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You better take Arsenal out of that list.

Those bums are shits and expect to get raped as well by City.

As far as our chances if we win every game from here till the end how many points must city drop?

I assume that if we are tie on points we will still lose it because of goal differences, so one less point then us.

How many points would that be that they need to drop then?

They would have to drop 3 points if we want to climb above them with goal difference, 4 if we want to win with superior points.

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I seriously dont see city dropping 4 points and us none. Never say never though...shame we lost against villa.

Yeah, I think we lost the title against Villa. Never stop believing, however it is going to take a lot of luck if we are to win it -_-

What result do we want out of the Liverpool vs City match assuming they both keep winning up till that point? Liverpool win?

Draw would suit me best, but it's a difficult one. The least favorable option is City win though.

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If we win our remaining 7 games, then we would need City to D1 L1 at least because as it stands, should they win their 3 games in hand, they'll go 3 points clear of us.

Your math is worse than your preview writing :P

Since City would be 3 points above us and have a better GD if they win their 3 games in hand, we need them to drop 4 points more than us by the end of the season to win the title. Meaning, if we win all our remaining games, we'll need CIty to at least draw two of theirs.

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Your math is worse than your preview writing :P

Since City would be 3 points above us and have a better GD if they win their 3 games in hand, we need them to drop 4 points more than us by the end of the season to win the title. Meaning, if we win all our remaining games, we'll need CIty to at least draw two of theirs.


Still need City to basically drop points in two matches anyway. Doesn't really make a difference whether 4 or 5 points..

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Your math is worse than your preview writing :P

Since City would be 3 points above us and have a better GD if they win their 3 games in hand, we need them to drop 4 points more than us by the end of the season to win the title. Meaning, if we win all our remaining games, we'll need CIty to at least draw two of theirs.

Which is entirely possible.

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What result do we want out of the Liverpool vs City match assuming they both keep winning up till that point? Liverpool win?

Liverpool win for me. We still have a chance to beat Liverpool in the 6-pointer at the end of the season. City has got to drop as much points as possible. A draw would be good too.

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I don't think picking up only a draw against United and Arsenal should be viewed as points dropped because that can happen and usually happen in matches between two big sides. If you wanna look at points dropped, then it's our inability to beat some of the lesser sides - West Brom (twice!), Stoke, Villa, West Ham and even against Everton.

I probably didn't articulate myself very well initially. My problem with the Arsenal and United draws is that we seemed to set out to avoid defeat, rather than to win on both occasions. The other matches you mention were certainly cases of dropped points, but the difference in our approach to them leaves me feeling less unhappy with the results. Obviously I would have preferred them to be wins, but no team wins all their matches.

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What result do we want out of the Liverpool vs City match assuming they both keep winning up till that point? Liverpool win?

I think a Liverpool win would be the best result. It would dent Man City's title hopes, and we could do our job against them at Anfield.

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City still to play Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester United and Everton, all away...

and that's why if they win all those matches they deserve to be champions and end of it. If they have to play four matches like those out of ten in a short time span, and they grab 12 pts then they deserve the trophy.

But what are odds of City winning all those matches away? United is a given imo, they will win, but they're likely to lose to one between Arsenal and Everton. The Liverpool match is a toss imo and it depends if the managers have their main players available... watching Cardiff x Liverpool yesterday (only caught first half) made it clear to me that their defense isn't reliable at all. It's nearly awful actually. We used to say earlier in the season that the thing with City is that they outscore their conceded goals, but that is truer about Liverpool than City imo.

We need them to drop four points, but even then, that's assuming WE win all our matches - which includes Liverpool away.

At the end of the day we don't need to look at Liverpool's results. We need to win at Anfield regardless of how they do. We do have one point ahead of them if they win Wednesday. If we draw it's good if you look at them, but a draw here would mean we'd need City to drop seven instead of four and that's very unlikely for me. I'm worried about Liverpool, they have the easiest fixtures imo, but we have a chance to kill them ourselves. The problem remains City dropping points.

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Plenty of people including neutral fans and pundits overrate our squad massively. Make no mistake about it, the table does lie and our position in the league as been mostly down to a combination of factors i,e Jose influence, luck ( in huge quantities) and ofcourse the rock solid defence and structure leading to the best defensive record in the league , this is where jose's influence has been most evident.

Looking at it objectively however, most of our players including those in the starting eleven really aren't all that good and people's perception of players like Oscar, Luiz, Ramires,Lampard (current version ofcourse),Schurrle, William and co is a far cry from reality and there's no need to even acknowledge the striking situation as that will be pointing out the obvious.

