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Frank Lampard


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what are harsh statements??
For all the shame he has bought onto the club he'd be lucky to see the last year of his contract out let alone get an extension. His recent comments about Lampard are about as self-serving as it gets. He knows a Lampard extension in all likelihood means one for him too. That's our club captain. :clap:

And also suggesting that Lamps is a disgrace because he didn't let Ba take the penalty two days ago or slag him off because the AVB situation. Makes me happy I hadn't found the forum around this time last year.

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And also suggesting that Lamps is a disgrace because he didn't let Ba take the penalty two days ago or slag him off because the AVB situation. Makes me happy I hadn't found the forum around this time last year.

possibly you weren't a fan then . Lampard isn't above criticism and you should make it clear exactly who and what you are criticising. I suggested Lampard might have given Ba the penalty ..I dont

consider that a criticism even

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But to sack lamps because of AVB?!

Wouldn't you be a bit miffed that a very expensive payment that was personally invested (£13 million pounds just to sign him if I'm correct) goes quickly down the drain because a couple of your players (who you are also paying money on a weekly basis) did not want to work with him?

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possibly you weren't a fan then . Lampard isn't above criticism and you should make it clear exactly who and what you are criticising. I suggested Lampard might have given Ba the penalty ..I dont

consider that a criticism even

Well if you have a look in my profile you'll find out for how long I'm supporting Chelsea, but if you insist on considering only the join date I'd say you are a fan since 2009. I wasn't referring to you in particular about the Lampard criticism, just look at the posts above and those in the match thread.

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Wouldn't you be a bit miffed that a very expensive payment that was personally invested (£13 million pounds just to sign him if I'm correct) goes quickly down the drain because a couple of your players (who you are also paying money on a weekly basis) did not want to work with him?

But it's Lamps... :cry:

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Why would Lamps allow BA to take the penalty ? Who is this BA in comparison to Frankie ?

I know he is not the same player as he once was, but Frankie has class & huge contribution to Chelsea.

Will I be sad when he leaves ? Yes, I will & I am not shamed to admit it at all. A goodbye for the next 6 months will be the most painful time for me. All I want the club to win something for him this season to send him off on a high like Drogba.

To send him off with the praise & dignity & appreciation for all he has done for Chelsea.

May he be never forgotten & Frank will live in my MEMORY FOREVER.

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But it's Lamps... :cry:

But it looks like (if the AVB issue is the case (or partly) for Lampard leaving) that Roman wants to get rid of the powerhouse clique and make it easier for a new manager in the summer to put his own method in the team 9especially if he has to invest a lot of money to get such as Klopp). Its understandable that Roman does no want another situation where the manager is at friction with older players because they are not doing what they want him to do 9such as not putting them in their plans and seeing them as squad players only).

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But it looks like (if the AVB issue is the case (or partly) for Lampard leaving) that Roman wants to get rid of the powerhouse clique and make it easier for a new manager in the summer to put his own method in the team 9especially if he has to invest a lot of money to get such as Klopp). Its understandable that Roman does no want another situation where the manager is at friction with older players because they are not doing what they want him to do 9such as not putting them in their plans and seeing them as squad players only).

We need to try to talk to lamps about all this issues, and then to decide.

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May i just ask, what is it that you dislike about Frankie, then ?

I don't dislike him. I hope he gets the goals record. I was MASSIVELY pleased for him, Didier, Cech and Cole to finally win the Champions League. It would have been an absolute travesty if they didn't win it once in their careers. He is one of the best players in our most successful period as a club. I have nothing against him.

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I don't dislike him. I hope he gets the goals record. I was MASSIVELY pleased for him, Didier, Cech and Cole to finally win the Champions League. It would have been an absolute travesty if they didn't win it once in their careers. He is one of the best players in our most successful period as a club. I have nothing against him.

Well, thanks for clearing it up, then.

I also, would love to see him scoring 10 more goals, just to break the record. However, I doubt he will.

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I can understand both sides here. Lampard will obviously want to stay because he loves the club and he's desperate to break Tambling's record and truly make himself the greatest player in the history of Chelsea FC. He might even be willing to take the pay cut that was discussed in the newspapers a few days ago and if that's the case it would definitely make sense to give him at least a one year extension on reduced wages and a role as a squad player. On the other hand I can easily understand Roman's reasoning if he doesn't want Lampard at the club anymore. I would be mad too if someone were to fuck with my £13m investment, especially if Abramovich felt AVB was the right man for the long term and was ready to back AVB no matter what. Sacking AVB worked out perfectly as far as last season is concerned but we all know what Roman is like and he's not the kind of man to swallow his pride and give in to someone's demands when he's made up his mind, even though in this case he perhaps should make an exception...

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But it looks like (if the AVB issue is the case (or partly) for Lampard leaving) that Roman wants to get rid of the powerhouse clique and make it easier for a new manager in the summer to put his own method in the team 9especially if he has to invest a lot of money to get such as Klopp). Its understandable that Roman does no want another situation where the manager is at friction with older players because they are not doing what they want him to do 9such as not putting them in their plans and seeing them as squad players only).

Problem is, I think there's a new samba powerhouse that may start to develop in the squad now. Belgians, Brazilians & Spaniards.. Let's hope they don't start forming cliques.

More on topic; agree totally. There was no way Roman wasn't going to seek to break up the old guard after his personal managerial appointment (AVB) was dismissed due to them. He just has to make the right approach in the dismissal. Drogba's was done brilliantly, low key, no dramas. The same should carry with Lampard.

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Problem is, I think there's a new samba powerhouse that may start to develop in the squad now. Belgians, Brazilians & Spaniards.. Let's hope they don't start forming cliques.

More on topic; agree totally. There was no way Roman wasn't going to seek to break up the old guard after his personal managerial appointment (AVB) was dismissed due to them. He just has to make the right approach in the dismissal. Drogba's was done brilliantly, low key, no dramas. The same should carry with Lampard.

The media won't allow that to happen, unfortunately.

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