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Yesterday I (an Australian immigrant) was at Korean restaurant that cooked friend chicken with a Filipino woman, across from a couple of black people, adjacent to a white couple; we were all being served by a Korean immigrants and entrepreneurs. Not to mention the restaurant was next to Mexican-Korean fusion restaurant in Deep-South America. 

America isn't perfect but it's doing alright. 

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Germany's Muslim Demographic Future

  • Critics of Germany's open-door immigration policy are warning that the recent surge in Germany's Muslim population — which surpassed six million in 2016 for the first time — has already changed the face of the country forever.

  • The price for reversing Germany's demographic decline appears to be the further Islamization of Germany under the guise of multiculturalism.

  • With a fertility rate of 1.6 births per woman, well below the replacement rate of 2.1, Germany will require a permanent influx of 300,000 migrants per year in order keep the current population level stable through the year 2060, according to the report.

  • "We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law. German security agencies are unable to deal with these imported security problems, and the resulting reactions from the German population." — Leaked German intelligence document.

  • More than a decade ago historian Bernard Lewis warned that if current migration trends continue, Europe will be Islamic by the end of the 21st century. Germany's political elites are at the vanguard of making that prediction come true.

Mass migration is fast-tracking the rise of Islam in Germany, as evidenced by the proliferation of no-go zones, Sharia courts, polygamy, child marriages and honor violence. Mass migration has also been responsible for social chaos, including jihadist attacks, a migrant rape epidemic, a public health crisis, rising crime and a rush by German citizens to purchase weapons for self-defense — and even to abandon Germany altogether.


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On 2/11/2017 at 10:47 AM, Fulham Broadway said:

Trump wouldn't let him in the US.

But if he managed to sneak in he'd feed New Yorks homeless with the loaves and fishes, and kick David Blaines ass with that turning water into wine shit. Hallelujah !

Well my point is that leftist and rightist or whatever you call all the extreme wouldn't like him. 

Because first those that say that Jesus was a refugee and would feed all these people would only agree on that part but would not agree with the parts when he is intolerant to other's people religion. 

And then the other extreme won't like that he opens to everyone. 

So either way both sides of the extreme will still not like him. 

You either accept all his teaching or nothing. 

And I seriously dislike how people misuses teaching from Jesus for their political ideas. But that is nothing new, has been going on for ages. People need to do their reading, look into context and study the historical background as well. NOT just take one passage and take it out of context. 

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On 2/12/2017 at 0:13 AM, 11Drogba said:


In case you are wondering who this guy is. He is the one that sends female drivers and human right activists to jail to keep the country in stone age. This administration just like its predecessors is full of shit about fighting terrorism.

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2 hours ago, Fernando said:

when he is intolerant to other's people religion. 

Which religions was Jesus intolerant to ? According to the Q'uran he was Allahs messenger. Peace all around. I think most of the left nowadays are secular, so he wouldn't be intolerant to them as they have no religion and want to help immigrant refugees like Jesus. Many of the right wingers use Christianity as a badge but are evil, bombing and maiming people in other countries, so maybe you are right and he would be extremely intolerant of Israels foreign policies and Trump.

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7 hours ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Which religions was Jesus intolerant to ? According to the Q'uran he was Allahs messenger. Peace all around. I think most of the left nowadays are secular, so he wouldn't be intolerant to them as they have no religion and want to help immigrant refugees like Jesus. Many of the right wingers use Christianity as a badge but are evil, bombing and maiming people in other countries, so maybe you are right and he would be extremely intolerant of Israels foreign policies and Trump.

What would Jesus be a refugee from? He is a Jew from Israel, not a Syrian. I'd say he'd be a young man standing around Jerusalem with a FAMAS wondering how it all came to this.Image result for israeli soldiers

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8 hours ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Which religions was Jesus intolerant to ? According to the Q'uran he was Allahs messenger. Peace all around. I think most of the left nowadays are secular, so he wouldn't be intolerant to them as they have no religion and want to help immigrant refugees like Jesus. Many of the right wingers use Christianity as a badge but are evil, bombing and maiming people in other countries, so maybe you are right and he would be extremely intolerant of Israels foreign policies and Trump.