If we do an unbiased analysis of our squad starting with the first eleven, in my opinion, the defence which is our main strenght aside, only hazard and perhaps Matic at a push would/could get into other "top 6 teams in Europe's starting eleven. which other players in our team excluding Cech, hazard and some of the defenders would make it into the starting eleven of Bayern, Madrid, Barca,Dortmund,PSG,Man city.

And other teams like Arsenal, Juventus, Liverpool et al have suprior midfield and forward than us collectively.

We need to lower our expectations and realise that our squad is a combination of highly mechanical,technically deficient players, young players who haven't yet reached their prime and players who are talked about only in terms of potential rather than ability and some flat out overrated players etc.

And this is why I'm always baffled when majority see us as a major force domestically and in Europe based on our squad strength. The last time I looked at our squad and felt we deserved to be rated amongst the big boys and merited the expectation that often accompanies Europe's elite was the 2008/09 season. even the double winning squad was far from flawless.

To summarize it, Our squad and starting eleven is massively overrated by most.

First of all when speaking about overrated I think you need to take a good look at the squads you've included in the top 6 in the world and also the teams you claim have a better midfield than us. Are you fucking kidding me? PSG and Dortmund are top teams in the world? Based on what? Oscar would walk right onto both of those teams and play the no. 10 regularly... no question in my mind. Also, something you seem to ignore is AGE... These guys aren't even close to their prime years and are playing at a really high level, perhaps the highest when you consider the strength of the Premier League. We have our gems(Hazard, Oscar, Matic) and we have the player that fit into the style we want to play(Schurrle, Willian, Salah, Ramires) Thats how you build a squad! This isn't Football Manager or Fifa 14.... we have a very balanced squad right now and it will only get better with Jose hammering home his philosophy.

Also, when you say defenders I think what you need to bear in mind is its about the SYSTEM. XI men keep the clean sheet with Jose in charge not 5. The reason we've been so solid in defense is mainly due to the lack of opportunities teams get to run at our back 4, that is basically due to the work of our front 6... We pressure the ball high up the pitch with teams that want to play out from the back and it forces turnovers or long, hopeless balls that are intercepted by our defenders. And furthermore you say 'apart from Cech, Hazard and Matic we don't have anyone who can get into top 6 starting XI's so in other words we have THREE ABSOLUTE WORLD BEATERS and some great talent in behind them... How many teams do you know can even claim that? Can Dortmund? LOL... Can PSG??

I think you suffer from a rare case of 'thegrassisalwaysgreeneritis' its the kind of thing that effects those who play too many video games and just buy every world class player in the world as if it realistic.

Liverpool have a superior midfield to us... LOL I bet you think Gerrard is better than Lampard too.

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First of all when speaking about overrated I think you need to take a good look at the squads you've included in the top 6 in the world and also the teams you claim have a better midfield than us. Are you fucking kidding me? PSG and Dortmund are top teams in the world? Based on what? Oscar would walk right onto both of those teams and play the no. 10 regularly... no question in my mind. Also, something you seem to ignore is AGE... These guys are even close to their prime years and are playing at a really high level, perhaps the highest when you consider the strength of the Premier League. We have our gems(Hazard, Oscar, Matic) and we have the player that fit into the style we want to play(Schurrle, Willian, Salah, Ramires) Thats how you build a squad! This isn't Football Manager or Fifa 14.... we have a very balanced squad right now and it will only get better with Jose hammering home his philosophy.

Also, when you say defenders I think what you need to bear in mind is its about the SYSTEM. XI men keep the clean sheet with Jose in charge not 5. The reason we've been so solid in defense is mainly due to the lack of opportunities teams get to run at our back 4, that is basically due to the work of our front 6... We pressure the ball high up the pitch with teams that want to play out from the back and it forces turnovers or long, hopeless balls that are intercepted by our defenders. And furthermore you say 'apart from Cech, Hazard and Matic we don't have anyone who can get into top 6 starting XI's so in other words we have THREE ABSOLUTE WORLD BEATERS and some great talent in behind them... How many teams do you know can even claim that? Can Dortmund? LOL... Can PSG??

I think you suffer from a rare case of 'thegrassisalwaysgreeneritis' its the kind of thing that effects those who play too many video games and just buy every world class player in the world as if it realistic.

Liverpool have a superior midfield to us... LOL I bet you think Gerrard is better than Lampard too.

Gerrard is better than Lampard at some aspects, long range strikes, passing, defending but overall Lampard is more deadly going forward and they are both great in their prime.

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