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I would have suppported him all the way.

Its clear that there is a core of about 6-8 players who feel they are the club and untouchable. We will never move forward and get a new identity when they are still in the team. But how can you break it up when they have good contact with the owner.

Yet I laughed my ass off that FB. The guy who claims any news article that even mentions the prospect of player power is part of some evil anti-Chelsea media conspiracy to tarnish the club, is posting this as truth. Laughable.

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Its not neccesarily true -but the Guardian is probably the last rag to make stuff up.

A sweeping kneejerk clear out would have been awful -nearly all on this forum wanted Kalou out a year ago.

Transition should be smooth, not wholesale eradication because players are 30 + or to fulfil some Fantasy Football transfer wet dream of internet warriors. There are virtues for both. its called continuity planning.

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you have put your finger on the damn problem around here.the rebuilding of the team from the core which won the back to back premships in 2006 was painstakingly slow

2006-07 may have been too early...particularly after v won the league.

then in 2007-08, we signed shevchencko, ballack and such flops but d core was still quite good...v reached the champions league final and were a penalty kick from winnin it.

2008 - grant and ten cate are packed off , steve clarke left and big phil is brought in. we bought bosingwa, deco and mineiro...6 months later,big phil is shunted sideways but not before he manages to get ricardo quaresma on loan.then hiddink came, and v stabilised for a while but he did not stay either.

next up was ance.signed zhirkov, matic, sturridge (rarely used) but even after we won the league there was rebuilding to be done

we released jcole, ballack, deco, belletti, carvalho and brought in ramires ...so v let go off 5 squad players and bought in ramires (and to be fair to ance - benayoun too- but he spent more time in the treatment table than anyone except owen hargreaves)

that is where the root of the problem lies (apart from sacking mourinho) . . . Chelsea Football Club, please look up the word "REBUILDING" . I am sure it doesn't mean the same in my dictionary

Good post. But if you continue posting in that font size I may be forced to absolutely go berserk and ban you.

Haha not really, but its really off-putting ;)

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Its not neccesarily true -but the Guardian is probably the last rag to make stuff up.

A sweeping kneejerk clear out would have been awful -nearly all on this forum wanted Kalou out a year ago.

Transition should be smooth, not wholesale eradication because players are 30 + or to fulfil some Fantasy Football transfer wet dream of internet warriors. There are virtues for both. its called continuity planning.

IMO honest opinion there is way to much emphasis on the idea of experience , it should be seen as a helpful tool, not a necessity. And its clear that there are 6-8 players who have become a cancer on the club, and its growing. You don't let some cancer cells grow and grow while you take your time, you try and get rid of it as quickly as possible. Otherwise it kills you and this is what is exactly is happening at the club. We are just letting it grow and grow.

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Baring in mind that they earn over £100,000 a week still, and that I will still be supporting this club while they have all fucked off to China earning double of what they earn. I can say what the fuck I want about them. And I'm sorry, thats the only way I can describe it. They have become too destructive and the only way to get rid of the problem is to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

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Yeah, just dump the man who was one of the world's best goalkeepers. I liked AVB sometimes, but at others he made himself look like such an idiot.

His ability has nothing to do with it. He's one of the players with power, as evidenced by his involvement in the sacking of Scolari; thats the reason Villas-Boas wanted him out.

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Good post. But if you continue posting in that font size I may be forced to absolutely go berserk and ban you.

Haha not really, but its really off-putting ;)

sorry for the inconvenience, mate...reducing...

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AVB tried too hard to establish himself as a strong and respectable manager.He dug his own grave by not communicating with his senior players and maybe was a little too cocky because he had the backing of the owner.Chelsea is definitely not an easy club to manage and it was sad to see AVB make life more harder by choosing to make the decisions he made.The idea of Chelsea playing 'beautiful' football and youth prospects emerging under him was quite promising but I guess he focused too much on the future and gave little importance to the present.He should have spoken more with his players but chose to go the autocratic way.He should have known better that an autocratic style doesn't really work at this club and in the end its fair to say that he only has himself to blame for the sacking.

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