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Roman Abramovich Thread


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  • 2 months later...

They say player power doesn't exist. 

Been saying we have one of the most toxic dressing rooms in English football for a long time. It needs to stop... but I can only see it changing when Roman leaves. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Chelsea Owner And Billionaire Roman Abramovich On The Past, Present And Future Of The Club

Roman Abramovich, the Russian-Israeli businessman and owner of Chelsea Football Club.

In early 2002, Roman Abramovich noticed that his new interest kept leading to the same thought.

Whenever work meetings took him to cities across Europe, the Russian-Israeli businessman found himself attending football matches. It didn't take more than a few games to realize what was running through his mind. “There was so much emotion, so much excitement. I remember thinking, 'I want to be a part of this,'” Abramovich says.

Something else about the sport was also grabbing the billionaire entrepreneur's attention. “The fact that there is no set formula for winning football matches. A coach and his or her squad have to consider many factors when approaching each match. It’s like every few days is a new exam and the work you have put in gets evaluated. I enjoyed, and still enjoy, the unpredictability and seeing how each game plays out.”

Abramovich was soon sharing his excitement during conversations with business associates. That quickly grew into the idea of owning a football club.

On the first day of July 2003, news out of London reported Abramovich as the new owner of Chelsea Football Club. It was a surprising development for three reasons. First, Chelsea was a historic English club that didn't change ownership hands often. Second, the purchase price of £140-million, including £75-million of debt, was more than anyone had ever paid for a club in the English Premier League. And, third, the buyer was bringing major foreign investment to the British game.

“In hindsight, especially with the public profile it would bring me, maybe I would have thought differently about owning a club,” Abramovich says with a gentle smile and chuckle. “But, at the time, I just saw this incredible game and that I wanted to be a part of that in one way or another.”

The road leading Abramovich to become owner of Chelsea was the starting point for this conversation, which took place via Zoom. Examples and concepts of the work being done by the club have appeared in my teaching and writing about decision-making in sports business. An interest in gaining further insights led to the opportunity to talk with Abramovich about his involvement with the club.

The substantial sum of money invested in growing the club since the beginning of his ownership has followed two ambitions: “to create world-class teams on the pitch; and to ensure the club plays a positive role in all of its communities.”

Abramovich says those were not just polished words then and aren't now. The reason why “first of all, is when you say something, you have to always follow through. And, I guess, that is especially if you're a person who doesn't say much. So, what you do say is very important,” he says. “Second, football is society. Football is part of society and society is part of football. So, it's the natural state of things for football to be in be involved, to support the community, and to be present in the community.”

“The ambitions,” he continues, “are as true now as they were when I first became owner and I hope that can be seen through the work we have been doing on and off the pitch over the last 17 years.”

Those ambitions are ingrained in a strategy that has enabled Chelsea to recruit some of the world's top talent on, around, and off the pitch. It men's, women's, and academy teams have collected to a total of 36 major trophies from competitions in England and around the world. “I think the trophies speak for themselves and show what we as a club have been able to achieve over these years,” Abramovich says, “and it’s my goal for us to keep winning trophies going forward and build for the future.”

“Chelsea has a very rich history, and I feel extremely fortunate to a play a part in that,” he adds. “The club was here before me, and will be here after me, but my job is to ensure we are as successful as we can be today, as well as build for the future. That’s why the success of our academy at Cobham [the club's 140-acre training facility] is so important to me.”

Today, hundreds of millions of fans, more than 500 official supporters clubs, and more than 100-million followers across major social media platforms cheer on Chelsea from locations around the globe. The club is presently valued at more than £2-billion. But, to Abramovich, “football is not just a business opportunity. Football is a community sport. Chelsea is a community. We need to embrace all of that community in the work that we do, the investments that we do, and the work that we focus on.”

It is here that the full effect of why Abramovich bought Chelsea comes into sharper view.

“Chelsea is not just the men's first team. Chelsea is a community. It's the women's team, it's the youth teams, it's the academy, it's support to former players of the club. It's something that we started to do since day one. The reason is that we approached Chelsea as a community. And people within the community—there are children, there are women, there are men, there are former players, there are current players, there are future players—all of them need to be welcomed and part of how we conduct the business.”

For example, Abramovich recalls,“when we bought the club, it was clear that former players were not really involved. They were not even invited to see games. So, that was something else—support for former players, people who had helped the club along the way, and to give them an opportunity to continue being a part of the club and the story going forward.”

Another example is the women's team, which has been a part of the club since the second year of Abramovich's ownership. Leadership's support for the squad—a base at Cobham, a dedicated stadium, and travel to international friendlies—has been ahead of the curve of most clubs. But Abramovich isn't much interested in such a competitive comparison, mostly because it misses the larger point.

The women’s team, Abramovich says, is “a critical part of Chelsea and shapes who we are as a club. I see no reason why clubs wouldn’t want to support women’s football and provide the best possible opportunity for them to succeed. For me, this is both about the principle, but, also, women’s football has huge potential. If women’s football received the same level as support as men’s football, the sport would obviously be equally successful on the business side.”

“And I think investment pays off,” he adds. “I think their success demonstrates what can be achieved when you dedicate resources and the right leadership. [Manager] Emma Hayes has been remarkable in her work with the team.” In the past year alone, the team was crowned champion of the Women's Super League, broke the longest unbeaten streak in WSL history (32 games), and won a Continental Cup for the second consecutive season.