You said it, according to the Quran. 

That's a total different Jesus then what the bible Jesus is. 

Because the Jesus from the bible he is god, but the Quran only a messenger. The jesus from the bible he can forgive sins, the Quran only a messenger. The Jesus from the bible accepts worship, the Quran only a messenger....

So yes if you go by another book then your Jesus will be different. But the bible Jesus, he is god, forgives sin, accepts worship and declares he is the only way. 

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18 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Another mentalist Australian thought she was jesus injected kids with acid


Yeah so much people get fooled because they don't do their research. If you read clearly the bible Jesus did said many will come and say that he is him. But don't be deceived because when he comes back every eye will see him coming from the heavens. 

Next time Jesus comes back he will come from heaven where everyone will witness him. Not some town, island, secret place etc etc. 

If only people seriously study and read the bible and apply the same principles of studying like they do any other book. Read in context, research the historical background if you so care to give you further insight. But always context should be the basis for your reasoning. 

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23 minutes ago, Fernando said:

Yeah so much people get fooled because they don't do their research. If you read clearly the bible Jesus did said many will come and say that he is him. But don't be deceived because when he comes back every eye will see him coming from the heavens. 

Next time Jesus comes back he will come from heaven where everyone will witness him. Not some town, island, secret place etc etc. 

If only people seriously study and read the bible and apply the same principles of studying like they do any other book. Read in context, research the historical background if you so care to give you further insight. But always context should be the basis for your reasoning. 

That GG Allins dad must have been disappointed, thought his son was Jesus, then he's smearing himself with shit and throwing it at the audience. Mental.

Do you have any idea how Jesus would reveal himself when he returns ?



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29 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

That GG Allins dad must have been disappointed, thought his son was Jesus, then he's smearing himself with shit and throwing it at the audience. Mental.

Do you have any idea how Jesus would reveal himself when he returns ?



From heaven, every person on earth will know, it will not be a secret, like lightning seen in heaven. 

Now when is this supposed to happen?Well according to what is written in the Bible and not some other book this will happen 3 and a half years after a particular event. 

That event is called "the abomination of desolation". What that means is that sometime in the future a world leader will go into the Jewish temple, will stop the sacrifices that are going on and declared to be God. That world leader will set up an image on the temple and declared that he is God. The Bible clearly expressed that then Jesus will come back 3 and a half years after this event. 

That being said we can see some things here first, a Jewish temple in the temple mount. First of all this things does not exist right now, so such event can't happen. Second that world leader is not here so this event can't happen right now. 

However the stage is being set for this. If you noticed Jerusalem is starting to become a great problem. It's a tough situation to handle for any country at the moment. How do we achieve peace in the middle east? 

The UN with all the resolution can't bring about anything done. Israel and Palestinian authorities cannot agree on anything. United States can't do it. But that world leader that is to come will. He will be the only one able to do, what no one else was able to do. Achieve peace and allow the Jews to build their temple. 

How is that going to be I don't know but this is what the Bible says about this event. Oh and the agreement will be for 7 years. Why 7 years in particular? I don't know that is what it said. 

So at the middle of that 7 year peace treaty is when this world leader will go into that Jewish temple, abolish the sacrifice the Jews are making and declared to be God. From that moment on this world leader will have power over all the world and will demand that he be worship or else be killed. 

That just a few stuff that is written in the Bible about the return of Jesus, what will happen before he is closed to being returned. 

So anyone that tells you Jesus is here right now, they are being fooled. Because according to the Bible certain things must happen first before he will come again. 

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1 hour ago, Fernando said:

Yeah so much people get fooled because they don't do their research. If you read clearly the bible Jesus did said many will come and say that he is him. But don't be deceived because when he comes back every eye will see him coming from the heavens. 

Next time Jesus comes back he will come from heaven where everyone will witness him. Not some town, island, secret place etc etc. 

If only people seriously study and read the bible and apply the same principles of studying like they do any other book. Read in context, research the historical background if you so care to give you further insight. But always context should be the basis for your reasoning. 

How will everyone see Jesus coming from heaven if earth is round?

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