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The Western infatuation with trying to "fix" the Middle East is certainly something I can't blame you for being fed up over. All I see is "intervention" this, WMD-that..

It's gotten so bad recently with the events in Syria, I was not exaggerating, that is literally all you hear walking down the streets: Politics. It's because all the parties in Lebanon are involved there, atm. It's basically a Lebanese civil war going on in some parts of Syria at times. The effects here is a lot of killings and kidnappings due to political reasons. Not to mention that the areas near the Syrian border are being bombed on a daily basis plus the ongoing battles in Tripoli. It would take days to fully explain what is happening but practically we currently have war here in Lebanon.

The west, namely the US, have made huge mistakes by funding and arming the muslim extremists and are now starting to regret but only after it is too late. They've become too powerful and could actually win the war in Syria. That's why the US agreed with Russia a couple of weeks ago that the priority right now is to get rid of those extremist. Of course that involves killing thousands of innocent people, destroying whole cities, not to mention the economy of the entire region and countless other problems. But who cares as long as it's not happening on their land, right?

Sorry, that turned out more like another rant than an explanation of what's going on..

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Soooo fed up with politics. It is literally everywhere I look and everyone I talk to they're all talking politics all the time. What's sad is that politics in the area are completely out of the hands of not just the people but even the leaders of Lebanon. All they do is make it worse. Want to a 'solution' for the middle east? The only solution is kill every one who lives here, me included, and get new people to come and live here.


No solution for the middle-east problem my friend . <_<

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Unfortunately those of us on the outside rarely see what you see so thank you for sharing. Our governments our very good at hiding their agendas, it is amazing how often it comes back to bite them in the arse!

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The UN report today that accounted deaths in Syria since the start of the war till April has exceeded 93000 people. The actual number is probably 5 times that with all the massacres and group burials. Such a frightening thought...

@Choulo Unfortunately those of us on the outside rarely see what you see so thank you for sharing. Our governments our very good at hiding their agendas, it is amazing how often it comes back to bite them in the arse! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

I sometimes keep up to date with internal US politics, and I was surprised last month with the outrage about the Benghazi attack 'scandal' because the much bigger 'scandal' is that the terrorists behind the attack on the US embassy, called "Jabhat Al Nosra", are the people that were armed and funded by by the US (technically funded by KSA and Qatar but by US orders) during the 'revolution' in Lybia and are being funded and armed in Syria right now. It is not exactly a secret; very much common knowledge here.

But the reason that this kind of information does not reach the average American is that both Democrats and Republicans don't want it to. They agree completely on foreign policy, at least in essence. That's the main down side of the two party political system you have. While on the other hand the scandal about the president knowing that the attacks were planned terrorist ones benefits the Republicans and therefore someone reveals it.

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The UN report today that accounted deaths in Syria since the start of the war till April has exceeded 93000 people. The actual number is probably 5 times that with all the massacres and group burials. Such a frightening thought...

@Choulo Unfortunately those of us on the outside rarely see what you see so thank you for sharing. Our governments our very good at hiding their agendas, it is amazing how often it comes back to bite them in the arse! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

I sometimes keep up to date with internal US politics, and I was surprised last month with the outrage about the Benghazi attack 'scandal' because the much bigger 'scandal' is that the terrorists behind the attack on the US embassy, called "Jabhat Al Nosra", are the people that were armed and funded by by the US (technically funded by KSA and Qatar but by US orders) during the 'revolution' in Lybia and are being funded and armed in Syria right now. It is not exactly a secret; very much common knowledge here.

But the reason that this kind of information does not reach the average American is that both Democrats and Republicans don't want it to. They agree completely on foreign policy, at least in essence. That's the main down side of the two party political system you have. While on the other hand the scandal about the president knowing that the attacks were planned terrorist ones benefits the Republicans and therefore someone reveals it.

The death toll in Syria is frightening and so horribly sad. :(

I very rarely go to US sources for my news because of the amount that gets hidden from the public. Of course when you talk about it they say you are on a witch hunt, you are unpatriotic, sympathize with the enemy...etc.

I hate politics because I grew up in a house where there was only one correct party and my dad is rabid in his convictions about politics. I tried to get him to see the pitfalls of "Obamacare" and Obama in general and he wouldn't even hear my reasons. Told me that I was not informed enough! He also said the same thing to me when I tried discussing the Middle East and the fact I believed we should stay the hell out of the politics there (this was as far back as the late 80's early 90's). He was supportive of the US foreign policies and all I could see was it getting us into unsinkable situations in countries that did not want our interference.

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This is sensational and unbelievable if there is even a shred of truth in it. The entire SEAL team that nailed Osama Bin Laden die under mysterious circumstances. Uncle Sam, at least pretend to be respectable!


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Brazil Burning !

