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The European Leagues & Competitions Thread V2


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...and a motivated team managed by a manager we sacked and a squad with much less talent than we have is effortlessly spanking much better opposition than we played.


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As expected, Inter got thrashed by Spurs. A pale shadow of the team 2-3 years ago and one is that desperately lacking in quality right now.

And there were 8 Europa League games tonight, 10 teams kept a clean sheet. Two games ended 0-0.

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Watching the yids tear into Inter -enthusiastic, full of energy, countless runs off the ball, players sprinting in the box when they get possession. They ripped Inter a new arsehole which AVB will take great delight in doing when they play us if things dont change

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Collina agrees with the red card for Manchester's Nani

The worst decision from the Turk, according to Collina, was his failure to send off Rio Ferdinand at the end of the match.



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