element of surprise. They raised their hands above their shoulders and they said "ok we surrender".
So if a burglar enters your house and your gun is in the kitchen drawer, what are your chances ? Infinitessimal.




Morrigan_Sanders_medium.jpg8a2e5e4ac5a42e84b3097e44a6d93eba.pngTom Wittlin (@tomwittlin) / TwitterThis Is What Happens When You Sell Pink Guns That Look Like Toys358fafc3cd2c0e385799874b03400db6.pngf36de07574deb9c4607a4b1be65c286c.pngc7f81717de33c0d820ca7ceb9a96f3b5.pngcirckettRifle-Slide-1-1024x484.jpg7620d1d59af64ec5a1ce9c332845507d.png8f70060f8895e4656d3ecb80f2e9b505--hello-kitty-products-rifles.jpg270d525908974700d9a18369f4385f2a.pngImage about pink in gun armes by salma on We Heart It

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It's a wildly OTT exaggeration to say that if you have a gun you will shoot one day and that civilians  will go crazy one day.

There's well over 100 million gun owners in America. Out of those, some will have one a gun for use in their criminal activities and end up killing one day. No law will ever stop criminals posessing guns! 

Then there are those sad/mad/evil individuals who completely lose the plot and go out kill. 

Out of the 100 + plus, that leaves 99.9...% who will never go out and shoot someone.

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11 minutes ago, chippy said:

It's a wildly OTT exaggeration to say that if you have a gun you will shoot one day and that civilians  will go crazy one day.

There's well over 100 million gun owners in America. Out of those, some will have one a gun for use in their criminal activities and end up killing one day. No law will ever stop criminals posessing guns! 

Then there are those sad/mad/evil individuals who completely lose the plot and go out kill. 

Out of the 100 + plus, that leaves 99.9...% who will never go out and shoot someone.

So it's a wild exaggeration then when soldiers are not be allowed to take a tank out for a ride with their girlfriends.

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Yeah,  highlight white people shooting at targets and ignore criminal scum shooting dead kids and even babies.

A recent YouTube video by The Officer Tatum, going by the title of The Video BLM do not want you to see.

12 year old girl shot dead in Hazelcrest Chicago.

14 year old boy shot dead near an Aldi store in Springfield and Madison.

7 year old girls shot dead, shot 6 times in parking lot outside a Macdonalds in Laundale 

15 year old boy shot dead in Little Village 

9 yearl old boy shot dead while playing with his friends in Chicago.

9 year old girl shot dead near 47th & Union in Chicago.

12 year old boy shot dead in Chicago.

21 MONTH old shot dead in Lakeshaw drive.

3 year old shot dead in North Central Ave.

All Black children, all shot dead by Black men, and that's just a sample of what's going on.


Protests and riots galore when criminal scum come to a sticky end by the Police, yet nobody from the left gives a flying fcuk about the innocent children and toddlers being murdered.

I'm the exact opposite. Don't give a fcuk about what happens to criminals who use guns or knives, be they any colour or nationality.  On the side of every single, decent, law abiding citizen and support any measures aimed to stop serious crime.



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20 minutes ago, cosmicway said:

So it's a wild exaggeration then when soldiers are not be allowed to take a tank out for a ride with their girlfriends.


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‘The party is in big trouble’: How Swedes would vote if an election were held today



The Liberal Party and the Greens would lose their seats in parliament if Sweden went to the polls today, according to a major party preference survey. Here's why it matters.

The survey, published on Wednesday by Statistics Sweden, estimates that the governing centre-left Social Democrats would still win the largest share of the votes, with the conservative Moderate Party coming second, and the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats third.

The minority Liberal Party suffered an overall decrease of 3 percentage points compared to Sweden’s last election in 2018. The survey estimates that 0.5 percent of voters would switch from the Liberals to the Centre Party. 

Nicholas Aylott, associate professor of political science at Södertörn University, told The Local: “The Liberals are suffering because the party is split along the new fault line of Swedish politics which is the question of immigration and integration and relations with the Sweden Democrats.”

“If a party finds itself evenly split on such a central question, one that stirs up so much sensitivity on both sides, then it’s likely to be in trouble,” he said.   

Liberal leaders recently voted to stop propping up the country’s red-green coalition government and campaign alongside the right-wing Moderate party in the run-up to next year’s September general election.  

“This manoeuvre seems to have had no pay off at all or been swamped by its costs,” Aylott said.  

“The party is in big trouble, there’s no doubt about that.”

Because of Sweden’s political model, one of the larger parties would need the support of smaller parties in order to form a government. But the threshold for getting a seat in parliament is 4 percent – a threshold the Liberals and the Greens are currently at risk of not making. If only one of them gets in, it could tip the election either in favour of the left (if the Greens get in, but the Liberals do not) or the right (vice versa). 

According to this latest poll, the Greens are only missing the 0.2 percent needed to make that threshold, while the Liberals would need gains of 1.5 percentage points.  


The results did not differ significantly from the last survey conducted by Statistics Sweden in November 2020. After significant losses at the end of 2020, the governing Social Democrats have maintained the same points.

“There are signs of politics getting back to normal to some extent after the pandemic,” according to Aylott. 

He said that the return of criminality, violence and instability to front pages could favour parties of the right or that the return to a pre-pandemic “normal” would benefit incumbent parties of the status quo. 

Compared with the 2018 parliamentary election, the Sweden Democrats took about 0.6 percent of votes from the Social Democratic Party, and saw overall gains of about 1.4 percent in these survey results. The Moderate Party would gain significant points from the last election. 

Aylott said: “It’s difficult to see from these results what would happen with the next government. It’s so unpredictable.”

There is also a level of uncertainty around rumours that the current Prime Minister Stefan Löfven might resign as leader of the Social Democrats this summer.

According to Statistics Sweden, just over 13 percent of the electorate is still unsure about who to vote for.

A general election will be held in September 2022 to elect the 349 members of Sweden’s parliament, the Riksdag.

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''The ugly truth is white on white crime does exist. It is a growing pandemic in the white community, and if we don’t call attention to this problem soon, there will be no more white people left to run the world.

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment. In 2013, an estimated 10,076 people died in the U.S. due to drunk driving crashes. Driving while drunk is almost exclusively a white crime because everyone knows black people prefer to drink on their porches or inside their homes.

So why is white on white crime so prevalent, one may ask? Is it the music they listen to? Is it the white divorce rate, resulting in more white children coming from broken homes? Perhaps it’s the TV shows they watch or the violent sports they play. More than likely, it is a combination of all of those things, with the exact root cause unclear. What is clear, though, is that not enough people are talking about the crime plaguing the white community. We need to spread the word, holding protests and demonstrations that call attention to this growing matter. After all White Lives Matter too.

K Codette Huff Post

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19 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

''The ugly truth is white on white crime does exist. It is a growing pandemic in the white community, and if we don’t call attention to this problem soon, there will be no more white people left to run the world.

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What’s more, they’re killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment. In 2013, an estimated 10,076 people died in the U.S. due to drunk driving crashes. Driving while drunk is almost exclusively a white crime because everyone knows black people prefer to drink on their porches or inside their homes.

So why is white on white crime so prevalent, one may ask? Is it the music they listen to? Is it the white divorce rate, resulting in more white children coming from broken homes? Perhaps it’s the TV shows they watch or the violent sports they play. More than likely, it is a combination of all of those things, with the exact root cause unclear. What is clear, though, is that not enough people are talking about the crime plaguing the white community. We need to spread the word, holding protests and demonstrations that call attention to this growing matter. After all White Lives Matter too.

K Codette Huff Post


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