Doing things off the pitch is an important part of teamwork at Chelsea, particularly in community activities that flow through the Chelsea Foundation. Each year, more than 1-million participants in 20 countries are engaged through 500 programs that use football and sport to improve a range of social, humanitarian, educational, and professional issues. “With sport at this level also comes opportunity and we are proud that the club’s foundation is the largest in UK football,” Abramovich says. “I hope that our fans and the wider community can see the same level of commitment in our support for them as we have for the team.”

That commitment was sustained when outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic sent London into lockdown and English football to shutdown. Chelsea responded by continuing to pay all employees as if matches were being played, offering hotel accommodations and meals to National Health Service staff, and running a campaign to raise awareness and funds for the domestic violence charity Refuge. The Chelsea Foundation provided online sport, education, and social programs for youth to the elderly.

At such a turbulent and uncertain time, Abramovich says, “it was quite clear from the start that we wanted to help. … Chelsea is a part of the community and should of course play a role in contributing and helping, in the ways we can. I hope the projects we supported as a club played a role in helping and I am grateful to all the fans who also lent their support to the various club-led initiatives during the pandemic.”

At the same time resources were being directed to pandemic response, Chelsea was also maintaining its social responsibility programs. High up on that list are initiatives aimed at combatting antisemitism, racism, and other forms of hatred cropping up in society, including on and around football pitches.

“Racism, antisemitism, this is all the same type of evil and should have no place on our world at this day and age,” Abramovich says. “Every time I get sent examples of racist abuse that our players face, I am shocked. It’s disgraceful that this is the reality for not just our players, but for anyone targeted by this sort of abuse. If we as a club can make a difference in this area, in fighting antisemitism, racism and promoting tolerance, I am determined to stand behind it and contribute in whatever way I can.”

Tackling intolerance is an issue that Abramovich also feels personally responsible to do something about. Although some 15 years have passed since he has given a media interview or press conference, his own words have not been entirely absent from the public sphere. On a handful of occasions, he has communicated his thoughts through personally-written messages—each time about something having to do with social responsibility.

Abramovich has penned letters for matchday programs around Chelsea's Say No To Antisemitism campaign. His words appeared in a club press release about making a change to the men's first team manager position this season. And a personal letter that he had delivered to each player after men's first team member Reece James was racially abused online earlier this year showed up in media reports.

“Statements with regard to the Say No To Antisemitism campaign or Frank Lampard or Reece James,” Abramovich says, “these are very, very big themes and they are very, very important. Things at that level require me to personally show that I am behind it and that I am accountable.” Even then, he channels the attention to work being done by the club, its people, and its community.

Abramovich's comfort zone is in infusing values and inspiring standards throughout Chelsea, rather than generating personal celebrity. “It has never been my ambition to have a public profile,” he says. His instinct is that the performance of the team, manger, board, and club “should speak for itself. It is not helpful to provide additional running commentary.”

One area of performance that many fans and media might want more commentary about settles on the turnover rate of men's first team managers—15 managers in less than 18 years. On the surface, the numbers suggest short-term thinking and impulsive decision-making about strategy. Yet, as Abramovich describes, it has to do with culture feeding strategy more than strategy as a standalone. He says that while Chelsea's culture is “definitely focused on performance, it is at the same time supportive, inclusive and diverse. Both elements are critical to our success and one does not work without the other.”

“I think we are pragmatic in our choices,” he continues. “And we are comfortable making the right changes at the right time to ensure we can achieve our long-term ambitions. I hope it also says something about the clarity of the long-term ambition of the club. Those who join understand the objectives both on the pitch, as well as the wider positive role the club plays in the community.”

Twenty years ago, Abramovich was one of tens-of-thousands of fans sitting in a stadium somewhere in Europe, realizing how great it felt to simply be watching a football match. Two years later, in London, he was becoming owner of Chelsea because of the opportunity it provided for fusing that “love” of “following the successes and the ups and downs” of football with his guideposts of innovation and investment. That contribution had an immediate impact on the club, its sport, its business, and its communities. Abramovich has kept it up—and is committed to keep it going.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Despite all the shenanigans he is still a good owner. 

I'm amazed how he let himself get into this, but despite that he did good in realizing his mistake. 

Now I don't know how things will change because it seems the government will do some reviews and all that good stuff. How that affects ownership, we shall see. 

But Roman is still a good owner and I want him to continue. 

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I would like Roman or Bruce to issue a John Henry style mia culpa but, other than that, Roman is so far in credit with fans of this club that I can't believe he will suffer any permanent damage from this. He certainly won't with me.

Edited by OhForAGreavsie
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


You know what did not happen? We have made sure that we have never gone two consecutive seasons trophyless under Roman! This was tight but still managed to win a trophy. And on top of that, the most important of them all.

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8 minutes ago, Milan said:


You know what did not happen? We have made sure that we have never gone two consecutive seasons trophyless under Roman! This was tight but still managed to win a trophy. And on top of that, the most important of them all.

lol, ask all the other EPL teams if they wished they could say that (other than Citeh, and their streak is far newer)

we have the most trophies of any English club since 2003 as well

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3 minutes ago, Vesper said:

lol, ask all the other EPL teams if they wished they could say that (other than Citeh, and their streak is far newer)

we have the most trophies of any English club since 2003 as well

The others, notably Arsenal, United and Spurs fans, would wish they have an owner like Roman. 

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