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The multicultural debate is a very very interesting one. I am from an incredibly multicultural city and have friends from almost every background you can think of but I do see the downside and the complications as well. Many people point to Northern Europe as the ideal society but one of the reasons they are able to have that social structure is that they are small, homogeneous populations. It's much harder to run that sort of society with many different different types of people, You look at Europe, they haven't been able/willing to assimilate many immigrant groups and the end result has been isolation and resentment, in many cases a two-tiered society one for the natives and one for the immigrants. (Who sometimes live in almost a ghetto with satellites all around, they are barely even in their own country) If you look at the US which allows multiculturalism but only within the context of being American, immigrant groups do much better there. I hate nationalism and ethnic nationalism most of all. Immigration is mostly a good thing, but it's a complicated issue.

The debate of multi ethnicities is fuming here as of now. To add to the growing interests, the Danish National Party (nationalism, patriotism and slight racism) has never been bigger than it is now. It currently has 22% of the combined votes. That's a fairly large chunk. But not only that, the mentality towards immigrants has also changed a lot. When the Soviet Union occupied Hungary, loads of people immigrated to Denmark (I believe it was 1958-59), and they were treated like heroes, because they fought back the Soviets. They were housed, offered jobs and the integration into the Danish society was a resounding success.

Now however, people have changed their views on immigration. A lot of the right wing parties, as of now, wants to refuse to adhere international conventions of immigration policies. They want to take away their right to vote, cut social benefits and increase the punishment for crime. People with a foreign surnames are being turned down, merely because of the fact that they are not natives. That's not blunt nationalism or patriotism, that's pure discrimination.I have friends from various different cultures, and of course some of them don't quite contribute to society as an individual. But the latest studies show that immigrant females right now have as high an educational rate as native Danish females. The system however seems to fail to address the males.

I concur, though. It's an interesting debate, and people will probably never agree. I like you despise nationalism, and think it's often being used as an excuse to act as a complete ignorant.

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Rmpr, I'm still a bit stunned how I always come off as arrogant or offended, because I'm not a person to hold a grudge or take offense that easily, must be that you cant show real emotions through a screen. So there is nothing to talk about here. For sure, if I still got to contribute to this thread alongside your posts then we can continue doing so in a grown up way as you suggested, cant say though that it got out of hand in any given time.

I dont think you are any bit arrogant. I just think you overreact when I use strong sarcasm. I am just a problematic dude, nonsense from time to time. I use irony expecting people to play along...

You trully shocked me when you replied in the BF3 thread, you really did. It was clearly a healthy joke and you interpret it differently. Today I was already expecting though. It could also be just me misinterpreting your reactions, but I think you did take it the wrong way!

We didnt get out of hand and that is why I gor concerned you didnt answer. It was/is alright by my part, but since you didnt reply, I thought tou had taken something personally.

Only thing that bothered me was when you insinuated stuff about me and when you said I was trying to give you a lecture. Sorry if it did come out that way, but I swear to anything you want it wasnt my intention. From the begining what I was defending was the right for rich people (Marx) to give their opinion on what they think is best for the 'world' (so to speak). Just like I think poor people can openly critiize those billionaires...


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What's with North Korea lol ? THEY ARE THREATNING USA ? I mean are they even in their senses ? Do they want to become the next Iraq or Afghanistan ? Iran is going down pretty soon if they are following it's footstep .

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What's with North Korea lol ? THEY ARE THREATNING USA ? I mean are they even in their senses ? Do they want to become the next Iraq or Afghanistan ? Iran is going down pretty soon if they are following it's footstep .

It's a strategy to negotiate.

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What's with North Korea lol ? THEY ARE THREATNING USA ? I mean are they even in their senses ? Do they want to become the next Iraq or Afghanistan ? Iran is going down pretty soon if they are following it's footstep .

Not gonna happen, just a way to put pressure and 'tell the world' North Koera has nuclear weapon! This is actually not the first time it has happened, but USA is 'safe'. No one will let it reach that level. The only real problem is if they will 'attack' South Korea or not...

Also, Afghanistan is Vietnan 2.0. USA arent really losing, but they arent really winning either. The expenses and coleteral effects have just become too big to continue the war!

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Not gonna happen, just a way to put pressure and 'tell the world' North Koera has nuclear weapon! This is actually not the first time it has happened, but USA is 'safe'. No one will let it reach that level. The only real problem is if they will 'attack' South Korea or not...

Also, Afghanistan is Vietnan 2.0. USA arent really losing, but they arent really winning either. The expenses and coleteral effects have just become too big to continue the war!

Afghanistan is unwinnable, but it's not Vietnam. In Afghanistan we're talking about 15, 000 troops, 15, 000 civilians, and unknown number of Taliban killed in about 12 years. In Vietnam, it was about 800, 000 fighters killed and millions of civilians the vast majority of whom were also killed in a 12 year period ('63-'75). We're talking the difference between say 50-100K dead and millions.

North Korea is the weirdest country in the world. This is what happens when countries become isolated. They start to listen to their own internal lies only and they forget what's true and what's not ("Did we make that up to scare people o is it true?). You look at South Korea and what a generally very good country that's become and then you look . North Korea is just impoverished, isolated, and ruled by maniacs who would be funny if not for the actual misery they inflict on their people.

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Afghanistan is unwinnable, but it's not Vietnam. In Afghanistan we're talking about 15, 000 troops, 15, 000 civilians, and unknown number of Taliban killed in about 12 years. In Vietnam, it was about 800, 000 fighters killed and millions of civilians the vast majority of whom were also killed in a 12 year period ('63-'75). We're talking the difference between say 50-100K dead and millions.

