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to see beauty in a picture you need to a lover of art

to see beauty in animals moving you need to love nature .

to see beauty in the human race you need to be a lover of mankind.

without love nothing will appear beautiful ...

those who do not or cannot love are the saddest on the earth.

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well, if I think a woman has a beautiful body, does it mean I must love her? Or if I see a beautiful car, I must be in love with it?

I was talking more about the romantic love between people, and peoples' maniacal need for relationships. It's just something I don't understand.

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well, if I think a woman has a beautiful body, does it mean I must love her? Or if I see a beautiful car, I must be in love with it?

well, if I think a woman has a beautiful body, does it mean I must love her? Or if I see a beautiful car, I must be in love with it?

you must differentiate between loving and being in love with.

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you must differentiate between loving and being in love with.

I know they are two different things per definitions. I just didn't know "be in love with" meant what it meant before I checked a dictionary, now I know it's not the same. Very well, if you want to be carping, then just switch "I must be in love with it" to "I must love it".

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well done your % is a strike rate of 1 in 7 better than our strikers,,,Seriously though ,,YOU ARE A DISGRACE

It was calculus that ended any respectability. Rubbish as I was, up until 11th grade I would usually scrape passes but that wasn't possible in the 12th grade :(

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Surprised to see so much "love" talk on here. Relationships are useless imo and love doesn't exist.. or maybe it doesn't exist for me, dunno. Anyway, I don't understand it, but it's probably just me.


Don't give up on love or finding it. I went through hell and a lot of bad relationships before I found it. you are young yet and have time.

Most people think that if you are in love than the relationship should be easy but truth is relationships are work all of the time. In a good relationship, the benefits will out weigh the work.

Take care :)

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Well after this i am going to sabattical from any football interests for a while/indefinite. as mentioned i've rather grown jaded of football and i really want to pursuit the more arty/fandom/creative side of me (seeing as it is a stronger interest). but anyways :)

Manpe all i can say is sometimes romance relationships are sometimes if the girls are not or something it's not worth wasting your time and getting glum about them. tbh family and friendship will serve you better for ages really :). been there done that

I love being a positive nut myself imhappyplz.gifrainbowsheep2.gif?2

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Just got friendzoned like a boss :fainthv9:


No matter, she'll realize in time what mistake she has made :D

I'm actually kinda happy cuz I know what I'm standing on and can focus on my studying :P

she obvious is clueless if she can't see what a great guy you are beyond the friendship. Some girls just are not that bright!

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