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Arsenal vs Chelsea


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Lampard is a perfectly good choice if we are setting up for the counter attack , but i feel that his play lets us down when we are trying to play possession football , all our other midfielders are better than him with one touch pass and move. mikel + lampard is too slow for build up play generaly.

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Lampard is a perfectly good choice if we are setting up for the counter attack , but i feel that his play lets us down when we are trying to play possession football , all our other midfielders are better than him with one touch pass and move. mikel + lampard is too slow for build up play generaly.

his passing has been shockingly bad this season. one touch football is certainly not suiting him. he is much more comfortable in picking out passes than move the ball along swiftly

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i hope our players don't dive about today. Ivanovic's dive last week was embarassing and there were several other incidents when our players made a meal of things. not to mention david luiz's baseball slide on Walters

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For Arsenal, Thomas Vermaelen is due to return from illness but goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny is out with an ankle injury. Vito Mannone continues between the posts.

The game is also expected to come too early for Jack Wilshere, Tomas Rosicky and defender Bacary Sagna.

Victor Mannone :dance:
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I have school today. Crazy stuff. However, I have a good feeling before the game. I don't mind them playing their passing game in the centre. Last game against us they gave the ball a couple of times in dangerous areas, but we weren't effective on the counter. First goal means a lot in this game, so I'll go positive and say 0-3. I'm just wondering whether I should bail and watch the game in the pub, because when I miss a match, we usually trash the opposition.

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Hour and a half to go then off to the pub. At least we'll stay in a good league position whatever happens and we'll stay ahead of them. If we can win the game, we'll go 7 points ahead of them. It'll be a huge win if we can do it.

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