‘The unrest escalated during the night as a large crowd set several fires outside the legislative assembly, smashed the building’s windows and daubed graffiti on the walls proclaiming “Revolution”, “Down with Paes, down with Cabral [the mayor and state governor]” and “Hate police”.’

The same combination of corruption, violent police, poor services, low wages, inequality….snail’s pace of reform applies to countries from Africa, South America, Asia………with the tool of social media who knows what the limits are?

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Brazil Burning !

That is so untrue!

People burned one single car in one single city (Rio de Janeiro) and all of a sudden Brazil is burning.

In Sao Paulo, where it all started and where things got seriously dangerous on Thursday, more than 100 thousand people walked peacefully for 5 hours throughout the city!!!

I dont know how old you are, but many saying what is happening in Brazil is very similar to the 1968 French student protests...

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That is so untrue!

People burned one single car in one single city (Rio de Janeiro) and all of a sudden Brazil is burning.

In Sao Paulo, where it all started and where things got seriously dangerous on Thursday, more than 100 thousand people walked peacefully for 5 hours throughout the city!!!

I dont know how old you are, but many saying what is happening in Brazil is very similar to the 1968 French student protests...

:D I said that for effect journo style

200 000 peeps protesting, and looks like a few things on fire -do you think social media plays a big part in it spreading ?


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:D I said that for effect journo style

200 000 peeps protesting, and looks like a few things on fire -do you think social media plays a big part in it spreading ?


Facebook and Twitter are basically the main reason many people got involved, there is no doubt about it...

Also, the vast majority of the manifestants are middle to upper class university students. Which is very nice to see we are not alienated to what most workers have to go through everyday to make ends meet even though we live in super cool houses, drive expensive cars and travel to Europe and USA!

My best ever post on TalkChelsea: http://forum.talkchelsea.net/topic/7709-the-pub-discuss-anything/?p=702452

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Facebook and Twitter are basically the main reason many people got involved, there is no doubt about it...

Also, the vast majority of the manifestants are middle to upper class university students. Which is very nice to see we are not alienated to what most workers have to go through everyday to make ends meet even though we live in super cool houses, drive expensive cars and travel to Europe and USA!

My best ever post on TalkChelsea: http://forum.talkchelsea.net/topic/7709-the-pub-discuss-anything/?p=702452

ok so its not the favelas uprising ? hopefully they will soon and their will be more equality !!

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ok so its not the favelas uprising ? hopefully they will soon and their will be more equality !!

At first it isnt, basically because people with a higher level of education tend to be more politically engaged, but they are joining us and it will be utterly important to our cause!

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At first it isnt, basically because people with a higher level of education tend to be more politically engaged, but they are joining us and it will be utterly important to our cause!

Excellent. I wish Britain would be more like Turkey, Brazil and have some balls . Most people here are atomised and individualised and take whatever crumbs are thrown

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Excellent. I wish Britain would be more like Turkey, Brazil and have some balls . Most people here are atomised and individualised and take whatever crumbs are thrown

People aren't/weren't so different in Brazil, but there is a level mobolization never seen in decades and nobody could haven forseen it a couple of weeks ago...

I think it is a once in a lifetime opportunity that we have to try to change something. There are many radical people thinking we can do wonders, but since I am more down to earth, if we can make the government invest a decent amount of money in health, security and education (ala South Korea), I will leave the protests with mission accomplished.

There is a huge level of positivism around here, it is fantastic that the population are more worried about their rights than about the shit Confederations Cup! :)

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That is so untrue!

People burned one single car in one single city (Rio de Janeiro) and all of a sudden Brazil is burning.

In Sao Paulo, where it all started and where things got seriously dangerous on Thursday, more than 100 thousand people walked peacefully for 5 hours throughout the city!!!

I dont know how old you are, but many saying what is happening in Brazil is very similar to the 1968 French student protests...

Well i admire the situation. This is nothing like the soixante huitards in Europe. That was a pure worldwide revolution. It roamed the globe, effected all! This is a start though!!

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Well i admire the situation. This is nothing like the soixante huitards in Europe. That was a pure worldwide revolution. It roamed the globe, effected all! This is a start though!!

I agree and that is why I said it looks like the first protests in France and not generally the 1968 ones! ;)

It started with University Students and with extreme police violence and power abuse. Then, the majority of the population backed up their cause and came to the streets with banners and songs of order. Lastly, it spreaded to what we know (11mi people on the streets, with strikes everywhere)..

Sounds familiar?

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Thats why I said it looks like the first protests in France and not generally the 1968 ones! ;)

It started with University Students and with extreme police violence and power abuse. Then, the majority of the population backed up their cause and came to the streets with banners and songs of order. Lastly it spreaded to what we know (11mi people on the streets, with strikes everywhere)..

Sounds familiar?

No more likes ... But I like!

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