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Chelsea 0-1 Man United


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Ferguson on Chelsea's penalty claims... "It's the first decision we've had here in 7 years, I won't feel guilty about it"

of course he wouldn't, because you're a cunt Fergie and you won't fucking admit it!

God he's such a twat. Can't wait till he retires. What about the Rooney dive or the Torres goal disallowed back in the prem game.

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Forgot to mention, Petr Cech was fucking superb.

Very true. People tend to forget that we needed to score either way. Even if it was 1-1 tonight. We don't need to win at Old Trafford, we can score 1 and keep them at bay and push for penalties or score one more. We are being way too pessimistic, we do have a chance. Even Inter fancy their chances, and I do believe that Inter will overturn that deficit, it's football.

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Carlo is afraid of Roman.That's why he makes the Drogba-Anelka sub instead of getting Torres out.sad.gif

It was a penalty,but performance overall was really bad.I listened to Ray Wilkins on TV and he said that he is really disappointed with Chelsea team tonight.smile.gif

Miracles can happen,but us winning at OT-u 0:2 or 1:2 would really be amazing.We have to play the game of our lives and hope that will be enoguh against Manure and UEFA.cool.gif


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I don't see why we can't score 2 goals at Old Trafford. To be honest i don't see why United are so strong. They only have Rooney, Vidic and VDS. How they keep winning is beyond me.

In this season no, we can't score 2 at OT. We're not a team of comebacks, and with all respect to Carlo - but I've lost the trust I had on him. He's not a tactic master, definitely not for the Premier League, his tactics have been outplayed not only against Manure tonight. And frankly, I don't see us lifting the trophy in Wembley. Not if we play like this, the Champions have never disappointed their fans like this, and what is more in their home. When Barca won it two years ago, they were dominating everyone. Same with Inter last year.

Not to mention that Real Madrid and Barcelona are in better form than us, having scored 7 and 8 goals respectively in their last two knockout games at their own ground, whereas our last goal in the knockout phase of the CL at the Bridge remains Essien's vs Barca two years ago.

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God he's such a twat. Can't wait till he retires. What about the Rooney dive or the Torres goal disallowed back in the prem game.

Or Sahas blatent dive that one time..guy got shot! Yet..the usual pen

We aint gana get any decisons at OT so no point thinking that way,lets go there and just batter them..wishful thinking.Love to see the smug look gone!

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We will go to Old Trafford and we WILL win if we play 4-3-3.

We will win either way, everthing that could have gone wrong - did tonight, so we got nothing to lose. We know it, players know it, CA knows it - why should he care what Abra thinks if he is under fire anyway? It's on now...

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Stop raving on about the Peno, YES it is a tie changer (potentially) but Utd got their result and IMO deserved it. Its half time, in their back yard. If we would have got their decision, we would have been laughing.

Torres is woeful. End of. He stumbles all the time when he has the ball. Looks a waste more and more so with every game.

We didn't play well and its noticeable.

Advantage Utd. Chelsea need to pull it out, Carlo needs to. I'm not sure he can get the players to be up for this.

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We'll never win this trophy. We were awful today, an embarrassment to the name of our club. One of the biggest games in our history and we play like that.... I think Lampard's time is up, Drogba's time is up, Bosingwa needs outing and then finally we can get a good fresh bunch of players with fresh ideas. And what's all these long balls all about? Gotta put some blame on Carlo too tho, he has no clue. Exactly the same crock of wank at home to Inter last season.

fucked off

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How we should play at OT:


Essien - Ivanovic - Terry - Cole

Ramires - Mikel - Lampard

Kalou - Drogba - Torres (Zhirkov on in the 2nd half if Torres doesn't do much)


Ivanovic - Alex - Terry - Cole

Ramires - Mikel - Lampard/Benayoun if he is fit and alright against Wigan

Kalou - Drogba - Torres

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By the way, the game changed when Mikel came on. 4-3-3 is Chelsea's formation, Carlo. USE IT.


Bosingwa - Alex - Terry - Cole


Lampard - Ramires

Anelka - Drogba - Malouda

Bosingwa instead of Ivanovic? You got to be kidding me.

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God he's such a twat. Can't wait till he retires. What about the Rooney dive or the Torres goal disallowed back in the prem game.

Can't wait till he d...

Hate him.

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I just fucking hate when we lose like this after a mistake, and then keep attacking (usually) unsuccesfuly our opponents for the rest of the match. There wasn't a spark of creativity on our play. Ramires and Essien are waay to defensive, and Lamps wasn't Lamps. Zhirkov didn't send a single useful cross (if I remember well), and Bosingwa could've easily played on Ramires' position =.=

Time to regroup, and beat them at Old Traford. It is not impossible, and who knows what can happen in a few weeks.

I haven't lost my faith, and I shall not lose it until OT match is finished. :cfc:

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