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How Are You Feeling?


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its a wonderful feeling that can last a lifetime... take care with it ,,treasure it and you may be lucky

Wise words.

It's the best feeling I've ever felt and I don't want to miss it any day for the rest of my life. That may be stupid to hear from a 17-years-old tho.

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Wise words.

It's the best feeling I've ever felt and I don't want to miss it any day for the rest of my life. That may be stupid to hear from a 17-years-old tho.

It is ANYTHING BUT STUPID ....Love is the purest emotion possible..

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How's your gf doing? Everything alright with the babyboy? :)

Yeah all good thanks mate. She's not as hormonal any more, thank god!

Bit stressed out as she lives 150 miles away from me (I know I should've picked one closer). I'm having to look for a job around there which is proving to be a nightmare.

Other than that though everything's going well, we've bought all the stuff for him now after spending stupid amounts of money haha

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Yeah all good thanks mate. She's not as hormonal any more, thank god!

Bit stressed out as she lives 150 miles away from me (I know I should've picked one closer). I'm having to look for a job around there which is proving to be a nightmare.

Other than that though everything's going well, we've bought all the stuff for him now after spending stupid amounts of money haha

glad to hear things are going well. I hate to tell you but you will be spending stupid amounts of money for a few more years yet!! I still do and my kids are 11 and 15!!

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Yeah all good thanks mate. She's not as hormonal any more, thank god!

Bit stressed out as she lives 150 miles away from me (I know I should've picked one closer). I'm having to look for a job around there which is proving to be a nightmare.

Other than that though everything's going well, we've bought all the stuff for him now after spending stupid amounts of money haha

Good to hear! You quite surprised me with the distance, however good luck with finding the job!

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I second everything zolayes said :) I wish you the best of luck and remember that love is always worth working hard for and fighting for! :D

I've gone through 2 years of suffering already and I know that I don't want to experience such a tough time again. Thank you! :)

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I've gone through 2 years of suffering already and I know that I don't want to experience such a tough time again. Thank you! :)

Love and relationships are work, I won't lie to you. As long as you both put in the effort (which you will if it is true love) then it will last. :) I've been with my husband for over 20 years and somedays are easy and somedays aren't but the simple fact is he is the last person I want to see before I go to sleep, the first person I want to see when I wake up, and the first person I can when I have news (good or bad). I know it might sound corny but it's true and I am blessed that he is my best friend (especially since he moved me to the other side of the planet!)

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