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How Are You Feeling?


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After Moscow we still had a secured UCL spot for the next season and it was our first final. Also the lads still had a decent age so could go again. This one is more nervy for me because if we don't win it this time, JT, Lamps, Didier and Ash will never win it. I want us to win it for them and the thought of Lamps captaining the team in a UCL Final after what happened to his mum, it's huge for him. And to knock Tottenham out of the UCL too and get the spot ourselves.... and be the first London team to win it. There are so many reasons why winning this is massively massive lol.

How am i feeling.... Scared beyond belief. I'm so worried about Luiz & Cahill.

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Bit of PMT to be honest.

Good Morning every single Chelsea fan wherever you maybe. Later on I hope we will be celebrating as one. Going to be one long day, don't really know what to do with myself today so will probably start drinking any moment now. I don't normally do nerves on match day but I must say there are some about today. I know it goes without saying but I really want the club to win this cup to bring to a close a glorious era and being the start of the next one. I also want us to win it for the owner. As for us fans, well you know what winning this will mean to us.

Enjoy the day everyone.

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Been through it all tonight, my heart was pounding, I was shaking, so nervous. I upset my nephew scaring the shit out of him when we scored. He wouldn't talk to me after that.

It's finally beginning to sink in... still surreal. Time for bed now i'm shattered!

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Aching. When in the pub yesterday, we got into a hooligan like brawl. It seemed as tho a group was gotten together to ambush us and attack us. Think they were a bunch of pikeys, there was a brawl, anti Chelsea related. My dad got knocked to the floor, i emptied my pint and launched the pint glass at his head, some others got stuck in. They all came at us, especially when Schweinsteiger missed it was like a stampede.

I've got a big bruise on my foot for kicking a chair (not smart), bruise on my inside leg, bruise on my head and a bruise on my arm. But just like Chelsea, we got attacked but we are still standing. Wasn't good tho, had lots of family i'd not seen for ages and there were kids present. It did mar the night, it kicked off so badly i didn't even see us lift the trophy :-(

Very happy tho, we are European champions and that calls for more Alcohol.

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I still can't fucking believe it....CHAMPIONS OF FUCKING EUROPE! Beating Bayern on their own stadium through penalties in front of their fans....

It was simply meant to be. There is god. I will go to a church today and say thank you :cfc:

Oh...and we fucked up Tottenham :D They are probably going to lose key players now :)

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Glad that chelsea won man, years and years of dissapointment finger pointing and all that, just it's good now......i was originally gonna give up football for a while after but just. what i gave it up for ....all i can say is DTA, i <3 CFC

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