North Korea is the weirdest country in the world. This is what happens when countries become isolated. They start to listen to their own internal lies only and they forget what's true and what's not ("Did we make that up to scare people o is it true?). You look at South Korea and what a generally very good country that's become and then you look . North Korea is just impoverished, isolated, and ruled by maniacs who would be funny if not for the actual misery they inflict on their people.

Spot on!

I just said it is Vietnam all over again because some major aspects is very similar. For instance, the desert makes things unsustainable for soldiers or whoever doesnt know the land (just change it to a forest). Also, we are talking about one super prepared and rich troop against amateur poor military force. And there is the massive media disaproval as well. 3 big similarities, but there is also the life impact that you rightfully discribed.

EDIT: I just realised how I vastly (see) overuse adverbs when writing in English. WEIRD! :blink:

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Afghanistan is unwinnable, but it's not Vietnam. In Afghanistan we're talking about 15, 000 troops, 15, 000 civilians, and unknown number of Taliban killed in about 12 years. In Vietnam, it was about 800, 000 fighters killed and millions of civilians the vast majority of whom were also killed in a 12 year period ('63-'75). We're talking the difference between say 50-100K dead and millions.

Afghanistan is quite winnable , if Pakistan stops his double game with USA . I mean we are supporting the extremists group , whenever NATO or other forces tryies to caged the terrorists , they run off from there in their safe houses here in our tribal areas.

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Afghanistan is quite winnable , if Pakistan stops his double game with USA . I mean we are supporting the extremists group , whenever NATO or other forces tryies to caged the terrorists , they run off from there in their safe houses here in our tribal areas.

But that's not likely to happen anytime soon now is it? You can't force change on Afghanistan or any other Middle Eastern state for that matter. The western societies can't simply deploy troops in foreign countries and expect the native populations to accept and adopt democracy.

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Afghanistan is unwinnable, but it's not Vietnam. In Afghanistan we're talking about 15, 000 troops, 15, 000 civilians, and unknown number of Taliban killed in about 12 years. In Vietnam, it was about 800, 000 fighters killed and millions of civilians the vast majority of whom were also killed in a 12 year period ('63-'75). We're talking the difference between say 50-100K dead and millions.

North Korea is the weirdest country in the world. This is what happens when countries become isolated. They start to listen to their own internal lies only and they forget what's true and what's not ("Did we make that up to scare people o is it true?). You look at South Korea and what a generally very good country that's become and then you look . North Korea is just impoverished, isolated, and ruled by maniacs who would be funny if not for the actual misery they inflict on their people.

Don't tell me you think the US is in Afghanistan to 'win' a war? First, they can never get rid of the armed groups, they've always known that, it was never their objective; their objective was to establish a foothold near Iran. Second, even if they could, why in the world would they do that?! Muslim extremists are the US's new best friend! That is until they inevitably turn into another Qaida Just imagine if it were the US troops currently fighting and dying in Syria, that would cause a crisis in the US. Instead they have this endless supply of fearless ignorant and subsequently easily manipulated of fighters and all they need is to fund them from Arabian oil money. But the Americans are stupidly repeating the mistakes they made 40 years ago. Once the fighting is over these, now highly armed groups, will need some else to fight. It's in their ideology: every single one of them wants to die in battle because it's his ticket to heaven. And their next target will 100% be the "crusaders" and you will have a stronger Qaeda on your hands. We've already seen glimpses of that in the killing of the US ambassador in Libya.

PS: I quoted the second part because I could help but laugh at your notion of South Korea being a "good" country! Did it eat its broccoli and do its chores?! :lol:

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But that's not likely to happen anytime soon now is it? You can't force change on Afghanistan or any other Middle Eastern state for that matter. The western societies can't simply deploy troops in foreign countries and expect the native populations to accept and adopt democracy.

But we still need to eliminate the extremism though , we need to get rid of Alqaeda and Taliban . They have a bloody nexus with other arab militans and they are bombing all over pakistan and afghanistan and we don't know when they are going to do another 9/11

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But we still need to eliminate the extremism though , we need to get rid of Alqaeda and Taliban . They have a bloody nexus with other arab militans and they are bombing all over pakistan and afghanistan and we don't know when they are going to do another 9/11

How would you do this? It is extremely difficult to kill an ideal or line of thought, and even more so the extreme ones.

The Iranian Revolution was needed too. *sarcasm*

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How would you do this? It is extremely difficult to kill an ideal or line of thought, and even more so the extreme ones.

The Iranian Revolution was needed too. *sarcasm*

Ikr , but it's better to kill them before they kill us . Well they are already killing us .-.

Yesh like the egyptian one ^__^

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Ikr , but it's better to kill them before they kill us . Well they are already killing us .-.

Yesh like the egyptian one ^__^

Why? Of course the world would be better for us, if they'd leave us alone, but I don't agree to killing without a 'fair' trial. Maybe I'm naive and a romantic, but if you believe we should just walk into countries whom we consider extreme and kill them until their ideals don't exist anymore, then we're every bit as bad as what we're trying to destroy.

You do realize that the Iranian Revolution was initiated by the CIA, right?

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You can't win a partizan war, Soviet Union, USA, NATO have all failed miserably in Afghanistan, they brought some sort of stability but never can they win this. Next World War will take place near N-Korea or Iran. Depending if the young and inexperienced Kim Jong-un will be foolish enough to press the red button or not, same goes for Ahmedinejad if he pursues to threaten and rich uranium in a tempo, which would show they are after a nuclear weapon not energy resource.

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